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Phylogenetic tree Kingdom: Animalia Phylum/division: Chordata,Subphylum,Vertebrate Class: Reptiles.

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Presentation on theme: "Phylogenetic tree Kingdom: Animalia Phylum/division: Chordata,Subphylum,Vertebrate Class: Reptiles."— Presentation transcript:


2 Phylogenetic tree

3 Kingdom: Animalia Phylum/division: Chordata,Subphylum,Vertebrate Class: Reptiles

4 Characteristics Cold blooded vertebrates Dry skin (allows them to move around long periods of time without water) they lay eggs (eggs tough enough to survive on land) Can survive on land and in water Have scaly skin Some have shells (turtles, tortes) Come of them have camouflage abilities

5 Reptiles are split up into 4 groups which are: 1.Turtles 2.Squamata 3.Crocodilians 4.Tuataras The first reptiles are believed to have evolved around 320 million years ago. The most venomous snake in the world is a Sea Snake


7 Olive Ridley Turtle Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Vertebrata Class: Reptilia Order: Testudines Family: Cheloniidae Genus: Lepidochelys Species: Olivacea

8 Leopard Gecko Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Reptilia Order: Squmata Family: Eublepharidae Genus: Eublepharis Species: E. macularius

9 Western Diamond Rattlesnake Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Reptilia Order: Squamata Family: Viperidae Genus: Crotalus Species: C. atirox

10 Life cycle of a crocodile

11 How a snake gets its food Locomotion: slither Food getting: They use their Jacobson's organ to locate food by “smell” or their belly scales to find the food using their prays movements, they form an “s” shape with their bodies and stikes its meal and injects venom, this makes the small creature more manageable for the snake

12 How do lizards transport substances They have a 3 chambered heart the interventricular septum is is not fully complete but serves to channel deoxygenated blood to the pulmonary trunk and oxygenated blood to the circulation. the flow of blood is directed between the sponge-like arranged muscle bundles which form the major part of the ventricle (Each of the two main chambers of the heart, left and right.)

13 How do snakes exchange gases? Snakes have a small opening just behind the tongue called the glottis, which opens into the windpipe. The glottis is always closed, forming a vertical slit, unless the snake takes a breath. Snakes are able to extend their glottis out the side of their mouth while they eat, which allows for respiration while they consume large prey items.

14 How do turtles digest food? Have a smaller digestive system turtles swallow their food with very little chewing The salivary glands of the turtle help to soften and break down the food to make swallowing possible

15 How do alligators execrate wastes They execrate waste as we do

16 Almost all reptiles lay shelled eggs They breath air Reptiles are covered in scales or have shells Almost all reptiles are cold blooded The first reptiles are believed to have evolved around 320 million years ago Their brains apart from their bodies are relatively smaller then reptiles.

17 Change in classification Amphibians used to be clumped into reptiles group until they were classified as amphibians.

18 Diagrams

19 animals/reptile.html animals/reptile.html

20 The end


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