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There is no indefinite article in Arabic, but the presence of nunation at the end of a noun indicated indefiniteness. بيتٌ جميلٌ ، البيت جميلٌ Adjectives.

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Presentation on theme: "There is no indefinite article in Arabic, but the presence of nunation at the end of a noun indicated indefiniteness. بيتٌ جميلٌ ، البيت جميلٌ Adjectives."— Presentation transcript:


2 There is no indefinite article in Arabic, but the presence of nunation at the end of a noun indicated indefiniteness. بيتٌ جميلٌ ، البيت جميلٌ Adjectives are placed after the nouns they qualify in the Arabic language. The adjective resembles the noun it modifies with regards to definiteness and indefiniteness among other things, such as number and gender.  هذا رجلٌ كريمٌ  الرجل الكريم يسارع إلى فعل الخير  رأيت امرأتين كريمتين

3 When two or more adjectives modify the same noun it is not necessary to put "and" between them. الكتاب المفيد الممتع له قراء كثيرون. However, if the two adjectives form the predicate of a nominal sentence, "and" is often inserted between them. الحديقة جميلة وفسيحة البرتقال حلو حامض → special cases The definite article in Arabic is al alta'reef ال التعريف. When the definite article is attached to a noun in Arabic, nunation is removed.

4 The hamza in the definite article is hamzat wasl. This disappears when it follows another word. للقمر → القمر والقمر In pronunciation, the sound l immediately follows the final sound in the preceding word. When the definite article is attached to a noun that begins with certain letters called sun-letters الحروف الشمسية, the l of the definite article changes into the initial letter of the word. These letters are: ت - ث - د - ذ - ر - ز - س - ش - ص - ض - ط - ظ - ل - ن

5  The singular personal pronouns in Arabic are:  أنا → I  أنتَ → you (masculine)  أنتِ → you (feminine)  هو → he/it  هي → she/it  The pronouns for he and she هو / هي in Arabic are both used to refer to things (i.e., it) since there is no neuter in Arabic.

6 1. There are only two genders in Arabic, masculine and feminine. There is no neuter in Arabic. 2. There is no special sign for the masculine. Words are assumed to be masculine unless they belong to one of the following categories: a. Words that are feminine by virtue of their meaning: امرأة، حمامة، ناقة b. Words that are feminine by form, that is they end in ta' marboota. Words ending in ta' marboota are assumed to be feminine, unless known to be otherwise. ورقة، صحيفة

7 c. Words feminine by convention:  Geographical names: الشام ، مصر، بغداد  Parts of the body: عين ، يد، أذن، ساق ، ذراع، سن ، كتف  Some nouns are feminine for no apparent reason: نار ، دار ، شمس 3. Adjectives must agree with the nouns they modify in gender.

8  A noun is the name of a person, a place, or a thing.  Types of Nouns:  1. Proper Nouns: A noun that refers to a particular person, place, or thing. A proper noun is capitalized. For example: Riyadh, Bill Clinton, the Holy Mosque.  2. Common Nouns: A noun that belongs to all members of a group or a class of objects. For example, car, library, man, bird.  3. Collective Noun: A name applied to a group as a unit. For example, family, herd, furniture.  4. Concrete Noun: A noun that names an object that can be perceived by the senses, for example, apple, noise.  5. Abstract Noun: A noun that names something that cannot be perceived by the senses. It names a quality or state of the object, for example, wisdom, truth, age, beauty.

9  Questions are introduced using one of two particles: هل or أ  In speech, these particles are sometimes not used.

10  There are three cases in Arabic, and they are indicated by changing of the vowelling of the final consonant.  The three cases are:  الرفع - the nominative case – it is indicated with a damma  النصب - the accusative- it is indicated with a fatha  الجر - the genitive- it indicated with a kasra

11  Every Arabic preposition takes its following noun in the genetive (i.e., prepositional phrase: الجار والمجرور : حرف الجر والاسم المجرور )

12  When a noun is followed by another noun in the genitive it automatically loses its nunation. يحذف التنوين في المفرد والنون في المثنى والجمع المذكر السالم ركبت قطارًا ركبت قطار الصباح لمعت عينا القطِ.  جاء معلمو المدرسةِ  When the second noun is definite, the first noun is automatically definite.  A noun followed by a genitive must not take the article.

13  Nothing must interpose between the noun and its following genitive ( المضاف والمضاف إليه )  If the noun is to be qualified by an adjective, it must come after the genitive. انتظرني عند باب المدرسة الجديد  It is possible to form the genitive of possession with an indefinite genitive, but in such cases the noun remains indefinite.  هذا كتاب رجل

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