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Joe Barrow Executive Director, The First Tee. A Program Update for GOLF 20/20.

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Presentation on theme: "Joe Barrow Executive Director, The First Tee. A Program Update for GOLF 20/20."— Presentation transcript:

1 Joe Barrow Executive Director, The First Tee

2 A Program Update for GOLF 20/20


4 Mission To impact the lives of young people by providing learning facilities and educational programs that promote character development and life-enhancing values through the game of golf.

5 The First Tee Honorary Chairman Former President George Bush Founding Partners R

6 Phase II – (January 2001 – December 2005) GOALS Introduce the game of golf and its values to 500,000 young peopleIntroduce the game of golf and its values to 500,000 young people Expand the number of dedicated facilities to 250 (open or in development)Expand the number of dedicated facilities to 250 (open or in development) Establish 500 Affiliate relationships with golf facilities for further access to the game and to The First Tee Life Skills ExperienceEstablish 500 Affiliate relationships with golf facilities for further access to the game and to The First Tee Life Skills Experience


8 Participants As of 9/30/05 2002 2003 200420052001 In thousands Total Participants Cumulative Goal Goal Cumulative TotalTotal Certifying Participants

9 Facilities Opened As of 9/30/05 2002 2003 2004 2005 2001Goal Cumulative Goal Total Facilities Opened Cumulative Total 1998-2000 0 50 100 150 200 250

10 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Affiliate Relationships As of 9/30/05 Goal Cumulative Goal Total Affiliate Relationships Cumulative Total

11 2001 2005 Participants60,000627,000 Participants60,000627,000 Facilities83216 Facilities83216 Affiliates102606 Affiliates102606 Phase II – Achievements As of 9/30/05

12 Snapshot of Information Participant Profile All of 2001-2005 Golf* Male66%75% Female34%25% *National Golf Foundation

13 All of 2001-2005 Golf* Snapshot of Information Ethnicity Statistics Caucasian51%84% African American26%6% Hispanic American10% 5% Asian American5% 4% Other 8% 1% *National Golf Foundation

14 Snapshot of Information Age Statistics 2001-2005 Ages 5 – 820% Ages 9 – 1357% Ages 14 – 18 23%


16 Insert School Video (To Come)


18 2003/20042004/20052005/2006 Students 50,000 150,000 300,000 Schools 130 320 800 Communities 8 25 50 National School Program

19 Economic Impact of The First Tee

20 The First Tee Enterprise - 2005 2004 2004 Estimated capital investment$200M in facilities Estimated value of land made$165M available to The First Tee Estimated consolidated annual$ 55M operating budgets Full-time and part-time staff 1,100 Volunteers 4,400 2005$250M$200M $ 70M 1,575 1,575 6,300 6,300

21 The First Tee Network Report* 2003 Aggregate revenue$16.2M Median revenue$120K Aggregate expenses$15M Median expenses$95K Based on IRS form 990 * Based on IRS form 990 2004Growth $21M 30% $145K 15% $19M 27% $100K 5%

22 Enrolled in The First Tee228,000$1,041$237.3M through 9/30/05 New Golfer Spending – Phase II * National Golf Foundation/GOLF 20/20 50%114,000$1,041$118.7M Non-structured114,000$608$69.3M introduction Projected Projected Average Economic Average Economic Number of Annual Impact Number of Annual Impact Participants Spending* (in millions) Participants Spending* (in millions)

23 Parent PSA Video

24 Phase III – (January 2006 – December 2010) GOALS 4 Million Young People or Bust!

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