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Extreme Makeover: Story Edition now… story right Your.

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2 Extreme Makeover: Story Edition

3 now… story right Your

4 Your story after extreme makeover!

5 1. Knock down unneeded information Make sure that everything said is there For a reason. Is the author going on and on about nothing?

6 Questions to ask yourself: “Is this information necessary for my understanding of the plot? the character(s)? the conflict(s)?”

7 2. Lay the foundation with an awesome beginning and ending.

8 Questions to ask yourself: Introduction: Does the beginning make you want to continue reading? Does it have a “hook”? Does it create questions? Does is give a little and withhold a little? Conclusion: Does my ending leave my reader with a deeper understanding of what he or she just read? Does my reader walk away still thinking about my story? Characters Conflicts Setting

9 3. Build up places where information is lacking or more context is needed. (Show; don’t tell.)

10 Questions to ask yourself: Will my reader know what I mean here? Is this information that my reader may not know yet? Might this confuse someone who is not inside my head? Am I only skimming the surface here? *Are there specialized terms that my reader needs defined for him or her? Are there special places that I need to “paint” for my reader?

11 4. Spruce it up with descriptive words, action verbs, and varied sentence lengths and styles!

12 Questions to ask yourself: Is the writer using diction that is vivid, descriptive, and fresh? (As opposed to “blank” words) Is the writer merely telling you something, or is he/she showing you by painting detailed language-pictures and vivid dialogue? Do the sentences all ‘feel’ the same? Do they feel like they are putting the reader to sleep with their monotony?

13 5. Transport things from one place to another

14 Questions to ask yourself: Is there good information that just doesn’t see to fit where it is currently placed? Is there something you wish you had known sooner? Is there something you think should be saved until later?

15 Recap and symbols for editing! 1. (D) = delete unnecessary information. 2. (B/E) = Beginning or ending needs attention. 3. (A) = Add more in places where information is lacking or more context is needed. 4. (S) = Spruce it up with description and variation! 5. (M) = Move to another place.

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