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Application of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) for Statewide Traffic and Evacuation Monitoring and Management in Louisiana April 16, 1999.

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Presentation on theme: "Application of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) for Statewide Traffic and Evacuation Monitoring and Management in Louisiana April 16, 1999."— Presentation transcript:


2 Application of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) for Statewide Traffic and Evacuation Monitoring and Management in Louisiana April 16, 1999

3 Who Are We? Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering –Dr. Marc Levitan, Structural Engineering –Dr. Brian Wolshon, Transportation Engineering Remote Sensing and Image Processing Laboratory –Chris Schwehm, Digital Processing Louisiana State University

4 What is ITS? –ATMS - Video Surveillance, Incident Detection and Response, Adaptive Traffic Signal Systems –ATIS - Changeable Message Signs, HA, In-vehicle Information, Dynamic Route Guidance –CVO - Safety Assurance, Automated Credential Administration, Weigh-in-Motion –AVCS - Collision Avoidance, Road Condition Sensing, Advanced Guidance Application of Advanced Information and Communication Technologies for Transportation

5 Limitations of Current Systems Used in Louisiana Limited Statewide Traffic Data Collection –Limited to Hourly Volume and Average Speed –Not “Real-Time” –Not Easily Accessible and Usable No Roadway Specific Weather Data –Road Icing, Fog Conditions, Wind Speed Limited Coordination Between OEP & DOTD –Evacuation for Natural and Technological Hazards

6 What Do We Suggest? Collect Data Statewide –Traffic, Weather, Road Surface Conditions Process this Information in Real-Time –Automatic and Immediate Updates Make it Available –Use the World Wide Web –Decision Makers and the Public Present information in a Clear and Useable Format –Graphical Interface (point and click)

7 What Will It Do? If such data were available in an easily accessible form, it could have a tremendous positive impact on –Hurricane Evacuations –Incident Detection and Management –Traffic Management –Air quality attainment? –+ many others

8 System Requirements Provide data on –Traffic –Road surface conditions –Weather conditions Regional or statewide coverage of key routes Provide data in real-time or near real-time

9 System Requirements, cont’d. Allow simultaneous access to all officials in need of the data –DOTD, OEP, State Police –Local counterparts Provide feedback (management) capabilities Allow public access to selected portions

10 Problem Solution...

11 TRICOMM Total Roadway Integrated Condition Monitoring & Management


13 System Overview Traffic, Weather Road Surface Data Central Processor Users Internet Phone modem Cellular modem Satellite Paging Other

14 System Overview Traffic, Weather Road Surface Data Central Processor Users Traffic Management Internet Phone modem cell modem satellite paging other

15 System Overview- Basic Conditions Monitored Traffic Flow –# of vehicles –speed –type Road Surface –temperature –water depth Weather –temperature –relative humidity –wind speed and direction –visibility –rain

16 System Overview- Optional Conditions Monitored Water Depth/Rate of rise in adjacent floodprone areas HAZMAT –chemicals –radiation Other

17 Monitoring Station

18 User Interface









27 H W W

28 Highway Advisory Radio Station 3 Location: I-12 at Oneal Lane Frequency: 1670 am Status:Operational Flash Status: No Flash Current Message: Enter New Message: Flash URGENT Interstate 12 westbound reduced to one lane at Airline Highway due to an accident in the right lane. Please expect delays. Interstate reconstruction project completed. All traffic lanes are open








36 5,805 4,123 5,339 2,364 12,445 2,745 11,008 18,873 47,665 15, 037


38 Clearance Area Enter Clearance Area



41 Round Table Discussion Will this type of system be useful (and used)? Weaknesses? Changes? Improvements?

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