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Online ethics review system Peter A. Bath (Deputy Chair, UREC) Peggy Haughton (Minute Secretary, UREC)

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Presentation on theme: "Online ethics review system Peter A. Bath (Deputy Chair, UREC) Peggy Haughton (Minute Secretary, UREC)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Online ethics review system Peter A. Bath (Deputy Chair, UREC) Peggy Haughton (Minute Secretary, UREC)

2 Background University Research Ethics Policy launched 2004: Ethics review for all research involving human participants, data or tissue to under Annual report of research ethics reviews Paper-based systems used in departments using templates provided by RIS Increasing number of applications since 2004 18/10/2015© The University of Sheffield 2

3 Proposal for online system Proposed, discussed and agreed at UREC meetings in 2012-13 Development by epiGenesys throughout 2013 User group set up in 2013 Meetings between epiGenesys, users and members of UREC Ongoing consultation feedback throughout 2013-14 Feedback used to develop system further 18/10/2015© The University of Sheffield 3

4 Functionality of online system Access for applicants, reviewers and administrators, supervisors Allows applicants to include all necessary information and forms Manages all documents with each application to provide complete record of: information sheets, consent forms, reviews, etc. record for each completed phase of application 18/10/2015© The University of Sheffield 4

5 Functionality Data securely stored within the University system cannot be accessed by anyone outside Webpage for the online system Help sheets provided for groups using the system: applicants, supervisors, ethics administrators, reviewers 18/10/2015© The University of Sheffield 5

6 Pilot phase Online system launched with pilot departments in December 2013 Five departments in initial pilot phase: Information School; School of Education; School of Law; School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR); School of Languages and Cultures Feedback very positive and suggestions/ comments being used to fine-tune the system Now being rolled out to other Departments across the University 18/10/2015© The University of Sheffield 6

7 Improvements during pilot phase: Time for applicants to complete a page within the system extended significantly to allow time for completion Option added for applicants to indicate that they are undergoing ethics review in a different department, e.g., if part of a cross-university project Option for ‘review by committee’ where departments assess ethics applications by Ethics committee 18/10/2015© The University of Sheffield 7

8 Improvements Option added for ethics administrators to change the reviewer: sends automated email to the ‘new’ reviewer asking them to review the project, and one to the ‘old’ reviewer telling them they are no longer required Button added to ‘Prompt reviewer’ - sends a reminder email to reviewers Further web pages added with information and help sheets 18/10/2015© The University of Sheffield 8

9 Current status: 16 Departments using the system from 4 Faculties using the online system Additional 11 departments: Architecture; Computer Science; Sociological Studies; Department of Landscape; Department of Mechanical Engineering; Management School; Journalism Studies; Human Communication Sciences; Town & Regional Planning; Music; East Asian Studies 7 departments have seen applications through the whole review process 18/10/2015© The University of Sheffield 9

10 Next steps: Ongoing improvements following feedback Further departments welcome to pilot the system Contact Peggy ( Demonstration session today after lunch Looking to roll-out across the University throughout remainder of 2013-14. 18/10/2015© The University of Sheffield 10



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