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© Dialogos Speech Communications S.A. 2 nd Workshop for the Internationalization of SSML Dialogos's Position.

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Presentation on theme: "© Dialogos Speech Communications S.A. 2 nd Workshop for the Internationalization of SSML Dialogos's Position."— Presentation transcript:

1 © Dialogos Speech Communications S.A. 2 nd Workshop for the Internationalization of SSML Dialogos's Position

2 © Dialogos Speech Communications S.A. Motivation  Greek is a heavily inflected language nouns adjectives verbs  Several inflection-related Attributes Case Gender Number (and we are not even thinking about verbs)  How does inflection word Inflection attributes are shared between certain elements in the same context Elements might not be neighboring  Goal Let's try to cover the most common case Neighboring elements

3 © Dialogos Speech Communications S.A. Section 1 Inflection definition in

4 © Dialogos Speech Communications S.A. Inflection Definition The 'inflection' attribute in  Provide hints to the synthesis processor how should the element be expanded? which inflected version should be used? we could also use the element suggested previously inflection="? ? ? " where:  :[‘nominative’, ’accusative’, ’dative’, ’genitive’, ’vocative’]  :[‘masculine’, ’feminine’, ’neuter’]  :[‘plural’, ’singular’] 3 Output: τρεις 3 Output: τρία

5 © Dialogos Speech Communications S.A. Section 2 Context sensitive expansions

6 © Dialogos Speech Communications S.A. Context-Sensitive Substitutions The element  We need to perform context-sensitive substitutions a single token might have different substitutions inflection-related specifier token ? ? ?”> expansion1 ? ? ”> expansion2

7 © Dialogos Speech Communications S.A. Context-Sensitive Substitutions Example: use κ. κιλά κιλών Input: 3 κ. Output: τριών κιλών (three kilos)

8 © Dialogos Speech Communications S.A. Section 3 Additional interpretations

9 © Dialogos Speech Communications S.A. Discussion  Issue defines the input there is no template for describing the way the token should be rendered new major SSML version should address issue  attributes details: NMTOKEN -> CDATA? details="blah?param1=xxx&" format: NMTOKEN  Two small changes to existing without any modification use 'details' in interpret-as="date" use 'format' in interpret-as="phone"

10 © Dialogos Speech Communications S.A. ' format' in interpret-as="phone" format="n+" Input: (210) 555-2121 Output: four digit groups: '210', '55', '52', '121'

11 © Dialogos Speech Communications S.A. ' details' in interpret-as="date" 2006-04-03 Output: τρεις απριλίου δύο χιλιάδες έξι 2006-04-03 Output: τρεις τετάρτου δύο χιλιάδες έξι 2006-04-03 Output: απρίλιος δύο χιλιάδες έξι

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