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Society and Culture at the End of the 20 th Century.

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Presentation on theme: "Society and Culture at the End of the 20 th Century."— Presentation transcript:

1 Society and Culture at the End of the 20 th Century

2 Table of Content  The “Great Society” Program  Graying America  Biotechnology Revolution  Computer Revolution  Works Cited

3 The “Great Society” Program Lyndon B. Johnson wanted to move forward with Kennedy's ideas and ideals,so with the help of congress,he created the “Great Society.” He strove to better the lives of the poor,build a better society and improve the health and education conditions. The “Great Society” programs benefited the lives of millions by providing medical assistance,student loans,and improved school nutrition etc... However,Johnson's vast number of programs became too difficult to manage and too hard to fund. If President Johnson would have done fewer programs but put more time and money into those few, America's benefits would have been greater.

4 Graying of America After WWII,the American birthrate exploded. The year 1945 all the way to 1961 was known as the Baby Boom. Over 65 million children were born in the U.S. Couples had delayed having children during the war but once it was over,production began. Parenthood and pregnancy were being celebrated all over the country,so having a large family was nothing out of the ordinary. The downside to having such a large generation of people is the overall drainage of the healthcare mediocre)(which is already and over- crowding in hospitals.

5 Revolutions in Biotechnology In the 1950s,cloning animals was a method used for bettering livestock. However,in 1977,Dolly the Sheep became the first animal to be duplicated from an adult cell(until then,there had only been clones made from embryonic cells.) This discovery has led into the studies of genetic diseases,studying new drugs and saving endangered species. Dolly is a prime example of how far the world has come and how much further they will go.

6 Computer Revolution In 1946,the ENIAC was created. It weighed over 30 tons and took up an entire room. By 1977, Steven Wozniak and Steve Jobs had invented a computer that was small,feasible and affordable. A new operating system called “Windows” was invented by Bill Gates in 1980. The Internet allowed people to unite across the world. The “World Wide Web” was came into the picture and was the climax of the computer revolution. Personal computers became a part of everyday life. They became essential for businesses and for people to have in their homes. Not only did this technological advance allow people to interact with other people across the world,it also gave people the opportunity of having information at their fingertips. This technological revolution has greatly influenced America and clearly exemplifies how far technology has come.

7 Works Cited  Note:All other information was found in the The American Vision history book.

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