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a song of joyful praise or exultation Paean quick and changeable in temperament; Volatile Mercurial.

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Presentation on theme: "a song of joyful praise or exultation Paean quick and changeable in temperament; Volatile Mercurial."— Presentation transcript:


2 a song of joyful praise or exultation Paean

3 quick and changeable in temperament; Volatile Mercurial

4 excessive desire for wealth or possessions Cupidity

5 What Place is this? Mt. Olympus, Greece

6 These games take their name from which place? Mt. Olympus

7 Bellicose Warlike Inclined to start a fight or quarrel What actions suggest that Hercules is Bellicose?

8 Who is the ruler of Olympus, symbolized by the lightning bolt, and a well known womanizer? Zeus/ Jupiter

9 Who was Hercules’ namesake and also nemesis? Hera/Juno

10 Who are these people? The 12 Olympians

11 What god personified slaughter, bloodlust, and violence and was the father of Cupid? Ares/ Mars

12 Aphrodite/ Venus Goddess of Love, Beauty Love at first sight Married to Hephaestus

13 Apollo is the god of… God of Oracles (Prophets, fortune tellers), Music, Medicine, Healing

14 What does “Psyche” mean? Soul

15 What is the function of a pronoun? Pronouns replace nouns. What is an antecedent? –The antecedent is the noun referred to by the pronoun.

16 SingularPlural First PersonI Me My, Mine We Us Our, ours Second PersonList all 4 second person pronouns Third PersonHe, she, it Him, her, it His, her, hers, its They Them Their, theirs

17 a shield or protection; also sponsorship, patronage Aegis

18 A word used to describe the set of gods or goddesses of a particular religion, mythology, or fictional universe. Pantheon

19 What does “Deify” mean? To regard or worship as a god.

20 Recurring structures, contrasts, or literary devices that can inform a texts major theme(s). Motifs May be an idea, object, place or statement. When symbols combine, they form: MOTIFS!!!

21 This is a statue of one of the Titans. What is his name and how is he related to Hercules? Atlas, who holds up the world. Hercules tricked him into getting the apples of Hesperides

22 Nemesis One that inflicts retribution or vengeance Who is Venus the nemesis of?


24 What does “Stygian” mean? Gloomy and dark

25 Hermes/ Mercury was the god of… God of Commerce, Messengers, Travelers, Invention, Orators, Literature, Poets, Athletics, Thieves, Liars

26 Exemplary Why do Heroes of disney movies need to be exemplary?

27 What is a “Paroxysm”? A sudden outburst of any kind of activity

28 Venerable Why do some consider the president venerable?

29 Can you use all five words in a sentence? Although he was a bellicose character who frequently suffered to paroxysms of madness, Hercules possessed an almost Achillean ego that led him to become an exemplary and venerable individual through his brave completion of the twelve labors.

30 What is the purpose of Expository Writing to inform, explain, describe, or define the author’s subject to the reader. How is this accomplished? –Through objective, detailed writing

31 Of unusual size, power, or difficulty. Herculean

32 The main character(s) who drives the action of the story –PROTAGONIST Synonym? –Hero

33 The character(s) who directly oppose the protagonist –Antagonist

34 Character Original model of a person or the ideal example. A generic version of a personality. –Archetype An overused, oversimplification of a personality type. –Stereotype



37 Symbols What are symbols? –Represent other things What are three examples of symbols?

38 What does Achillean mean? Invulnerable

39 What term is used to describe “The message, lesson, or meaning of a text”? Theme –Most are implied, not said outright. –Meaning of the text on an abstract level. –Themes are usually supported by motifs. –One sentence statement


41 Who is this and what is his relationship to Hercules?

42 Acrimonious Why is Hera acrimonious?

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