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1 Emergency Management Standards EM- XML Consortium & EM Technical Committee Presentation to Steve Cooper March 18,2003.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Emergency Management Standards EM- XML Consortium & EM Technical Committee Presentation to Steve Cooper March 18,2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Emergency Management Standards EM- XML Consortium & EM Technical Committee Presentation to Steve Cooper March 18,2003

2 2 The Interoperability Imperative “State-sponsored terrorists and al Qaeda are not going to wait until we have our act together.” Steve Cooper CIO, DHS

3 3 Agenda  EM Objectives & HSPD 5  EM XML Consortium  EM Technical Committee (TC)  EM-XML and DHS

4 4 Need for Interoperable EM Standards  Interoperability challenge: –Within agencies and corporations –Between agencies and corporations –With existing legacy systems –With the next “new new thing”  Incorporate best business practices for emergency and incident management  80% of emergency resources come from the private sector

5 5 EM-XML Consortium Objectives  Industry/Government consortium  Rapid XML interoperability standards development  Insure every American has appropriate access to the information they require when and how they need it (eGov, NRP and NIMS)

6 6 HSPD 5 - Interoperability Requirements  Paragraph 15 –“To provide for interoperability and compatibility among Federal, State and local capabilities, the NIMS will include a core set of concepts, principles, terminology, and technologies covering the incident command system; multi- agency coordination systems; unified command; training; identification and management of resources (including systems for classifying types of resources); qualifications and certification; and the collection, tracking and reporting of incident information and incident resources.”

7 7 EM-XML Consortium  Industry initiated in October, 2002  Now includes over 40 entities:  Software vendors  System Integrators  Corporations  Government Agencies  Not-for-Profit Organizations

8 8 EM-XML Consortium  Comprised of two committees –Executive Committee –Technical Committee

9 9 EM-XML Executive Committee  “Big Tent”  Mission –Facilitate collaboration –Provide guidance and direction –Outreach and education

10 10 EM Technical Committee  OASIS selected  Mission: Define standards that enable vital information exchange between local, state and federal agencies, private and not-for- profit organizations  Researched and evaluated existing standards to enhance and fill gaps

11 11 Scope of Technical Charter  Design, develop and release XML schema- based standards  Framework for data exchange, functionality and service accessibility  Seamless application and data interoperability

12 12 EM TC Deliverables and Schedule EM TCHSPD 5 Q1 2003 Research related XML-based DTDs and XSD Schemas and produce initial Requirements Document Q2 2003 Delivery of first draft of elemental XML components for comment by EM-XML and OASIS Q3 2003 Design compliance test suite and publish best practices to be used by EM-XML implementers Q4 2003 Committee approval of first specification to be submitted for consideration as OASIS standard Schedule is virtually identical to HSPD 5 By 4/1/03 develop and publish initial version of NRP with plan for completion By 6/1/03 develop standards, guidelines and protocols to implement NIMS By 9/1/03 prepare recommendations to fully implement NRP Commence rollout of NRP/NIMS standards, guidelines and protocols

13 13 EM TC Work Completed to Date  Weekly Meetings starting 2/11/03  30 active members  Draft Requirement Document  Formation of Sub-Committees  Collection of existing schema, data dictionaries, etc.

14 14 Deployment Strategy  Interoperability becomes critical buying decision criteria  Economic incentive/imperative drives commercial proliferation  Metcalf’s Law promotes both adoption and competition within the emerging standard’s framework

15 15 EM-XML and The e-Gov Initiative  Share a common goal to ensure every American has appropriate access to whatever information they require when and how they need it  Need to take a non-traditional approach to solving emergency management interoperability  Disaster management not just a portal

16 16 EM-XML and The NRP/NIMS  HSPD #5 Schedule and the EM TC Schedule are virtually identical  Use as basis for common, interoperability standards  Insure effective interface with other related disciplines (health, legal, financial, etc.)  Leverage off the work already under way  Significantly increase stake-holder buy-in and reduce adoption resistance/complexity

17 17 DHS/EM-XML Recommendations  Formally incorporate EM-XML as part of the NRP development plan for NIMS  Utilize EM-TC output for elements of the NIMS (Requirements, schema, DTD’s, etc.)  Fund and provide oversight for validation/verification exercises  Publish and proliferate standards

18 18 DHS/EM-XML Collaboration Benefits  Accomplish HSPD #5 objectives faster, better and cheaper  Truly support “all hazards” mission  Leverage value of installed base  Foster and benefit from innovation  Remove the stove-pipes  Accelerate adoption/proliferation

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