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First off, we’re going to start off with my birthday, I was born in September 24,1995.Right now I’m at the age of 14 going to 15 this Friday. Back to.

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Presentation on theme: "First off, we’re going to start off with my birthday, I was born in September 24,1995.Right now I’m at the age of 14 going to 15 this Friday. Back to."— Presentation transcript:


2 First off, we’re going to start off with my birthday, I was born in September 24,1995.Right now I’m at the age of 14 going to 15 this Friday. Back to the topic, I kind of like being born in like the 2 nd month of school, I get a lot of money at school and from home, which is pretty alright but I just want to have a good day for my birthday. Also, I like this date because, my zodiac sign is Libra, which to me, represents balance. My gemstone is sapphire since the month of September, pretty cool isn’t it!

3 I like to eat, even when I don’t feel like eating. Its like I have more than one stomach…I bet I can even win on an eating contest. Anyway, like everyone else, I also like to make friends, know people, and be respected as a friend. I, of course, like to play games with other people for the fun of it. I almost forgot one more thing, I like, no wait love Ozen High School, and for the first time, I was actually ready for a school. I don’t know why but just somehow in that school I really would like to give a lot of credit to, if only I was president of the United States, and make it one of the most respected schools on earth. Anyway, there are other things I like but I can’t much think of them all since they are mostly from the past or still in the present. I also like going to the movies and ozen games. I like to eat, even when I don’t feel like eating. Its like I have more than one stomach…I bet I can even win on an eating contest. Anyway, like everyone else, I also like to make friends, know people, and be respected as a friend. I, of course, like to play games with other people for the fun of it. I almost forgot one more thing, I like, no wait love O zen High School, and for the first time, I was actually ready for a school. I don’t know why but just somehow in that school I really would like to give a lot of credit to, if only I was president of the United States, and make it one of the most respected schools on earth. Anyway, there are other things I like but I can’t much think of them all since they are mostly from the past or still in the present. I also like going to the movies and ozen games.

4 This is probably the old saying of,”When there are friends, there are enemies”….Yes, the number one thing I really hate is bullies in this school. They can be really annoying as if they were made to make people feel bad. Also I kind of hate the fact of having homework or boring work, yes I don’t like it but who am I to blame, pretty much maybe almost everyone wants a world without homework. This is probably the old saying of,”When there are friends, there are enemies”….Yes, the number one thing I really hate is bullies in this school. They can be really annoying as if they were made to make people feel bad. Also I kind of hate the fact of having homework or boring work, yes I don’t like it but who am I to blame, pretty much maybe almost everyone wants a world without homework.

5 My favorite activities is kind of a surprise to me, because I didn’t know I was capable of doing sports like this sport that I’m good at right now. That’s right, I’m good at track, I play football too, but track is very more suitable to my level. Its kind of like that I want to be a track runner than become a football player. Last year, I played for South Park for track to do the hurdles and it was my first time doing that sport. Although with the help of my coach and friends, I was somehow able to win on hurdles like it was hardly anything to me. This year I going to intend on playing hurdles again for high school, so I can meet more challenging runners, which gives me the time to improve.

6 My Long term goal can easily take me a very very long time to get there. I want to have the career of a detective, why, well I want to solve crimes, murders, or even some situations some detectives can do. I think I got to start off as a cop then I just work my way to becoming a homicidal detective and may one day, if I can, start my own detective agency company. I got a pretty lot to go to accomplish my way to my dream job.

7 During ozen school year, I going to try my best to get trophies or any other accomplishments from any sport, especially track (West Brook/Central is going down of course). After that my main goal is just to pass this school with good grades and graduate to college. Before me and the others leave, we probably going to exchange goodbyes, hugs, anything and then probably visit our middle and elementary schools and say goodbye and stuff over there too. Then we go to our families and say what happening and about college and probably say goodbye (since I don’t much know how college starts off).

8 My college is nothing but Texas Tech to me, yep I want to be a Red Raider and play for Texas Tech when I get to college, I can’t wait until I set foot on this turf. If I’m lucky, I may even find people I know from between elementary and high school. I also going to intend the games and see what’s up right now and then visit everyone else and tell them about how life is on Lubbock, Texas

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