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Using molecules to capture solar energy

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2 Using molecules to capture solar energy
Timothy Schmidt

3 The solar spectrum 1000 W/m2

4 Light is made of photons
Planck constant Speed of light Energy of photon Wavelength

5 The solar spectrum High energy photons Low energy photons

6 Electrons absorb photons, get energy
unoccupied energy levels E electrons diamond

7 Electrons absorb photons, get energy
unoccupied energy levels electrons silicon

8 The solar spectrum 1000 W/m2

9 single threshold solar cells
unoccupied energy levels ~32% max V electrons

10 Shockley-Queisser limit
35% SQ limit 6000K sun limit Si 25% GaAs efficiency CdTe CdS 15% Ge a-Si:H 5% 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Band gap /eV

11 the 3 generations of solar cell
Thermodynamic Limit Single threshold (Shockley-Queisser limit)

12 routes to circumventing Shockley-Queisser limit
using the low energy photons upconversion intermediate band cells using all the photon’s energy downconversion multiple exciton generation singlet Fission hot carrier cells

13 Electrons have “spin” Ground state S0 Excited state S1

14 Electrons have “spin” Ground state S0 Excited state S1
Excited state T1

15 Molecular photophysics!
fluorescence (fast, allowed) absorption

16 Molecular photophysics!
Intersystem crossing absorption Phosphorescence (slow, forbidden)

17 what is wrong with this picture?

18 triplet-triplet annihilation (TTA)
sensitizer sensitizer S1 S1 S1 S1 ISC ISC T1 TTA T1 T1 T1 S0 S0 S0 S0 emitter emitter


20 Up-conversion cell Up-conversion unit Limiting efficiency of an
Upconversion cell is about 50% cell Up-conversion unit

21 tetrakisquinoxalinoporphyrin palladium (II)
select a sensitizer tetrakisquinoxalinoporphyrin palladium (II)

22 ultrafast photoluminescence
The compound only fluoresces while in S1 (only 10ps!) Measured fluorescence lifetime = 5ps Calculated fluorescence lifetime = 20ns Fluorescence yield = 0.025% Triplet yield may be %!

23 100% fluorescence yield used by others for TTA upconversion
select an emitter 100% fluorescence yield used by others for TTA upconversion



26 TTA emission kinetics

27 prompt fluorescence vs upconversion
laser laser upconversion fluorescence

28 TTA yields mixture ref pure rubrene ref 33% 25%

29 Nothing wrong with this picture!

30 or this…

31 ummmm?


33 Dr Nicholas J. Ekins-Daukes Now at Imperial College
Dr Raphael “femtofingers” Clady Dr Nicholas J. Ekins-Daukes (NED) Now at Imperial College our man in London Murad Tayebjee Dennis Cheng

34 $$ acknowledgements $$
University of Sydney University of NSW ARC LIEF ARC DP GCEP


36 Application to a-Si realistic a-Si cell 1mm up-conversion unit
100nm, 200nm or 300nm 1mm up-conversion unit

37 Application to a-Si Modelled porphyrin absorption spectra
Spectra transmitted through cell

38 Application to a-Si +34% Bare a-Si Jsc Voc FF Eff 100nm 84.2 0.832
54.8% 3.8% 200nm 114 0.869 57.4% 5.7% 300nm 131 0.884 58.1% 6.8% 667 Porphyrin Jsc Voc FF Eff 100nm 88.8 0.838 55.3% 4.1% 200nm 120 0.874 57.6% 6.1% 300nm 136 0.889 58.2% 7.1% Monster porphyrin Jsc Voc FF Eff 100nm 105 0.859 56.8% 5.1% 200nm 141 0.893 58.4% 7.6% 300nm 160 0.906 58.8% 8.8% +34% 780 Porphyrin Jsc Voc FF Eff 100nm 89.4 0.839 55.4% 4.2% 200nm 122 0.876 57.7% 6.2% 300nm 139 0.891 58.3% 7.4%

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