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 Sharks, skates, rays  Cartilaginous skeleton  Contain no bone.

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Presentation on theme: " Sharks, skates, rays  Cartilaginous skeleton  Contain no bone."— Presentation transcript:

1  Sharks, skates, rays  Cartilaginous skeleton  Contain no bone

2  Bony skeleton  Have an operculum  Have a swim bladder  3 groups:  Ray-finned fishes  Lungfishes  Lobe-finned fishes Columbus Audobon. 2008. ticle&id=609:invasive-species-rainbow-trout-&catid=13:articles-and-news&Itemid=134

3  Large group  Freshwater and marine  Fins formed by webs of skin supported by bony spines  Skeletons made of bone  Have scales  Swim bladder  Diverse shapes, colors, lifestyles

4  Lungfishes have gills and lung-like sacs for breathing air

5  Bony skeleton  Have fleshy fins that contain rod-shaped bones surrounded by a thick layer of muscle  Ex. Coelacanths  Above fish are the closest living relatives to the tetrapods (have weight bearing limbs and digits (toes and fingers)


7  Amniotes are animals with embryos that develop inside a waterproof egg; their waterproof skin and highly efficient kidneys make them well adapted to dry habitats


9  Reptile characteristics  Scale-covered body  Cloaca for waste disposal  Four approximately equal limbs (except snakes)  Internal fertilization  Body temperature determined by surroundings ( ectotherms )

10  Have protective shells  Shells fused to vertebrae, ribs, collarbone  No teeth, have a horny beak  Range of feeding habits  Habitats may be aquatic or terrestrial Leatherback turtle Galápagos turtle

11  Common ancestor had legs which were lost in snakes  Remnant hind limb bones reveal a limbed ancestry  Both snakes and lizards usually carnivorous

12  The two remaining species of tuataras have a third eye under the skin of the forehead

13  Aquatic  Evolved eyes and nostrils high on heads so they are able remain under water for long periods of time  Strong jaws and conical teeth  Bury eggs and protect nest  Carry newly hatched young to water in their mouths




17  Mammals are animals that nourish young with milk and have hair or fur; four kinds of teeth allow them to eat many kinds of food

18  Monotremes  Marsupials  Placental mammals

19 PlatypusSpiny anteater

20 Koala Tasmanian devil Opossum s


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