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Lately people have been talking a lot about makerspaces, hacking and do-it- yourself (DIY) learning online. But what happens when you combine all of these.

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Presentation on theme: "Lately people have been talking a lot about makerspaces, hacking and do-it- yourself (DIY) learning online. But what happens when you combine all of these."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lately people have been talking a lot about makerspaces, hacking and do-it- yourself (DIY) learning online. But what happens when you combine all of these things? You get a Fab Lab.

2 But what is a Fab Lab, really? Fab Labs can be part of… Businesses and Incubators Technical Training Institutes & Community Colleges Museums and Libraries Community Centers and Government Offices Universities and Schools Some are stand-alone Makerspaces A Fab Lab is like a modern inventor’s workshop. It is a place for rapid prototyping and fabrication for iterative design. There are many Fab Labs and they all share similar tools, software and ideologies.

3 There are Fab Labs all over the world! Fab Labs help people all over the world to develop and share cutting-edge technologies and ideas. They have a yearly conference and online academy. We’ve brought knowledge from this international network to you! Originally started at MIT, there are now over 200 Fab Labs world-wide

4 Modern-day inventors’ workshop Rapid prototyping and fabrication lab 50% community + 50% university Public Engagement at UIUC Education, research, art and entrepreneurship Same tools, software and ideology Workshops and consulting Emphasis on kids and underserved More about the CU Community Fab Lab

5 The Fab Lab Process


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