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Experimental, technological and computational capabilities of RFNC-VNIITF for potential collaboration in the frame of ISTC Targeted Initiative G.N.Rykovanov,

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Presentation on theme: "Experimental, technological and computational capabilities of RFNC-VNIITF for potential collaboration in the frame of ISTC Targeted Initiative G.N.Rykovanov,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Experimental, technological and computational capabilities of RFNC-VNIITF for potential collaboration in the frame of ISTC Targeted Initiative G.N.Rykovanov, M.N.Chizhkov, A.V.Potapov, Yu.N.Dolinsky, A.F.Ivanov Russian Federal Nuclear Center – Research Institute of Technical Physics (RFNC-VNIITF) Snezhinsk, Chelyabinsk region, Russia 29 of Sept, ICUIL-2010, ISTC Special Section, Watkins Glen, NY

2 Contents 1.Development of high power laser systems at RFNC-VNIITF. 2.Vacuum-technological system for laser fusion facility and investigations of first- wall reactor materials. 3.Review of RFNC-VNIITF theoretical works on the ICF problem. RFNC-VNIITF – ICUIL 2010

3 Part 1. Development of high power laser systems RFNC-VNIITF - HiPER 2010 SOKOL-P 20 TW CPA phosphate Nd : glass Our perspectives: 2012 - 100 TW & 10 20 W/cm 2 2015 - 1 PW & 10 21 W/cm 2 Е=15 J,  =0.7-0.8 ps I max =3  10 19 W/cm 2 1 shot/2 hour Laser pulse contrast K I = I OUT /I PP > 10 11 K ASE = E OUT /E ASE = 10 6 E ASE < 10  J (t  0.7 ms) Laser acceleration of ions from ultrathin foils: max energy of protons 10 MeV, efficiency – 1-2 %.

4 Realization of circular polarization INTRINSIC FEATURE of all CPA lasers – Output Radiation Linear polarized E oscillates in horizontal plane (as usual) Transmitting optics (birefringent crystals) has too many limitations:  Dispersion, B-integral;  Strong dependence of phase shift  on, true zero order (low order) /4 wave plates strongly preferable;  Limited apertures for commercially available wave plates (15…30 mm) Reflective optics has more preferences Reflective optics is desirable. RFNC-VNIITF - HiPER 2010

5 METAL COATED MIRRORS Metal coated mirror φ – the angle of incidence  – azimuthal angle For metals: n’ = n·(1 - i· æ)  between E rS & E rP it appears a phase shift . Optical properties of Ag, Cu, Au @ 1055 nm (

6 OPTICAL LAYOUT The main condition:azimuthal angle  is determined by (E P ) out = (E S ) out tg(  ) = (|r P |/|r S |) k, k – the number of metal mirrors. Au coating is the most preferable: - chemically stable in atmosphere; - high damage threshold ~ 1 J/cm 2 @ 10 ns; - has an acceptable reflectivity at > 700 nm; - gives one of the greatest values of phase shift δ.

7 Metal mirrors with multilayer dielectric coating For Ti:Sa (800 nm): For Nd:glass (1055 nm): φ = 50º    43.9º δ  60º, a/b  1.7 δ  80º, a/b  1.19φ = 50º    43.6º Coated metallic mirrors For Nd:glass lasers can be used in a single-mirror scheme: The combination of metal and multilayer dielectric coating may provide much more sufficient phase shift between P & S components. Not acceptable for fs lasers! Test mirror manufactured in VNIITF provides   90 . Large mirrors – NPO “LUCH”

8 RFNC-VNIITF activity in the field of Nd:YAG lasers with diode pumping We developed a series of Nd:YAG lasers with diode pumping: Storage energy in active element up to 20 J Pulse duration from 1 ns to 1  s Pulse repetition rate up to 100 Hz

9 Part 2: Vacuum-technological system (VTS) of laser fusion facilities (LF) Conceptual design of the vacuum-technological equipment was developed by RFNC- VNIITF in collaboration with RF research institutes specializing in the thermonuclear fusion area with the financial support of ISTC. VTS is intended for: - maintenance of vacuum in the facility chamber; - recycling of reaction products and fuel mixture residues; - tritium production; - preparation of fuel mixture; - targets manufacture; - targets transportation to the chamber. Necessity for the top-priority designing of VTS is conditioned by some operational characteristics and parameters being of critical importance: 1.Tritium production rate 2.Total amount of tritium in VTS equipment 3.Tritium leakage into the environment.

