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By: Michael Null, James Ogletree, and Cody Christianson.

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1 By: Michael Null, James Ogletree, and Cody Christianson

2  The EPA considers it a CDD  A CDD is a family of 75 different compounds  commonly referred to as polychlorinated dioxins  The CDD family is divided into eight groups of chemicals based on the number of chlorine atoms in the compound

3  CDDs are released during  Combustion of fossil fuels  During incineration processes (municipal and medical solid waste and hazardous waste incineration).  Herbicides and pesticides  Burning anything that has chlorine will release certain CDDs  Also found naturally in the environment  Agent Orange

4  Naturally we ingest somewhere between a nanogram (one billionth of a gram) and a picogram (one trillionth of a gram)  Due to breathing or eating meat/dairy products or contact  Stored in your fat and liver  Little is known about the breakdown in the body

5  There is no quick way to detect it, since it is stored in your fat it is hard to test for  Blood test after immediate exposure

6  Federal agencies that develop regulations for toxic substances include the  Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)  The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)  The Food and Drug Administration (FDA)  Still collecting information on affects and where it is

7  Chloracne (a cross between acne and a burn)  Liver failure  Risk of cancer

8  Different amounts of chlorine atoms make up the groups  More deadly versions such as tetrachlorinated  In certain species, 2,3,7,8-TCDD is especially harmful and can cause death after a single exposure to small amounts. Before death, animals may lose as much as 40% or more of their body weight following a single dose of 2,3,7,8-TCDD

9  Most famous CDD  Herbicide made for the U.S. military  Used during operation ranch hand in Vietnam war  20 million gallons used during the war  Includes TCDD in the mixture



12  4.8 million people in Vietnam were exposed  Many health problems such as mental defects, extra fingers and toes, cleft palate are some of the symptoms.  Studies of veterans who served in the South during the war have increased rates of cancer, nerve, digestive, skin and respiratory disorders.

13  363&tid=63#bookmark02 363&tid=63#bookmark02  hlordibenz.pdf hlordibenz.pdf  /volume2/chap12.pdf /volume2/chap12.pdf

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