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1 Office of Legacy Management FY 2007 Budget U.S. Department of Energy February 6, 2006.

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1 1 Office of Legacy Management FY 2007 Budget U.S. Department of Energy February 6, 2006

2 2 Legacy Management Mission and Goals To manage the Department’s post closure responsibilities and ensure the future protection of human health and the environment Protect human health and the environment through effective and efficient long-term surveillance and maintenance Preserve, protect, and make accessible legacy records and information Support an effective and efficient work force structured to accomplish Departmental missions and assure contractor worker pension and post-retirement benefits Manage legacy land and assets, emphasizing protective real and personal property reuse and dispostion

3 3 Comparison of Funding FY2006 FY2007 $77.8M $201.0M

4 4 FY 2007 Significant Changes Major site transfers that increase the magnitude of the long-term surveillance and maintenance, pension and benefit continuity, and records management activities - Rocky Flats - Fernald - Nevada Offsites (8 locations in 5 states) - Additional sites (UMTRCA and FUSRAP) Legacy Management is pursuing certification as a high performance organization and has reduced our request for federal staff by $2.1 million or approximately 15 percent Management of the Massie Chairs of Excellence Program will be transferred to NNSA and the Strategic Materials Program will be transferred to the Office of Management

5 5 LM’s Baseline will increase substantially with the transfer of scope from EM 777973 176 77 121 173 74 114 163 7679 106110 157162 128 201 198188 182 189 * Dollars in millions *

6 6 FY 2007 Highlights By the end of FY 2007, LM will: Be conducting LTS&M at 94 sites (including Rocky Flats and Fernald) and will be preparing to transfer Mound and other minor sites in FY 2008 Manage approximately 140,000 cubic feet of physical records and 8 terabytes of information Oversee the funding of pension plans and post- retirement benefits for more than 10,000 former contractor employees Manage more than 20,000 acres of federal property and complete the transfer of three properties for non-federal, beneficial reuse

7 7 Sites in LM by the end of FY 2011

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