10 TECHNIQUES APPLIED AT RFNC-VNIITF (SNEZHINSK) TECHNIQUES OF QUANTITATIVE MEASUREMENTS: weighing mass spectrometric analysis measuring of volumes and pressures gas radiometry with proportional counters and ionization chambers liquid-scintillation radiometry TECHNIQUES FOR STUDYING PARAMETERS OF THE THERMODYNAMIC INTERACTION: studying tritium penetration measuring equilibrium pressures of dissociation thermal desorption autoradiography Techniques applied at RFNC-VNIITF enable studies of tritium in gases, liquids and solids. Investigation of materials – candidates for fusion reactor first wall

11 Tritium interaction with the structural materials EXAMINED MATERIALS: metals Ni, Cu, Be austenitic steels SS316L, 12Х18Н10Т, Х16Н15М3Т martensitic steels MANET, F82H, etc. alloys V-10Cr-10Ti, V-4Cr-4Ti, CuAl15(Glidcop alloys) GOALS OF THE STUDY:  determine amount of tritium dissolved in the materials  measure surface β–activity of the materials after the contact with tritium- containing gases  determine coefficients of diffusion, penetration and solubility for heavy hydrogen isotopes  determine residual contamination of the materials with tritium after the thermal vacuum annealing  identify structural elements responsible for tritium confinement in the materials RFNC-VNIITF has studied materials proposed as basic for the first wall of thermonuclear reactors and tritium-using equipment.


13 Steel structure after hardening at Т=1323К (electron microscopy) Steel structure after long-term ageing (electron microscopy) Autoradiogram of tritium distribution in the steel after hardening at Т=1323К Autoradiogram of tritium distribution in the aged steel STUDY OF STEEL Cr16Ni15Mo3Ti (Fe -16%Cr -15%Ni-3%Mo-1%Ti)

14 EraTigr-OmegaSinara Number of Dimension1D2D Two-temperature Model for e and i ++- Radiation Transportspectral kinetic effective temperature spectral kinetic Thermal Conductivitye,i e Turbulent Mixing++- Fusion Reactions + Products Transport +++ Laser Absorption++/-+ Fast electrons+-- Part 3. RFNC-VNIITF theoretical works in ICF field Computer codes for ICF target simulation

15 Simulation of the rugby-shaped hohlraum Hohlraum geometry Spatial grid and irradiation scheme Total laser powerInner cone energy fraction Presented at IFSA-2009. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2010.

16 Results of the Sinara code calculations X-ray radiation temperatureSecond harmonic Fourth harmonicMaterial distribution

17 Indirectly-driven targets for ISKRA-6 facility TargetsSingle-shellDouble-shell Radiation temperature (eV)360200 Absorbed energy (kJ)3160 Implosion velocity (km/s)400250 Peak ion temperature (keV)4036 Peak fuel density (g/cc)700250 Fuel burnout (%)1936 Thermonuclear yield (MJ)1.70.28 Neutrons yield (10 17 )61 Laser energy (kJ)300 (  =10%) 300 (  =20%) A.V.Andriyash et al. Lasers and HEDP at VNIITF. Physics – Uspekhi, 2006.

18 Results of Tigr-Omega calculation of double-shell ignition target 20 00 Density Temperature Non-cryogenic double-shell indirectly-driven target Maximal compressionPeak burning 1D Yield = 300 kJ at Е abs = 60 kJ 0 40  0 (nm) 1 0.5 DTAuCHBe 881 t = 0 – roughness of Be R Be = R 0 +   0 sin(k  ) R 0 = 881  m k = 12 742 187 162 YoC M.N.Chizhkov et al. LPB, 2005.

19 Calculation with large deformations of the double-shells NIF target by TIGR-3T code. 12.95 ns 13 ns13.05 ns Contours of concentrations 10 -3 % 1% 50% 99% Velocity field

20 2D Hybrid Code PICNIC 2D 3P ( 3 components of velocities and fields) PIC for fast particles MHD + PIC for thermal (fluid) particles Monte Carlo for binary collisions and collisional ionization as well as for field ionization (FI) Fokker-Plank equation for exchange the data between fast and thermal particles (every time step) Radiation transport agreed with the matter ionization Combined coefficient for electron-phonon and electron-ion collisions Wide range conductivity (dielectric permittivity) Code features: -Parallel -Implicit solution of electromagnetic field -Block AMR

21 PICNIC simulations I.V.Glazyrin, E.V.Grabovskii, “Measuring of magnetic fields inside plasma of compressed lasers under ~1 TW/cm 2 intensities”, Physics of Plasmas, in press. Z - pinch Turbulent mixingUltra short laser interaction with matter A.G.Mordovanakis, I.Glazyrin, et al., “Quasimonoenergetic electron beams with relativistic energies and ultrashort duration from laser-solid interactions at 0.5 kHz”, Nature, in press. M.I.Avramenko, I.V.Glazyrin et al. “2D numerical simulation of shock wave interaction with turbulized layer on MUT installation”, 14th international conference “Methods of aerophysical research”, 2008, Novosibirsk.

22 Thanks for your attention!

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