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Fire Safety Management. The Main Elements in HSG65 Organising Planning and Implementing Measuring Performance Policy Reviewing Performance Auditing.

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Presentation on theme: "Fire Safety Management. The Main Elements in HSG65 Organising Planning and Implementing Measuring Performance Policy Reviewing Performance Auditing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fire Safety Management

2 The Main Elements in HSG65 Organising Planning and Implementing Measuring Performance Policy Reviewing Performance Auditing

3 Policy Corporate and Local Demonstrates commitment of the organisation Commitment from board throughout the organisation

4 Organising A Responsible Person and Sufficient Assistance Co-operation and Co-ordination between them Record arrangements –If employs five or more –If a licence under and enactment is in force in relation to premises –If an alterations notice is in force to the premises Infrastructure –People –Structure –Processes To comply with Policy and Principles and Fire Safety Management Document

5 Planning and Implementing Action Plans Developed as a result of:- –Risk profiling/assessment –Training –Audits –Inspections To Include: –Risk, Harm, Controls, risk Rating, Further Controls, Responsible Person, Timescales, Cost of Non-Compliance

6 Monitoring and Review Specialist Group Report to - How Often - Process - How are the board informed of fire safety risks and how do they equate them to other risks ? Review frequently (not just annually) –Did you achieve targets –If so can we set improvements for coming year –These reviews will feed the process for performance improvement through policy or organisational change

7 Measuring Performance Performance Indicators (SMART) –Incidents –Unwanted fire signals –Training –Risk assessments –Plans and projects –Fire drills –Maintenance –Inspections –Audits

8 Auditing Audit Managerial Responsibilities –Trained –Emergency plans tested –Policy up to date –Action plans being progressed The audit should feed the process for completion

9 Post Fire Management Recording Incidents Statutory –RIDDOR –Implied requirement RRFSO Article 11 –Evidence in-case of legal proceedings –RP must comply with request of fire service Non-Statutory –Report enables investigation –Investigation identifies flaws –Analysis may identify trends

10 Procedures For Reporting Internal Recording –Accident books, Fire Log Book, Occurrence Book External Recording RIDDOR –Death and serious injury Dangerous Occurrences –Explosion, collapse or bursting of any closed vessel or pipe work –Electrical short circuit or overload causing fire or explosion –Road tanker with dangerous substances overturns and released or is involved in fire –Fire or explosion causing suspension of work for over 24hrs –Sudden uncontrolled release in a building of 100kg or more of flammable liquid: 10kg of flammable liquid above boiling point: 10kg or more of flammable gas or of 500kg of these substances of the release is in open air

11 Fire Investigation Purpose Basic fire related investigation procedures –Non-fatal fires –Accidental fire investigations –Arson investigations –Preserving the fire scene –Liaison –Identify immediate and underlying cause –Remedial actions

12 Site and Damaged Area Clean Up Considerations Structure Environment Equipment Exposed services Substances Sensitive information

13 Fire Procedures Finding a fire The fire alarm Hearing the fire alarm Main escape routes Fire exits Location of assembly points Action at assembly points Authorised re-entry into the building


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