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Read or complete any missing assignments!. Warm-up Complete the “Body’s Communication” worksheet in your notebook. *DO NOT WRITE ON THE WORKSHEET. Write.

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Presentation on theme: "Read or complete any missing assignments!. Warm-up Complete the “Body’s Communication” worksheet in your notebook. *DO NOT WRITE ON THE WORKSHEET. Write."— Presentation transcript:

1 Read or complete any missing assignments!

2 Warm-up Complete the “Body’s Communication” worksheet in your notebook. *DO NOT WRITE ON THE WORKSHEET. Write the Stimuli in your notebook, then write how you would respond to each one.

3 Nervous System Stimulus: Change to your environment that you react to. Could be any of your 5 senses

4 Central Nervous System Consists of the brain and spinal cord Communicates with the rest of the nervous system through electrical signals sent through nerve cells.

5 Neuron Nerve cells Brain contains at least 10 billion

6 Spinal Cord Main pathway for information Connects the brain and nerves throughout the body. 31 pairs of nerves extend from the spinal cord. It weighs a little over a pound 17 inches long


8 Peripheral Nervous System Nerves found throughout the body Sensory Nerves: receive information from the environment (hot or cold) Motor Nerves: send signals to your muscles that allow you to move Voluntary and involuntary!

9 Autonomic vs. Voluntary Autonomic: controls the movement of the heart, the smooth muscles in the stomach, the intestines, and the glands. Voluntary: Monitors movement that can be controlled consciously.

10 Parts of the Brain Frontal Lobe Located in the front of the brain which controls creativity problem solving intellect coordination

11 Parts of the Brain Parietal Lobe Located behind the frontal lobe, it focuses on Comprehension Visual functions Language Reading

12 Parts of the Brain Temporal Lobe The temporal lobe is located on the sides of the brain. Also referred as the “temporal”. This lobe controls all visual and auditory memories. It includes areas that help manage some Speech Hearing capabilities Language

13 Parts of the Brain Occipital Lobe The optical lobe is located in the back of the head. It helps to control vision.








21 Cell Phone Article Answer the following questions in SIN after reading the article 1. How many minutes a day do most people spend using their phone? 2. Why is it important to increase your distance from the phone while using it? 3. Name the 5 ways that cell phone effect your health and a summary of each one.

22 Nervous System Video Bill Nye the Science Guy and the Brain

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