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Jim Berglund – Bridge Lesson 13 The Rule of 15 3 rd Seat Openings The Drury Convention.

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Presentation on theme: "Jim Berglund – Bridge Lesson 13 The Rule of 15 3 rd Seat Openings The Drury Convention."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jim Berglund – Bridge Lesson 13 The Rule of 15 3 rd Seat Openings The Drury Convention



4 ♠ Several years ago, bridge players found that there was preemptive value in being the first to bid a major suit, and started opening much weaker in third and fourth seats than was often prudent – especially when partner held a 12 HCP 4-4-4-1 hand or a 11 HCP 4-4-3-2 hand. Bidding was often at the three or four-level before responder caught on. ♠ Drury was invented to make inquiries over third and fourth-seat openers to determine if the opener had a ‘real’ opening bid ♠ The sequence was WNES PP1♥/♠1♥/♠ P2♣*2♣*P?

5 In time, it was enhanced when other bids took on additional meaning. P-P-1 ♥ / ♠ -P-2 ♣ *-2 of the other Major indicated a minimal opener (12-13 HCP and a flat hand, which could be corrected to the major at the 2 or 3 level) 1. P-P-1 ♥ / ♠ -P-2 ♣ *-2NT showed 17+ to 19 HCP and a flat hand 2. P-P-1 ♥ / ♠ -P-2 ♣ *-3NT showed 14-17- HCP and a flat hand 3. P-P-1 ♥ / ♠ -P-2 ♣ *-2X showed a second suit with 4 + cards Drury*

6 In much of North America, the sequence has changed: WNES PP1♥/♠1♥/♠ P2♣*2♣*P?

7 In Calgary, the sequence has been taught as follows: WNES PP1♥/♠1♥/♠ P2♣/♦*2♣/♦*P?

8 ♠ There is an implicit rule that a passed hand cannot force to game. ♠ Two bids (2 ♣ & 2 ♦ ) are used to describe the same type of hand ♠ Slams are seldom investigated unless opener has a Rock and forces ♠ Over Opponent’s Interference, including doubles, bids are poorly defined Problems with these methods…

9 1.A 2 ♣ bid is the only Drury bid; it shows a near-opener with a fit 2.If partner makes a positive bid, bidding cannot stop at lower than 3 of his suit 3.A 2 ♦ bid or the other major is a negative free bid showing no fit 4.Any new suit bid by opener at the 3-level is a splinter 5.A jump raise by opener is RKC for the suit 6.A bid at the 4-level shows another 5+ card suit and should start Q-bids 7.A suit jump-bid above game is Exclusion Blackwood

10 KQ54 KQ432 43 65 WNES PP1♠1♠ P? ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ AQ10 987 KJ8 Q876 ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ K875 Q76 K3 K1098 ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ 9872 9874 AKQJ 6 ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣

11 76542 76432 A3 A WNES PP1♠ P? ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ 7654 AKQ K987 87 ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ 8754 876 KQJ986 void ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ 72 9874 AKQJ10 63 ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣

12 76542 7 AK873 A4 WNES PP1♠ P2♣P? ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ A7654 AKJ 987 87 ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ Q8754 87 KQJ986 void ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ QJ643 87 KQJ986 ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣

13 76542 7 KQ732 KQ WNES PP1♠ P2♣P? ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ Q7654 AJ93 QJ 87 ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ QJ9875 87 KQJ98 void ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ AQJ6432 K8 KQ10 6 ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣

14 7654 KQ732 KQ32 WNES PP1S P2CP2S P? ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ Q762 AJ93 QJ Q73 ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ AJ98 876 KQ987 3 ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ Q62 KJ6 Q109 K1098 ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣

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