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Note Card Organization and Thoreau 2 April 2013 Miss Rice.

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Presentation on theme: "Note Card Organization and Thoreau 2 April 2013 Miss Rice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Note Card Organization and Thoreau 2 April 2013 Miss Rice

2 Warm-Up  What is a thesis statement and where does it belong in your paper? Please have your note cards out to work with during the beginning of class **Have out annotated sources and blue sheet** ASAP Get your argument card back from us if you did not get it back before break

3 Agenda  Organize note cards  Review tests and papers  Create working thesis statements  Intro. Thoreau and “Civil Disobedience”

4 CP Objectives 4/2  To organize research note cards into appropriate groupings.  To create working thesis statements.  To review tests and papers.  To understand Thoreau’s biographical information and background information on “Civil Disobedience.”

5 Note Card Organization  Take out “Paper Organization” worksheet and turn to the side with the 4 blank rectangles  Sort your note cards by placing each one on top of the box that represents the part of the paper you will use each note card in  Once cards are sorted into 4 piles, organize cards within each pile by the order you think you will use them within each part  Put all note cards together in one large pile in order of parts 1-4  Add note card #s to each card  Hole punch cards and put on a ring in order (will be collected) *Initials should be on the back of each card *Argument card goes on the top of your pile

6 Folders  We will be giving back A LOT of work today End of the MP is the 9 th !

7 “This I Believe”  Many of you lost points for not following the rubric  Those of you who had “to-be” verbs lost A LOT of points  Contractions  Earn points back

8 “This I Believe”  Earn back all “to-be” verb points:  Hand back in all of the original papers with rubric AND  On a separate sheet of paper, write every sentence that has a “to-be” verb in it, and then rewrite this sentence without the “to-be” verb  This can be typed or handwritten  DUE: Monday, 4/8

9 Dark Romanticism Reflection  Read over your reflection  I am concerned  Some people did not study at all or only for an hour  Many people thought they did well and that the essay and MC were easy  People did not know what to study?  Not reading directions carefully on essay  Test-taking and study skills  Study guide  Hitting every point in an essay  Using information from other questions

10 Dark Romanticism Unit Test Key  There were some As  Reevaluate the level we are at in CP and how you study for exams  Check your answers 15. B 16. B 17. A 18. A 19. B 20. A 21. C 22. B 23. D 24. D 25. D 26. D 27. A 28. B 29. A 30. B MC 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. B 6. B 7. A 8. A 9. A 10. B 11. B 12. A 13. A 14. A Graphic Essay:  -5 if you have no labels/explanations  -2 if you have nothing drawn in the rooms  rooms go east to west in a zigzag  Black room with red window: black clock  6 colored rooms with stained glass windows  No light in the rooms but light between the rooms and through the windows (torches/fire)  Explain how the setting creates mood** Written Essay: Paragraph 1: 10 pts.  Symbol 1 description (3 pts.)  What symbol 1 represents (2 pts.)  Symbol 2 description (3 pts.)  What symbol 2 represents (2 pts.) Paragraph 2: 15 pts.  Def. of theme (4 pts.)  Theme of Masque (5 pts.)  Connect symbol 1 to theme (3 pts.)  Connect symbol 2 to theme (3 pts.) Characteristics of Romanticism:  1 pt. for picking out the first characteristics  1 pt. for an ex. from a story for this characteristic  1 pt. for picking out the first characteristics  1 pt. for an ex. from a story for this characteristic  I pt. for flow/unity/sentences Scansion: 31. Trochaic tetrameter 34. Iambic tetrameter 32. Iambic pentameter Rhyme Scheme: 33. Trochaic tetrameter ABBAABBA

11 Working Thesis Statements  Review warm-up: What is a thesis statement and where does it belong in your paper?  Going from arguments to thesis statements: Argument : Uniforms are bad for student diversity. Who, what, where, when, why, how? Working thesis statement : Mandated school uniforms in public schools threaten individuals’ right to the freedom of speech and expression by requiring all students to look the same.

12 Working Thesis Statements  On the back of your argument note card, we would like you to write 3 possible working thesis statements for your research paper  We will comment on and pick the best one  Play around with the wording and ideas  Answer who, what, where, when, why, and how in the statement  This statement can go anywhere in your introduction  Put this card on the top of your note card pile and hand in your ring of cards to be checked  Also put your name on and hand in your annotated sources!

13 Thoreau  Guided notes on Thoreau’s biographical information and essay “Civil Disobedience”

14 Thoreau HW  Read “Civil Disobedience” excerpt  Put 1-sentence summaries next to each of the 5 underlined section  Out these 1-sentence summaries into the fishbone diagram  Leave the “main idea” part of the fishbone diagram blank

15 Homework  You need an e-mail address for tomorrow  Either create one tonight, use one you already have, or use a parent e-mail that you have the password for and access to at all times  Who has a g-mail account?***  Read “Civil Disobedience,” annotate, and fill out fishbone diagram  Make-up work before the 9 th  TIB vivid verbs rewrite due Monday, 4/8  Get caught up on any missed research paper stuff!

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