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Poetry Types, Styles and Formats The ones you have to write!!!

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Presentation on theme: "Poetry Types, Styles and Formats The ones you have to write!!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Poetry Types, Styles and Formats The ones you have to write!!!

2 Limerick Requirements Silly poem only 5 lines long. They are often funny and nonsensical. Often start with the line “There once was a...” or “There was a...” Your Limerick MUST be SCHOOL APPROPRIATE. 1 st, 2 nd, & 5 th lines rhyme and have the same number of syllables. (typically 8 or 9). 3 rd and 4 th lines rhyme and have the same number of syllables ( typically 5 or 6).

3 Limerick Example 1. There was a young girl called Denise (a) 2. She lived all her life on the streets (a) 3. In need of a prayer ( b) 4. Her pockets were bare (b) 5. She died in the arms of a priest. ( a) -Paul McCann How many syllables are in line 1? Line 2? Line 3? Line 4? Line 5?

4 Haiku Requirements Consists of three lines. Line one 5 syllables. Line two 7 syllables. Line three 5 syllables. No rhyme scheme required. Originated in Japan. Generally about NATURE.

5 Haiku Example Haiku’s are easy But sometimes they don’t make sense Refrigerator. -One for humor. Yours has to be about nature. Tip-tap goes the rain. As it hits the window pane I can hear the rain. -Paul McCann

6 Diamante A poem in the shape of a DIAMOND 7 line poem where the theme or topic ends opposite to the opening topic. English grammar is used It does NOT have to rhyme. Each line uses specific types of words like adjectives and –ing words. It can be about 1 topic or two opposite topics.

7 Diamante Format Line 1- Noun Line 2- 2 ADJECTIVES Line 3- 3 Participles ending in –ING or ED Line 4- 4 NOUNS or a PHRASE Line 5- 3 Participles ending in -ING or ED (indicating change if your doing the two topic diamante) Line 6- 2 Adjectives Line 7- Noun ( contrasting noun if you are doing the two topic)

8 Example- One Topic Monsters Creepy, Sinister, Hiding, lurking, stalking, Vampires, mummies, werewolves and more Chasing, pouncing, eating, Hungry, scary, Creatures.

9 Example Two- 2 Topics-Opposite This shows the difference between night and day. Day Bright, sunny Laughing, playing, doing Up in the east, down in the west- Talking, resting, sleeping Quiet, dark Night

10 Terza Rima Terza rima is poetry written in three-line stanzas (or “tercets”) linked by end-rhymes patterned aba, bcb, cdc, ded, efe, etc. There is no specified number of stanzas in the form poems written in terza rima usually end with a single line or a couplet rhyming with the middle line of the last tercet.

11 Aquatinted with Night By- Robert Frost 3, 3 Line Stanzas I have been one acquainted with the night. (A) I have walked out in rain — and back in rain (B). I have outwalked the furthest city light (A). I have looked down the saddest city lane (B). I have passed by the watchman on his beat (C) And dropped my eyes, unwilling to explain (B). I have stood still and stopped the sound of feet (C) When far away an interrupted cry (D) Came over houses from another street (C), But not to call me back or say good-bye (D); And further still at an unearthly height (E), One luminary clock against the sky (D) Rhyming Couplet. Proclaimed the time was neither wrong nor right (E) I have been one acquainted with the night (E).

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