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Weather in Alaska and Antarctica and How It Can Influence Aviation  Pressure Changes.

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Presentation on theme: "Weather in Alaska and Antarctica and How It Can Influence Aviation  Pressure Changes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Weather in Alaska and Antarctica and How It Can Influence Aviation  Pressure Changes

2 Weather in Alaska and Antarctica and How It Can Influence Aviation Alaskan Mountain Range (52°N - 62°N)

3 Weather in Alaska and Antarctica and How It Can Influence Aviation  Combination of cold high latitude air from Russia, northern Alaska, and NW Canada with subtropical air from the Pacific equals strong storms with low pressures.

4 Weather in Alaska and Antarctica and How It Can Influence Aviation  Storms with low pressures over land  Dutch Harbor 11-25-1977 with 27.31” Hg (924.8 mb)  Pressure differences of 100 mb over 800 miles will occur. When these low pressures are moving quickly – WATCH OUT for very rapid pressure changes over a short period of time!

5 Weather in Alaska and Antarctica and How It Can Influence Aviation  Strong pressure gradient interacts with the Alaskan mountain ranges to produce strong winds.  Aleutian Island Chain strongly influences aviation weather due to the mountains involved

6 Weather in Alaska and Antarctica and How It Can Influence Aviation  Short video of flying in Antarctica

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