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Geography undergrads: Who are they and where are they coming from? Seraphim Alvanides University of Newcastle.

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Presentation on theme: "Geography undergrads: Who are they and where are they coming from? Seraphim Alvanides University of Newcastle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geography undergrads: Who are they and where are they coming from? Seraphim Alvanides University of Newcastle

2 Progress report GEES-funded small-scale project 2004-05 Student recruitment for GEES degrees in the 21st century: Mobility, socioeconomic and geodemographic background of GEES undergraduates S. Alvanides (Newcastle) & D. Croot (Plymouth) See Planet issue 13, p.43

3 Inspiration Geography BA/BSc Admissions tutor/selector Croot D & Chalkley B (1999) Student recruitment and the geography of undergraduate geographers in England and Wales, J. of Geography in H.E. 23 21-47 Geographical research on widening participation –UCAS applicants from the SE London sub-region Williams & Walker, 2004 –Young participation in higher education Hefce, 2005

4 Croot & Chalkley (1999) Focus on the marketplace (Eng&W) –Single Hons Geography –Distribution of supply –Entrance requirements Standard offer used to regulate the market UCAS data for 1995, 1996, 1997 entries –All degree applicants/entrants –Single Hons Geog (BA&BSc) –Inter-regional student flows

5 Highlights Croot & Chalkley (1999) From applications to enrolments –The retrenchment hypothesis –Strength of regional identity Geographers more mobile (29% home) than other students (41% home) –Regional differences in home students Geography less popular in certain regions –Trend towards vocational disciplines –Concern with introduction of student fees (!) –Concern with uneven distribution of supply


7 Aims of project Construct a dataset of applications and acceptances for degrees in UCAS subject lines F8 and L7. Conduct initial analysis on mobility of undergraduate applicants by type of degree and socioeconomic background at regional and sub-regional(?) level. Consult with HEFCE on the suitability and robustness of the 'location adjusted benchmark' for the WPA.

8 Progress so far Obtained permission to use UCAS data Attended UCAS data training events Recruited research assistant (Newcastle) Profiled postcodes for 2002, 2003, 2004 Applicants data for 2002, 2003, 2004 Personal (sex, parents occupational group) School type/Educational sector Accepted/Rejected/Firm/Insurance choice Contextual information (neighbourhood type)

9 Hypotheses to investigate The marketplace (regional level) –Changes in applications 2002, 2003, 2004 –Comparisons with applications 1995-1997 –Comparison between old/new Universities The applicants/students –BSc/BA applicants by sex & background –Mobility by degree, sex & circumstances –Mobility by region (both origin & destination)

10 […] one might have expected geographers, for example, to have focused on the spatial aspects of student recruitment Croot & Chalkley 1999, p.22 Please email comments to:

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