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Carin Rubenstein has suggested four possible schedules: Early Birds – 25% Adult life begins at 18, due to early physical development, or to parents’ divorce.

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Presentation on theme: "Carin Rubenstein has suggested four possible schedules: Early Birds – 25% Adult life begins at 18, due to early physical development, or to parents’ divorce."— Presentation transcript:

1 Carin Rubenstein has suggested four possible schedules: Early Birds – 25% Adult life begins at 18, due to early physical development, or to parents’ divorce and mother’s reliance on daughter. On-Timers – 10% Adult life begins at ages 19-21. Had low high school grades, terminated schooling after high school, and went to work. Procrastinators – 50% Adult life begins around age 25 or 26. Described as “taking their time, waiting for the alarm on their psychological clock.” Superprocastinators – 15% Adult life begins in one’s 30s. Until this, individuals feel free to act like a child, and have no idea what makes one an adult. Rubenstein suggests we are in a time of chronological chaos, in which age is irrelevant and there is no rigid timing of the transformation into adulthood. Carin Rubenstein has suggested four possible schedules: Early Birds – 25% Adult life begins at 18, due to early physical development, or to parents’ divorce and mother’s reliance on daughter. On-Timers – 10% Adult life begins at ages 19-21. Had low high school grades, terminated schooling after high school, and went to work. Procrastinators – 50% Adult life begins around age 25 or 26. Described as “taking their time, waiting for the alarm on their psychological clock.” Superprocastinators – 15% Adult life begins in one’s 30s. Until this, individuals feel free to act like a child, and have no idea what makes one an adult. Rubenstein suggests we are in a time of chronological chaos, in which age is irrelevant and there is no rigid timing of the transformation into adulthood. When Does Adulthood Begin? Source: Carin Rubenstein (1991), “The New Adulthood,” Glamour Magazine

2 Average Declines in Major Biological Systems Nerve conduction speed Kidney function Cardiovascular function Muscle strength Useful lung volume Maximum breathing capacity 20406080 100 80 60 40 20 0 Percent of Maximum Function Age Source: Rybash et al. (1995).

3 Male Deaths per 100,000 People Annual Rate of Violent Death of American Adults, Ages 20-29 Suicide Homicide Accidents Total 6 7 19 32 Female Deaths per 100,000 People 26 29 80 135

4 Behaviors That Affect Lifelong Health Low-fat, high-fiber diet Regular aerobic exercise Weight near realistic ideal level Health BehaviorsHealth-Compromising Behaviors Smoking Drug abuse Alcohol abuse Unsafe sex

5 Don’t use sunscreen71% Don’t eat fruits, vegetables59% Don’t see dentist regularly39% Don’t attempt to control stress35% Don’s always wear seat belt34% Are overweight29% No leisure physical activity29% Smoke cigarettes22% Less than 6 hours sleep per night20% 60 or more drinks per month 3% Don’t use sunscreen71% Don’t eat fruits, vegetables59% Don’t see dentist regularly39% Don’t attempt to control stress35% Don’s always wear seat belt34% Are overweight29% No leisure physical activity29% Smoke cigarettes22% Less than 6 hours sleep per night20% 60 or more drinks per month 3% Percentages of U.S. Adults Who Engage in Risky Behaviors

6 Fig13_2 AlarmExhaustionResistance Level of normal resistance Stressor The General Adaptation Syndrome

7 Stressors Life events to which we must adjust: marriage, parenthood, job changes, moves Trauma: War, floods, fire, rape Conflicts: Making difficult choices Occupational Pressures: Especially police and firefighters, air traffic controllers Social Isolation: Loss of friends and/or family Unhealthy Lifestyle: Poor nutrition, smoking, sedentary activity level, drugs, lack of hobbies or outlets Life events to which we must adjust: marriage, parenthood, job changes, moves Trauma: War, floods, fire, rape Conflicts: Making difficult choices Occupational Pressures: Especially police and firefighters, air traffic controllers Social Isolation: Loss of friends and/or family Unhealthy Lifestyle: Poor nutrition, smoking, sedentary activity level, drugs, lack of hobbies or outlets

8 Genetic factors Vulnerability Disorder (e.g. schizophrenia) PrecursorsDiathesisStressOutcome Brain disease Early learning experiences Bad family dynamics Poor self- understanding Stressful family dynamics Social stresses

9 Piaget's Stages of Cognitive Development in Childhood Sensorimotor Preoperational Concrete operations Formal operations Proposed Fifth Stages of Adult Cognitive Development Arlin Basseches Commons & Richards Labouvie-Vief THEORIES OF ADULT COGNITION Problem finding Dialectical postformal thought Metasystematic operations Intrasystemic thought (formal operationl thought) Intersystemic thought (fifth stage) Autonomous thought (sixth stage)

10 ACQUISITIVEACHIEVING EXECUTIVE RESPONSIBLE REINTEGRATIVE Tasks: Build basic skills Includes: Sensorimotor Preoperational Concrete operations Formal operations Tasks: Meet needs of larger societal groups Tasks: Integrate responsibility to others with personal goals Tasks: Refocus on personal interests and values Childhood and Adolescence Early Adulthood Middle Adulthood Late Adulthood Tasks: Meet personal goals Source: Adapted from Schaie (1977/1978).

11 Percentage 0 5 10 15 20 25 United States United Kingdom JapanGermanyFranceCanada

12 All measures begin a gradual decline, about 1% per year Health is generally good. A healthy lifestyle is important. Stress contributes to illness. There is a high level of sexual responsiveness, but fertility problems can emerge. All measures begin a gradual decline, about 1% per year Health is generally good. A healthy lifestyle is important. Stress contributes to illness. There is a high level of sexual responsiveness, but fertility problems can emerge. Summary of Physical Development in Early Adulthood

13 Summary of Cognitive Development in Early Adulthood Theorists have proposed a fifth, post-formal stage beyond Piaget’s formal operations stage Arlen found evidence of a “question finding stage. Schaie proposes an “achievement” stage. Dialectical thinking emerges. The college experience fosters intellectual development. Theorists have proposed a fifth, post-formal stage beyond Piaget’s formal operations stage Arlen found evidence of a “question finding stage. Schaie proposes an “achievement” stage. Dialectical thinking emerges. The college experience fosters intellectual development.

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