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Impact of Climatic Factors & Adaptation Measures On Productivity of Tea Plantations In Sri Lanka M.A.Wijeratne Tea Research Institute of Sri Lanka.

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Presentation on theme: "Impact of Climatic Factors & Adaptation Measures On Productivity of Tea Plantations In Sri Lanka M.A.Wijeratne Tea Research Institute of Sri Lanka."— Presentation transcript:

1 Impact of Climatic Factors & Adaptation Measures On Productivity of Tea Plantations In Sri Lanka M.A.Wijeratne Tea Research Institute of Sri Lanka

2 Impact of the Tea Industry Foreign exchange Employment Farmer’s Income Environment

3 Tea Growing Regions in Sri Lanka Major… U- Up country (>1200m amsl) T:10-27 o C M- Mid country (600-1200m amsl) T:19-30 o C L- Low country (<600m amsl) T:21-34 o C C Agro-Ecological Regions…. Up country wet zone (WU 1-3) RF:1400->3175mm Up country Intermediate zone (IU 1-3) RF:1150->2150mm Mid country Wet zone (WM 1-3) RF:1250->3150mm Mid country Intermediate zone (IM 2) RF:1150->1400mm Low country Wet zone (WL 1-2) RF:1900->2525mm



6 Up-Int. Up-Wet Low-Wet Smallholder

7 Most Influential Environmental Factors… Rainfall (>1200mm) Temperature (18-25 o C) Present Future (with CC) Rainfall Temperature CO 2 Drought damage in tea

8 Region Most Vulnerable to CC..… Low Country Up Country Mid Country 56% 26% 18% Drop: 26% Loss: 70 Mn USD Drought 1992

9 Methodology Data Collection Estates (RF & Productivity) Met Stations (RF & Temperature) TRI Experiments (CO 2 & Adaptations) Problems encountered Missing data (non-continuity) Reliability Classification (Elevation)

10 Methodology Data Analysis Trends Correlations Extreme events Problems encountered Variability (Variety/Management/growth Missing data Productivity Time

11 National Productivity Drought 1992

12 Productivity in different regions & Drought Effects IU WM IM WL POTEN. 1991 1992 28% 19% 14% 25% 26% WU

13 Productivity vs Environmental factors Up country wet zone (WU 1-3) RF:1400->3175mm YIELD=116+0.23 RF: r 2 = 0.15 (p<0.05) Up country Intermediate zone (IU 1-3) RF:1150->2150mm YIELD=76.7+0.32 RF: r 2 =0.21 (p<0.05) Mid country Wet zone (WM 1-3) RF:1250->3150mm YIELD=78.7 + 0.75 RF: r 2 =0.77 p<0.05) Low country Wet zone (WL 1-2) RF:1900->2525mm YIELD=62.9 + 0.25 RF: r 2 =0.66 (p<0.05) Rainfall (mm)-Dry month & Monthly yield (kg/ha) PRELIMINARY RESULTS

14 Productivity vs Environmental factors Up country wet zone (WU 1-3) RF:1400->3175mm Y= -219+24.5 T: r 2 = 0.12 (p<0.05) Up country Intermediate zone (IU 1-3) RF:1150->2150mm Y= -310+25 T: r 2 =0.13 (p<0.05) ENTIRE REGIONS Y= -508+63.7 T – 1.46 T 2 (p<0.05) Temperature & Monthly yield (kg/ha)

15 Productivity vs Environmental factors CO 2 vs Mean yield (kg/ha/wk) Month Yield Enriched Control 45% 18% 600ppm

16 Adaptations Irrigation Supply of water/nutrients Availability of water resources Limitations Yield increase (wet): 50->100% Yield increase (dry): >300% increase

17 Adaptations Soil improvements Addition of compost Burying of prunings 25% Yield Increase per 1% OC (8-10 tons of OC/ha/ year) Enhanced Microbial activity Increased CEC Enhanced porosity & WHC Improved Soil Structure Limitations Availability of resources: Labour & Material

18 Adaptations Shade management Limitations Management difficulties Control of temp:(2 o C) /RH Addition of GM: (5-20t/ha/yr)

19 Adaptations Intercropping Provision of shade Other benefits Limitations Poor returns compared to monocropping of tea ??

20 Adaptations Timber/Forest/Grass Source of green manure Preserve environment Limitations Social implications ?? Diversification of marginal tea lands


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