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Development of World's First DNA Computer for Gene Analysis /n020128E.html (Jan. 28, 2002.) Summarized by 신수용.

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1 Development of World's First DNA Computer for Gene Analysis /n020128E.html (Jan. 28, 2002.) Summarized by 신수용

2 (C) 2001, SNU Biointelligence Lab, On February 15, 2001, the company established an R&D- based joint venture, NovusGene Inc., with Mitsui Knowledge Industry Co., Ltd. with the objective of providing a variety of genetic analytical services. Based on technical support provided by Associate Professor Akira Suyama, a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of NovusGene, this joint venture has conducted research into DNA computing. Olympus aims to lead the world in the development of a practical DNA computer that can be adapted for gene analysis purposes.

3 (C) 2001, SNU Biointelligence Lab, Background: Intelligent DNA Chip By Suyama (DNA7)

4 (C) 2001, SNU Biointelligence Lab,진행상황 Developed by Olympus Optical Co., Ltd. Joint with Akira Suyama from the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences at the University of Tokyo and NovusGene Inc. Plans to begin offering full-scale analytical services in 2003. plans to publish the latest results of the performance testing at DNA8

5 (C) 2001, SNU Biointelligence Lab, High-speed fully-automated process from sample injection to reaction enables quantitative gene expression profiling. Development prototype

6 (C) 2001, SNU Biointelligence Lab, Taking advantage of the computational abilities of DNA (which derive from the highly specific, base sequence-dependent chemical reactions between different strands). This computer achieves the practical combination of huge computing power and massively parallel processing.

7 (C) 2001, SNU Biointelligence Lab, Construction of DNA Computer for Gene Analysis Molecular section + Electronic section

8 (C) 2001, SNU Biointelligence Lab, Main Features 1. Gene expression profiling realized with high precision, at high speed, and at low cost 2. Versatile artificial DNA fragments used in DNA reactions designed using special proprietary software 3. Reliability of reactions improved through introduction of Magtration (R) technology, which separates molecules based on their magnetic beads

9 (C) 2001, SNU Biointelligence Lab, Details of Main Features High-precision, high-speed, low-cost gene expression profiling. Through the complete automation of all processes from sample injection to the completion of quantitative reactions, the time required has been greatly shortened, to just six hours. By comparison, the conventional manual process based on the use of microarrays typically takes three days. Fitted with a maximum of 96 wells, each of which can contain up to 100 different DNA strands with abilities to bind to specific DNA sequences, the computer enables a large number of high- precision calculations to be performed simultaneously.

10 (C) 2001, SNU Biointelligence Lab, Details of Main Features Versatile artificial DNA fragments for reactions designed using special software  The artificial DNA fragments are designed using special proprietary software so that they will have regular physicochemical properties and not interfere each other.  Since this makes the so-called hybridization process extremely precise, changes can be made to the computing program performed depending on the composition of the DNA fragments chosen.  This makes the computer highly versatile, and capable of being optimized for a wide range of analytical techniques applicable to different diseases, or for the analysis of the genomes of various organisms.

11 (C) 2001, SNU Biointelligence Lab, Details of Main Features Reliability of reactions improved through introduction of Magtration (R) technology.  The reliability of the reactions that underpin the computational abilities of the computer has been greatly improved through the use within the system of Magtration (R) technology  Which enables precise control of magnetic beads using specially designed disposable tips and magnets.  This technology is owned by Precision System Science Co., Ltd. (Head Office: Matsudo, Chiba Prefecture; President: Hideji Tajima), a Japanese company which has credentials for the field of genomic analysis.

12 (C) 2001, SNU Biointelligence Lab, 예상 Applications Gene expression profiling SNP Detection of genetic diseases Genetic diagnosis Drug discovery

13 (C) 2001, SNU Biointelligence Lab, DNA 컴퓨터 기술에 대해서는 기본 특허로서 핵산 검출법 ( 특허 3103806 호 ) 을 보유. DNA probe, primer 설계 SNP 해석 Microarray 발현 해석

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