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Graphical User Interface Prototypes by Sima Sodagar.

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Presentation on theme: "Graphical User Interface Prototypes by Sima Sodagar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Graphical User Interface Prototypes by Sima Sodagar

2 GUI Components Four major buttons Call, Phonebook, Setting, Exit are the first components and we include them in a way so they can be easy to reach all the times. This will make it easy to start, handle and terminate a connection. In addition each of this main buttons leads to their main pages. Note: Since Minisip is an application instead of “shut down” option we designed the button “Exit”.

3 Four major buttons: Call, Phone book, Settings, Exit

4 Modal widow To avoid confusion and opening of many different windows that is hard to manage, our GUI is designed in a way so that a single base window appears in the left bottom of the screen. The window is fixed and only the content is changed. To avoid the confusion there are some back arrows to lead the user in the first place and the number of hops to reach a destination is not more than three.

5 Modal window (flow of information change in the same window controlled by forward and backward arrows)

6 Athentication(Login) Optional authentication: To avoid password,for the scenarios that password is not needed, user only enters the user name with no password and user will be labeled as unauthorized. Remember password To avoid entering password every time using the application system can remember the user name and password, how ever the system may forget the password from time to time. Optional authentication: To avoid password,for the scenarios that password is not needed, user only enters the user name with no password and user will be labeled as unauthorized. Remember password To avoid entering password every time using the application system can remember the user name and password, how ever the system may forget the password from time to time.

7 Call page includes: Double functional dynamic search window: when you enter the contact name and number a list of suggestions will appear this search, for example when you enter “K”, a list including the contact names which start with “K” will appear and you can pick from that list for saving some time. Another function of search window is that when you pick the number to call from a list like phone book and my favorites by clicking on the contact name it will appear in the search window so you can push the green call button to the right of the search window to call. Multiple account: You can pick different accounts to call with. Recent calls: Includes Placed, received and missed calls plus show all calls to show the preview calls in a time order. Add contact Call page includes: Double functional dynamic search window: when you enter the contact name and number a list of suggestions will appear this search, for example when you enter “K”, a list including the contact names which start with “K” will appear and you can pick from that list for saving some time. Another function of search window is that when you pick the number to call from a list like phone book and my favorites by clicking on the contact name it will appear in the search window so you can push the green call button to the right of the search window to call. Multiple account: You can pick different accounts to call with. Recent calls: Includes Placed, received and missed calls plus show all calls to show the preview calls in a time order. Add contact

8 Call page

9 Recent calls

10 Placed calls Note: Add contact is button is active when the number in recent calls is not saved in the phone book. Note: Exact time and date should be mentioned in the recent calls including (missed, placed, received calls). Note: Add contact is button is active when the number in recent calls is not saved in the phone book. Note: Exact time and date should be mentioned in the recent calls including (missed, placed, received calls).

11 Received calls

12 Missed calls

13 Instant Message: The conversation window appears in the left foot of the call windows. The size and place is flexible for that. Sending Instant message

14 Waiting for a call stabilishment Features : Call(Recall), End call : To establish and terminate a call( The usage of call button is for when you pushed the call before and you could not establish a connection with the selected contact, so you recall the contact by pushing call button) Timer: To show the conversation time duration Sound : To mute the or activate the sound Microphone: To mute or activate the microphone Camera: To inactivate or activate the main camera IM: To send instant message Add / stop camera: to add more camera Add/ stop Stream screen : to share the screen

15 Point- to-point scenario (before adding camrea and sharing the screen)

16 Point- to-point scenario (After adding camrea and sharing the screen)

17 Multi-party(Reflector) scenario (before adding camrea and sharing the screen)

18 Multi-party(Reflector) scenario (after adding camrea and sharing the screen)

19 Multi-party(Reflector) scenario (minimizing the whole windows and maximizing one window) Note: End call button will close the whole conversation window

20 Incomming call window Note: After decline the calling windows disappears. After accept a call the point to point conversation window will appear. Note: After decline the calling windows disappears. After accept a call the point to point conversation window will appear.

21 Contact management: One of the most important features in the new version of GUI is contact management part in the form of phone book that includes contacts part and my favorite’s part. Phone book: The phone book button is one of the primary options. It includes Contact list and “My favorites”. Contacts list: In the contact part there is the central name, URI or IP Address of the contacts which have been added to the phone book the order is alphabetically and their central names and addresses cannot be manipulated due to user requirements. The possible options for them are to delete, search, call and add them to my favorite’s part. My favorites: According to the security reason the information existing in the contact list cannot be edited and manipulated and organized according to the users will. Favorite’s option is new and the main reason to create that is the user requirements to manipulate and organize the contacts. When adding a contact to the contact list of phone book there is an option asking whether you want to add the contact to my favorites as well, if your want to do so the contact automatically saved in a group in my favorites named contact list, you can as well go to my favorite’s part and add contacts separately. Organizing contacts: organizing contact in the contact list is alphabetically but in “My favorites” you can define different groups and classify the contacts in them. The default group is contact list that is for the contacts that have been saved through contact list. Contact management: One of the most important features in the new version of GUI is contact management part in the form of phone book that includes contacts part and my favorite’s part. Phone book: The phone book button is one of the primary options. It includes Contact list and “My favorites”. Contacts list: In the contact part there is the central name, URI or IP Address of the contacts which have been added to the phone book the order is alphabetically and their central names and addresses cannot be manipulated due to user requirements. The possible options for them are to delete, search, call and add them to my favorite’s part. My favorites: According to the security reason the information existing in the contact list cannot be edited and manipulated and organized according to the users will. Favorite’s option is new and the main reason to create that is the user requirements to manipulate and organize the contacts. When adding a contact to the contact list of phone book there is an option asking whether you want to add the contact to my favorites as well, if your want to do so the contact automatically saved in a group in my favorites named contact list, you can as well go to my favorite’s part and add contacts separately. Organizing contacts: organizing contact in the contact list is alphabetically but in “My favorites” you can define different groups and classify the contacts in them. The default group is contact list that is for the contacts that have been saved through contact list.

22 Phone book

23 My contacts

24 My favorites

25 My favorites( Add a contact to group ) Add a contact to group

26 Note: Delete group only applies for an empty group. So to enable “delete group” option, first all the contacts in that group should be deleted Note: Delete group only applies for an empty group. So to enable “delete group” option, first all the contacts in that group should be deleted My favorites(group options)

27 My favorites(Rename a group)

28 My favorites( delete an empty group ) delete an empty group

29 My favorites(delete a group)

30 Add new contact


32 Edit contact (Only applies to My favorites)


34 Add new contact to My favorites



37 Add new contact to My favorites (Choose from My contacts)


39 Settings New feature: change language and advanced sttings Note: The features in Minisip setting and account settings are more or less the same as previews Minisip Minor changes is done and New part “advanced setting” has been added to the Minisip settings Note: The features in Minisip setting and account settings are more or less the same as previews Minisip Minor changes is done and New part “advanced setting” has been added to the Minisip settings

40 Settings (Minisip Settings)






46 New feature (Optional authentication)

47 Settings (SIP account settings)

48 Settings(Sip account Settings)



51 Settings (Change language)

52 Delete a contact (from my contacts)

53 Delete a contact(from my favorites)

54 Exit the application

55 Recent calls(All calls)

56 Help,My favorites

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