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Medical Transcription II MR260 Professor Goris. Welcome to MR260! Agenda: Introduce Yourself in Discussion Board – Please do this after seminar Seminar.

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Presentation on theme: "Medical Transcription II MR260 Professor Goris. Welcome to MR260! Agenda: Introduce Yourself in Discussion Board – Please do this after seminar Seminar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Medical Transcription II MR260 Professor Goris

2 Welcome to MR260! Agenda: Introduce Yourself in Discussion Board – Please do this after seminar Seminar – Every Wednesday 8:00 pm EST Transcription Exercises Editing exercises 3, 5 and 8 Discussion board in weeks - 1, 2, 6 and 7 Please review the Syllabus for Weekly Learning Activities and Assessments

3 Welcome to MR260! Get Healthy – Food for Fuel 2012 June 11 – August 1 Change something for 10 weeks! –Drink more water –Walk 15 minutes a day –Eat healthy snacks –One small change

4 Contact Me Please contact me with any questions, problems or concerns. Send me an email.

5 Assignments MTClient is the software used to submit Transcription assignments User ID and Password should be the same as previous transcription course If you have any problems with MTClient please send me an email Any questions?

6 MTClient Assignments Please remember that all assignments are due by Tuesday 11:59 pm EST –But this does not mean to wait to load your work up at that time – it is better to have your work completed and submitted before due time Keep in mind that all reports need to be completed to receive credit and grade –Example if there are 6 reports in one assignment section then all 6 need to be complete – no partial work will be graded.

7 Websites es/pronunciations/index/a.html es/pronunciations/index/a.html onsamples/physical-exam-examination- samples-words-for-medical-transcriptionists onsamples/physical-exam-examination- samples-words-for-medical-transcriptionists estmenu/ estmenu/ u/pub?key=0AogA7kp6b8HgcHktMFd1RWlT TUJuODBhMDJvM1A2ZEE&gid=8 u/pub?key=0AogA7kp6b8HgcHktMFd1RWlT TUJuODBhMDJvM1A2ZEE&gid=8

8 Cardiology Chapter 11 Cardiology –Medical specialty dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and disorders of the heart. Sample notes: – ?type=87-Office%20Notes&sample=52- Cardiology%20Office%20Visit%20-%201 ?type=87-Office%20Notes&sample=52- Cardiology%20Office%20Visit%20-%201 –

9 Book of Style (Medical Transcription Bible) Chapter 14 – Cardiology Page 317 – 331 Sample reports also in Appendix A – Sample Reports page 493

10 Fill In 1. The largest artery in the body is the __________. 2. The tissue of the heart is mostly __________. 3. The __________ pushed deoxygenated blood into the lungs by way of the __________ artery and its two branches. 4. __________ keep blood flowing forward and prevent it from flowing back the way it came. 5. Once the blood has circulated throughout the body, it re-enters the heart through the __________.

11 Fill In Answer Sheet 1. The largest artery in the body is the aorta. 2. The tissue of the heart is mostly muscle. 3. The right ventricle pushed deoxygenated blood into the lungs by way of the pulmonary artery and its two branches. 4. Valves keep blood flowing forward and prevent it from flowing back the way it came. 5. Once the blood has circulated throughout the body, it re-enters the heart through the right atrium.

12 Fill In 6. The __________ valve between the right atrium and the right ventricle has three leaflets. 7. __________ carry blood away from the heart and __________ carry blood to the heart. 8. The pulmonary artery and its two branches is the only artery that carries __________ blood. 9. Oxygenated blood flows from the lungs back to the heart through veins and into the __________. 10. From the left atrium, blood flows into the __________, and it is prevented from flowing back into the atrium by means of the __________.

13 Fill In Answers 6. The tricuspid valve between the right atrium and the right ventricle has three leaflets. 7. Arteries carry blood away from the heart and veins carry blood to the heart. 8. The pulmonary artery and its two branches is the only artery that carries deoxygenated blood. 9. Oxygenated blood flows from the lungs back to the heart through veins and into the left atrium. 10. From the left atrium, blood flows into the left ventricle, and it is prevented from flowing back into the atrium by means of the mitral valve.

14 Fill In 11. The strongest chamber in the heart is the __________; it pumps blood out of the heart to the rest of the body through the __________. 12. The __________ keep the heart well nourished with blood. 13. Arteries that take off from the __________ take blood to the brain; the __________ takes blood to the lower part of the body. 14. As arteries and veins become smaller, they become __________ and __________ respectively. 15. The smallest vessels in the body are called __________; this is where the exchange of gases, nutrients, and waste takes place.

15 Fill In 11. The strongest chamber in the heart is the left ventricle; it pumps blood out of the heart to the rest of the body through the mitral valve. 12. The coronary arteries keep the heart well nourished with blood. 13. Arteries that take off from the aortic arch take blood to the brain; the descending arch takes blood to the lower part of the body. 14. As arteries and veins become smaller, they become arterioles and venules respectively. 15. The smallest vessels in the body are called capillaries; this is where the exchange of gases, nutrients, and waste takes place.

16 Fill In 16. The __________ carries blood from the upper part of the body back to the heart and the __________ carries blood from the lower part of the body to the heart. 17. __________ blood cells carry oxygen and carbon dioxide. 18. __________ blood cells fight infections by destroying germs. 19. __________ help stop bleeding by forming clots. 20. __________ is the liquid or watery part of blood.

17 Fill In Answers 16. The superior vena cava carries blood from the upper part of the body back to the heart and the inferior vena cava carries blood from the lower part of the body to the heart. 17. Red blood cells carry oxygen and carbon dioxide. 18. White blood cells fight infections by destroying germs. 19. Platelets help stop bleeding by forming clots. 20. Plasma is the liquid or watery part of blood.

18 Final Thoughts That is all for tonight Remember to post on Discussion Board by Saturday – late discussion posts will mean points deducted Hope you learn something that you will use in your career Take breaks and walk around the block Proofread your assignments

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