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1 The White Rabbit put on his spectacles. “Where shall I begin, please your Majesty?” he asked. “Begin at the beginning,” the King said, very gravely,

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Presentation on theme: "1 The White Rabbit put on his spectacles. “Where shall I begin, please your Majesty?” he asked. “Begin at the beginning,” the King said, very gravely,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 The White Rabbit put on his spectacles. “Where shall I begin, please your Majesty?” he asked. “Begin at the beginning,” the King said, very gravely, “and go on till you come to the end: then stop.”...from Alice in Wonderland CITX 1151: Understanding TCP/IP Bandula Abeysundara, Ph.D., P.Eng.

2 2 CITX 1151: Understanding TCP/IP Class Introductions Prerequisites: –LAN 1 & LAN 2 or Net+ or relevant industry experience Text book: –TCP/IP Protocol Suite (3rd Edition) by: Behrouz A. Forouzan with Sophia C. Fegan

3 3 CITX 1151: Understanding TCP/IP Policies & Procedures –All assignments to be handed over in class (not by e-mail, unless prior arrangements are made with the instructor) –Late assignments will not be accepted (unless prior arrangements are made with the instructor) –Please do not forward your BCIT e-mails to other e-mail addresses, as you may not receive them Assignments, Quizzes and Exams –Assignments (3) - 20% (As#1 - 10%, As#2 & 3 - 5%) –Quizzes: Mini Quizzes (6) - 6% (1% each) Other (longer) Quizzes (2) - 14% (7% each) –Exams: Mid Term - 30% Final - 30%

4 4 Course Outline Session 1: Ch. 4 - IP Addressing –Assignment#1 handed out (sent by e-mail) Session 2: Continuation of Ch. 5 & Ch. 2 – 2.3 & 2.4 –Mini quiz # 1 (on IP Addressing, CIDR, Supernetting) –Classless Inter-domain Routing and Supernetting Session 3: Ch. 8 - Internet Protocol (IP) –Mini quiz # 2 (on IP) –Assignment#1 due in class Session 4: Ch. 8 - Discussion on IP continued. –Review of Assignment #1 –Major quiz # 3 (material covered until end of session 3)

5 5 Course Outline Session 5: Ch. 11 – User Datagram Protocol (UDP) Ch. 12 – Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) –Mini quiz # 4 (on Transport protocols) –Assignment#2 handed out Session 6: Ch. 12 - Discussion on TCP continued... –Review –Mid Term Exam (material covered until end of session 5) Session 7: Ch. 6 - Routing of IP Packets –Review of Mid Term exam –Mini quiz # 5 (on Ch.6) –Assignment#2 due in class

6 6 Course Outline Session 8: Ch. 14 - Unicast Routing Protocols –Mini quiz # 6 (on Ch.14) –Assignment#3 handed out Session 9: Ch. 14 - Unicast Routing Protocols continued... –Major Quiz #7 (material covered after mid term until end of session 8) Session 10: Ch. 17 - Domain Name System (DNS) –Mini quiz # 8 (on DNS) –Assignment#3 due in class Session 11: Ch. 21 - Network Management: SNMP Ch. 27 - IP Version 6 Session 12: Course Summary –Course Evaluation –Final Exam

7 7 Course Outline IMPORTANT: Students are responsible for obtaining the assignments on the indicated dates and handing them over on the due dates in the class While some chapters take longer than a session, some chapters take less time. Therefore, what is covered in each session could vary from the above schedule. Mini quizzes will be at the beginning of a new chapter, as a pre-test. The dates may vary, based on when a new chapter is started. The objective is to encourage students to read a chapter prior to discussing it in class.

8 8 Why this course is important for you? Like mathematics to many other subject areas, a good understanding of TCP/IP protocols is essential for many other subjects in Information Technology, Networking and Communications Builds the foundation knowledge needed in different jobs, such as: –Network Administrators and Network Analysts –Programmers (applications software and network protocols software) –Hardware/Software installers and trouble shooting staff –Helpdesk staff

9 9 What can you do to make this course successful for you? Read material to be covered beforehand Review material discussed in each class before the next class Ask questions in class about anything you don’t understand. Other students may have similar doubts and your questions will help everyone! Take down short notes in class Start doing assignments early! Pay attention to due dates of assignments, quizzes and exams Plan on devoting 3-4 hours on average per week for this course (outside class time)

10 10 “Words of Wisdom” from Fall 2007 students Do not buy the course text book; the slides are complete. (1 hr) Go to class and pay attention. Take many notes. (1-2 hrs) Do not buy the book and bring lots of coffee. (1-2 hrs) Understand the big picture of TCP/IP, routing & security. Don’t have to memorize all the details. (2 hrs) Make sure you go over the material. (1-3 hrs) Keep up with the readings in the book. (2-3 hrs) If the book has not changed, try to read the material from different sources. (2-3 hrs)

11 11 “Words of Wisdom” from Fall 2007 students Read the chapters. Do the questions in the book (if any). (2-3 hrs/night) Study slides and prepare for chapters before class (3 hrs) Do not take this course lightly. Pay close attention. (4- 5 hrs) They should pay great attention at class. (4-5 hrs) Allocate enough time in reading every chapter. Avoid cramming just before exams. Ask the teacher if the subject matter is not clear. (5 hrs) Read ahead. Do what the instructor recommends. The instructor has a very good method. (5 hrs)

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