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Area of Study 1: Setwork 3 Chopin Piano Prelude in Db Major (Raindrop)

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1 Area of Study 1: Setwork 3 Chopin Piano Prelude in Db Major (Raindrop)

2 Area of Study 1: Setwork 3 Who was Chopin?

3 Area of Study 1: Setwork 3 Who was Chopin? Born in Poland in 1810 Died in Paris 1849 Virtuoso pianist Romantic composer famous for piano music

4 In 1838 he went to Majorca and ended up staying with his lover in a deserted monastery in a place called Valldemossa.

5 He composed this Prelude inspired by a heavy rainstorm that he could hear dripping on the roof of the monastery This piece was written between 1835 – 1838 as part of a set of 24 preludes.

6 What main info do you need to know about the Chopin piece? Key? Structure? Texture? What is it an example of?

7 What main info do you need to know about the Chopin piece? Key? In the key of Db Major Structure? The structure is ABA form (Ternary form) The B section is in C# Minor Texture? The overall texture is melody and accompaniment (Homophonic) This piece is an example of programme music, which means it describes something.

8 The piano… The piano was really developing in the Romantic era. What clues do we have in the piece of music that point to it being a piece of Romantic piano music?

9 It uses the following Romantic piano techniques: Use of RUBATO – speeds up or slows down very slightly to make it more expressive CANTABILE – the melody is played so that it ‘sings out’ on the piano and uses a smooth sound (LEGATO) Careful use of the pedals on the piano, particularly the sustain pedal on the right.

10 Section A Markings are SOSTENUTO (Sustained) and PIANO (soft) Right hand has the melody Texture is MELODY-DOMINATED HOMOPHONY Main tune starts with 3 notes of the main chord F – Db – Ab falling. A decoration called ACCICCATURA (crushed note) is used

11 Section A (continued) The pedal note used throughout the piece is Ab (the dominant). A new, second theme adds variety. There are some CHROMATIC notes used to make the harmony more interesting (add colour). At the end the Ab becomes written as G#. This is the same note but we call it ENHARMONIC CHANGE. This leads the piece into C# Minor for Section B.

12 Section B In the Key of C# Minor More dramatic and dark in mood (Minor Key) Lower region of the piano used. Homophonic texture throughout Tune is in the left hand with a G# PEDAL NOTE in the right hand. This is called an INVERTED DOMINANT PEDAL Wide range of DYNAMICS used. G# is used at the end as a PIVOT NOTE going back into Db Major.

13 Section A and Codetta The second section A is much shorter than the first. Uses the marking Smorzando, which means ‘dying away’ Short 8 bar CODETTA where the pedal note drops out for 2 bars and then starts up again Ends PIANISSIMO (very quiet) with a PERFECT CADENCE

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