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Unit 2 Practitioner's Work Chi- square1 Unit 2 Practitioner’s Work Johnson’s Conflict-Leadership Style Measure (Proverbs)

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 2 Practitioner's Work Chi- square1 Unit 2 Practitioner’s Work Johnson’s Conflict-Leadership Style Measure (Proverbs)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 2 Practitioner's Work Chi- square1 Unit 2 Practitioner’s Work Johnson’s Conflict-Leadership Style Measure (Proverbs)

2 Unit 2 Practitioner's Work Chi- square2 What is your conflict style and is there a difference between our hypothetical groups?  First, take the measure to determine your leadership style. Access through eCollege Discuss/Post: Practitioner.  Source: Johnson, David W. Reaching Out, Interpersonal Effectiveness and Self Actualization. 2nd ed. New York: Prentice Hall, 1981.

3 Unit 2 Practitioner's Work Chi- square3 Conflict Strategy  The higher the total score for each conflict strategy, the more frequently you tend to use that strategy.  The lower the total score is for each conflict strategy, the less frequently you tend to use that strategy.

4 Unit 2 Practitioner's Work Chi- square4 Hypothetical Study  Imagine a study was conducted to determine the leadership styles of communication and leadership majors versus business majors.  Research question: “Are there differences in the conflict-leadership styles of between communication and leadership majors and business majors?" Operational definition for our hypothetical study. "Conflict-leadership style is the primary style of the individual as measured by the Proverb Conflict- Leadership Style Inventory (Johnson, 1981).“

5 Unit 2 Practitioner's Work Chi- square5 An example experimental study.  We could give a pretest, a treatment--say taking a communication and leadership course--and a post-test.  We could measure changes caused by the treatment.

6 Unit 2 Practitioner's Work Chi- square6 Chi-square  We would use a Chi-square because it is nominal data.  When using Chi-square, you'll typically want at least 20 people or items per cell for accurate results.

7 Unit 2 Practitioner's Work Chi- square7 Imagine the hypothetical results looked like this information. Group by Major Withdrawing (the Turtle) Avoiding Forcing (the Shark) Competing Smoothing (the Teddy Bear) Accommodatin g Compromising ( the Fox) Compromising Confronting (the Owl) Collaborating Group 1 Communication & Leadership Majors 2050 100150 Group 2 Business Majors 201801003040

8 Unit 2 Practitioner's Work Chi- square8 Enter the data and calculate.  CALCULATE in an online calculator, SPSS, EXCEL, or other program.  Enter the data and calculate.  Is there a difference between the two groups (Communication & Leadership Majors and Business Majors?

9 Unit 2 Practitioner's Work Chi- square9 Enter the data. In this case, a free online Chi-square calculator was used.

10 Unit 2 Practitioner's Work Chi- square10 When you enter the data and calculate, here is the result:

11 Unit 2 Practitioner's Work Chi- square11 Chi-square table.  "The number of degrees of freedom associated with a contingency table consisting of r rows and c columns is (r-1) (c-1)...  In order to test the null hypothesis, we compare the test statistic with the critical value Chi-square at the probability level we want to use. Let us use.05.“  prc/section4/prc45.htm prc/section4/prc45.htm

12 Unit 2 Practitioner's Work Chi- square12 Using the Table  Go to a Chi-Square table in any statistics textbook or online, and you can see whether or not there is a significant difference.  In this case, when you check the table, the results are higher than needed for a.05 level of confidence or a.001 level of confidence.

13 Unit 2 Practitioner's Work Chi- square13

14 Unit 2 Practitioner's Work Chi- square14  If you look at the degrees of freedom at the left (select 4 for this example remember) and go across to.05 level, the Chi-square needs to be higher than 9.488.  The data yield a Chi-square much higher than needed to suggest there is a significant difference between the two majors.

15 Unit 2 Practitioner's Work Chi- square15 Interpretation  We can be confident that these results did not happen by chance.  The results cannot "prove" anything, but "suggest" or "support."  We interpret that in this hypothetical study, communication and leadership majors are more likely to use a collaboration style and business majors are more likely to use a competitive style.

16 Unit 2 Practitioner's Work Chi- square16  "The data suggest a difference between the conflict-leadership styles of communication and leadership majors and business majors."

17 Unit 2 Practitioner's Work Chi- square17 Null hypothesis.  If the hypothesis is H0: There is no significant difference between the conflict-leadership style of communication and leadership majors and business majors, we reject the null hypothesis.  Explanation about null hypothesis: eps/glossary/hypothesis_testing.html

18 Unit 2 Practitioner's Work Chi- square18 Hypothesis:  If our hypothesis is: "There is a significant difference between the conflict-leadership style of communication and leadership majors and business majors,” then the data supports the hypothesis.

19 Unit 2 Practitioner's Work Chi- square19 End You’re making progress up the hill!

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