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Student CIMS auto e-File eFile Success Intro to Online Web Form Approval.

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Presentation on theme: "Student CIMS auto e-File eFile Success Intro to Online Web Form Approval."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student CIMS auto e-File eFile Success Intro to Online Web Form Approval

2 Auto E-File CIMS eFiles for you hoping to reduce the photocopying and Filing Elementary Report Cards (GRE.511) and attachments High School Report Cards (GRD.511) Interim Profiles from Gradebook REALLY IMPORTANT: Don’t efile too early. eFile process takes a LONG TIME (could be 20 minutes or more). Critical that you do not release your output to print or delete it until you know job has finished (refer to next screen on job!).. If you do, efiling will stop and you won’t even know it! District report STU.556 will point out images missing Could we be auto eFiling more? Incident Profiles … thinking not necessary as incident can be seen online in PC and printed if wanted Attendance Letters …. Right now the tag lets us know that a letter has been sent, is that official letter necessary?

3 E-File JOB (at some systems JOBS) This GRD511C job must NOT say ACTIVE. Once completed it will change to OUTQ and only then can you go deal with the output !!!

4 E-File Schools, programs, and departments can documents to kids Student Services - attach Sensitive and non-sensitive documents District Office - attach IEP’s so they are visible to appropriate AC, TC, and parents (Also annual load from BC IEP Program) Schools - attach Legal documents like birth certificate so they are onfile and no need to photocopy and file Schools - attach additional documentation to particular Incident

5 E-Filing * Since September 2010 RETSD - Not using Seven Oaks - Just Bright Futures Pgm 600 Docs Vernon - 2000 Docs (PSR,LEG,DSP,MISC..) SD83 - 1100 (Special Ed is also onboard) Delta - Testing: 50 entries DSP,IEP,PSR Mystery Lake - Just RDPC 160 DSP Docs Campbell River - Just Phoenix DSP 60 Docs This is not much usage! Why is it not being used?

6 E-File eFile setup Define Folder categories (District) STU.122 Restrict Folder categories to users and to PC, SC. This is important. You can control who can see, or attach for any folder category

7 E-File eFile - maintenance Use AdminConnect - appropriate student, from tab access/display information and add to! 1. Select an appropriate folder category 2. Browse for document (may have had to scan & name first) 3. Indicate appropriate document date (Defaults today but changing might sort it better) 4. Provide good description so you don’t have to view to know what it is about 5. Press Use to view/print/save doc

8 E-File Benefits of doing this: Online access for appropriate admin staff (District Office, Admin, Clerical, Resource, Teachers) and potentially parents and students *** this has huge potential ! Reduce Paper Filing - time, effort, expense, room Provide more secure documents, only see what you should see (not whole file), system logs all view activity Never goes away. No chance of losing document (can’t go walking). Even if have access to delete it does not actually delete the document (just hides it) so it can be retrieved. System backs it up every night. Optional: There is a nightly job that runs for IT. SD83 uses this to autoload interim report cards they produce from their own App. We also use this to autoload IEPs from IEP Central (BC)

9 E-File Challenges What to do when a student Withdraws - Save off documents to a CD? and.. Do you include all documents or how does it work now? What percentage of student folder could we efile? What is in there that would not efile or make sense to efile? How to get there? New students and over time get there or summer project to actually scan/efile documents Current scanning technology. Is the photocopier adequate or do we look at power user ScanSnap? (Scansnap Demo tomorrow)

10 Web Forms The goal is to provide approval forms online so Parents can easily see what needs to be signed/approved read/view any attached details respond to the form with an answer Then at the office and at the teacher level (for those things related to a course/section or to a homeroom) View list of who needs to respond and what has occurred Respond on behalf of those that did not do it themselves online Report on an approval form

11 Web Forms Define/design the form STU.328 - done in regular CIMS only Can limit the form to appropriate grade level(s), tags, course/section so that only those parents will see the approval form Can listen to Over18 tag (MB) to shoot that approval to student if 18+

12 Web Forms Attach document in AC (if necessary) 1. Appropriate Form 2. At right Side

13 Web Forms Parent Connect (or StudentConnect) Response 1. Read details 2. At right Side select response 3. Press Forms and your response will remain online all year- newest to oldest Once you have saved a response, no changes to that response are allowed - DONE Guardian3 sees the approval forms but cannot participate in a response

14 Web Forms View/edit responses STU.328

15 Web Forms Report on Form STU.558 or TC (not available in AC) Time: 18:16:13 STUDENT WEB FORM PERMISSIONS REPORT STUCONSENT Student Consent Form for Computer Usage Class Homeroom Course/Section --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Student CL Hm Rm HmRm Teacher Home Phone Responding Parent Rsp RspDate --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AFINOGENOV, A.J. 9841312 08 COUN M SEMELOV 555-3032 AFINOGENOV, ADRIANNA D. 9860319 08 555-0000 AFINOGENOV, ALISON 9844461 10 555-3344 AFINOGENOV, ELAINE M. 9836337 11 SEM 1 204 444-5555 AFINOGENOV,ELAINE YES MAR21/11 AFINOGENOV, MITCH A. 9835930 PT 155B T PONT-ALOU 555-6425

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