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Early Hearing Detection and Intervension Workflow Definition (EHDI-WD)

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Presentation on theme: "Early Hearing Detection and Intervension Workflow Definition (EHDI-WD)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Early Hearing Detection and Intervension Workflow Definition (EHDI-WD)

2 Content Creator Content Updater Content Consumer Share

3 XDS Source XDS Registry Facade Secure XDS XDS Repository XDS Consumer XDS Registry BPPC Document Enforces the BPPC constraints by shielding the actual XDS Registry Same web service functionality as the XDS Registry Connects to XDS Sources, Consumers and Repository Not a registry-implementation, but a front-end around the actual XDS Registry No data are stored in the XDS Registry Facade Vince – how do we handle the concent document requirements?

4 Document Source Document Repository Document Registry Document Consumer 1 – Register document 2 – Query Document Set 3 – Retrieve Document Set

5 Early Hearing Detection and Intervention - Workflow Definition (EHDI-WD) Create Hearing Plan of Care Hearing Plan of Care Conduct Hearing Screening Update Hearing Plan of Care NHS Outcome Report| Care Summary Hearing Plan of Care Input documentsOutput documents Tasks (optionality) Discharge Newborn Care Summary Hearing Plan of Care | Standing Order NHS Results NHS Outcome Report NHS Order Request & NHS Consent

6 Care Summary Generator Order Placer Screening Requester Plan of Care Manager Birth Discharge Create HPofC HPofC | Std Order NHS Request NHS Outcome Report Update HPofC Care Summary Update HPofC After processing a NHS Result document, the Screening Requester decides (based on local jurisdictional rules and other considerations,) if the baby should be screened again or not) Note: for an XDW workflow, the arrows represent a sharing through XDS* NHS Consent NHS Result NHS Request NHS Result Receive Care Summary


8 Rescreen Newborn

9 Input documentsOutput documents Tasks NHS Order Request Request Study Schedule Study Perform Study Study Order Study Appointment Study Result Complete Study Study Result NHS Results XDW profile: BSR-WD (Basic Study Request) Study: is used to generally describe a test performed EHDI-WD: Conduct Hearing Screening Task Workflow Conduct Hearing Screening Hearing Plan of Care | Standing Order NHS Outcome Report

10 Order Placer Order Filler Screening Device Screening Requester NHS Request NHS Order NHS Sched NHS Result message NHS Result w/ Order id NHS Result Note: for an XDW workflow, the arrows represent a sharing through XDS*

11 XTB-WD Document Request TBR XTB-WD workflow steps Request TBR Schedule TBR PrepareTBR TBR Meeting Finalize TBR Create Workflow Document XTB-WD Document Schedule TBR Header/status update Input: Request Document Output: Decision Note Request TBR Header/status update Input: Clinical Documents Output: Request Document Consume Workflow Document XTB-WD Document Prepare TBR Header/status update Input: Decision Note Output: Extra Documents Request TBR Schedule TBR XTB-WD Document TBR meeting Header/status update Input: (All documents) Output: TBR Report Request TBR Schedule TBR Prepare TBR XTB-WD Document Finalize TBR Header/status update Input: TBR Report Output: validated TBR Report Request TBR Schedule TBR Prepare TBR TBR meeting Update Workflow Document

12 XTB-WD Document Request TBR EHDI-WD workflow steps Create Hearing Plan of Care Conduct Hearing Screening Discharge Newborn Generate QM Report Update Hearing Plan of Care Create EHDI-WD XTB-WD Document Schedule TBR Header/status update Input: Request Document Output: Decision Note Request TBR Header/status update Input: Clinical Documents Output: Request Document Consume NHS Order Request& NHS Consent Create Output Document(s) Consume Output Document(s) Consume Workflow Document XTB-WD Document Prepare TBR Header/status update Input: Decision Note Output: Extra Documents Request TBR Schedule TBR XTB-WD Document TBR meeting Header/status update Input: (All documents) Output: TBR Report Request TBR Schedule TBR Prepare TBR XTB-WD Document Finalize TBR Header/status update Input: TBR Report Output: validated TBR Report Request TBR Schedule TBR Prepare TBR TBR meeting Update EHDI-WD Update Workflow Document Update WD Create NHS Outcome Report Create BSR-WD

13 EHDI-WD workflow steps Reconcile Care Plan Consume Workflow Document XTB-WD Document Finalize TBR Header/status update Input: TBR Report Output: validated TBR Report Request TBR Schedule TBR Prepare TBR TBR meeting Update Workflow Document

14 Request TBR COMPLETED TBR is requested TBR meeting Schedule TBR COMPLETED TBR is scheduled Prepare TBR IN PROGRESS TBR is prepared COMPLETED TBR meeting COMPLETED TBR meeting is held TBR meeting Finalize TBR COMPLETED TBR report is finalized

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