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GREENING MAGGIE’S FLOWER SHOP PRESENTED BY THE NINJA PROS May 22, 2010 Tom Fisher, Jacqueline Clarke, Karen Lynn, Adhiti Naik, Maggie Leung and AJin Lim.

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1 GREENING MAGGIE’S FLOWER SHOP PRESENTED BY THE NINJA PROS May 22, 2010 Tom Fisher, Jacqueline Clarke, Karen Lynn, Adhiti Naik, Maggie Leung and AJin Lim

2 NINJA PROs 2 Table of Contents Project Charter…………………………………………………………………. Scope………………………………………………………………………………… Project Lifecycle………………………………………………………………… Stakeholder Analysis…………………………………………………………. Communication Plan…………………………………………………………. Responsibility Assignment Matrix……………………………………… WBS…………………………………………………………………………………. Schedule, Cost Baseline and Investment S Curve………………. Risk Management Plan……………………………………………………… Quality Management Plan………………………………………………… Closure & “Green” Opening………………………………………………. Addendum………………………………………………………………………..

3 NINJA PROs 3 Project Charter ProjectGreening of Maggie’s Flowers Created ByNinja ProsDateMay 20, 2010 Convert existing flower shop to be certified by Bay Area Green Program Standards Roles & Responsibilities Sponsor: Kimi Project Manager: Tom Fisher Project Stakeholders: Maggie Leung/Owner, Customers, Bay Area Green Business & Other green businesses, Employees, Suppliers, Project team Core team members : Maggie Leung, Jacqueline Clarke, Tom Fisher, A Jin Lim, Adhiti Niak, Karen Lynn DescriptionBackground info: Maggie purchased an existing flower shop. She wants to convert her business into a green certified business. Project team will act as consultants to create an energy efficiency plan. Have her certified as a Bay Area Green Business in the Bay Area Green Business Program. Project Objectives:  Create complete project plan for Maggie within 5 weeks. In Scope:  Get flower shop Bay Area Green Business certified.  Follow Bay Area Green Program Out of scope:  No structural changes  Changes that are outside of the Bay Area Green Program qualifications Budget:  $100,000

4 NINJA PROs 4 Project Charter Information Deliverable: Project Plan that fits the certification requirements. Structure project so it provides: basic = required needs; additional items on check list = nice to have & if budget permits. Assumptions: Increase customer base, save energy costs and consumption. Constraints: Determine if phase in construction; or business will cease during renovations. Run out of budget. Weather and unforeseen construction/equipment problems. Dependencies with other projects: None Risks or Opportunities: Does not get approved by Bay Area Green Program. Unforeseen infrastructure problems/old building have to replace equipment and parts. Sponsor pulls out of project or lose funding. Milestones:

5 NINJA PROs Supporting information May have to change store hours; phases or sections at a time; or limit number of employees. Acceptance criteria: get certification, meets checklist of Bay Area Green Program and Maggie accepts project plan. Some requirements include:  Window/insulation  Composting  Upgrade lighting  Refrigeration  Recycling  Low-flow water consumption  Guidelines for energy efficiency Further recommendations: Solar power, vendors, etc. can be suggested. 5 Project Charter

6 NINJA PROs 6 Scope Business Need Long-term costs savings through increasing operations efficiencies and reduction in energy use Use Green Certification as a way to advertise and market business Project Description Maggie purchased an existing flower shop. She wants to convert her business into a green certified business. Project team will act as consultants to create an energy efficiency plan. Create a proposal for Maggie’s Flowers to be certified as a Bay Area Green Business according to standards set by Bay Area Green Business Program. Vision Statement To prepare Maggie to convert her existing flower shop to be green certified by Bay Area Green Business Program standards.

7 NINJA PROs 7 Scope IsIs Not Create a clear plan to meet Bay Area Green Program requirements No structural changes. Give cost estimates for each phase of project.Team will not act as a general contractor. Recommend programs that provide monetary or other incentives to cover cost of each upgrade. No permits required. Provide vendor selection criteria. Suggest Bay Area Green Program preferred vendors that give rebates. Not do anything that is outside of the requirements set by the Bay Area Green Program. Define requirements that shop owner can do on his/her own or require contractor or maintenance person. Cannot guarantee that the proposal ensures green certification. Provide oversight, if Addendum suggested contract signed. Provide oversight, if Addendum suggested contract not signed.

8 NINJA PROs 8 Scope ObjectiveCriteria for Evaluation Determine the specific requirements that the shop owner wants based on the Bay Area Green Program checklist. Meets checklist and owner approval (Yes, No) Meet shop owner’s budget and needs.  Project comes in on budget ($90K +/- 10%)  Verify that meet minimum number of requirements in each category (Jacqueline) Proposal signed off by shop owner.Yes/No Proposal signed off by sponsorYes/No Create a budget for entire project that meets shop owner’s needs.  Meets requirements on checklist.  Vendor/program cost estimates Create a project timeline to find contractors, accept bids, equipment, coordination, and completion of project.  Weeks needed to complete  30 days to contact and get people from program to visit shop  90 days for work to be completed  30 days for unforeseen risks  30 days for certification Identify preferred vendors, materials, and programs  Meets vendor acceptance criteria and Green Checklist Create plan phases to accommodate keeping the business open during project.  Matches timeline milestones and hours of operation for Maggie’s Flowers.

9 NINJA PROs 9 Scope Assumptions Maggie owns a flower shop that is not green certified. Greening will give a marketing advantage. Delivering a plan as a consultant, not a contractor. No major construction, permits or structures altered. Stakeholders agree to each stage of the project. Progress in a linear process starting at the execution project plan. Shop owner does not terminate the process during the project. Constraints Determine if phase in construction; or business will cease during renovations. Pre-determined budget of $100,000 for making any modifications to shop and greening 5 weeks to finish plan. No unforeseen equipment problems, material or schedule delays.

10 NINJA PROs 10 Assumptions Maggie’s Flower Shop Before Upgrades Single stand-alone structure No landscaping outside Five-car parking lot in the front for deliveries Store Space is 20ft x 20ft Twelve 2ft x 4ft fluorescent fixtures lighting the main part of the flower shop Bathroom contains incandescent light “Exit” signs are incandescent Single bathroom with one toilet/sink with no window - fan for ventilation Single work sink in the back for working with flowers Three refrigerators, one display refrigerator in the front area with and one walk in refrigerator in the back Both refrigerators have power outlets feeding them with enough wattage to be legal. The third refrigerator is a small one for food. It is old i.e. not energy star certified

11 NINJA PROs 11 Project Life Cycle InitiationPlanningExecution Monitor & Control Closure

12 NINJA PROs 12 Project Life Cycle Initiation Team Charter Project Charter Sponsor Approval Certification Requirements Defined PlanningExecution Monitor & Control Approval & Closure Iterative Planning

13 NINJA PROs 13 Stakeholder Analysis Name Needs or Expectations Sponsor and Owner Project within budget, time and specifications Successful certification of the project and opening Long-term cost savings More Customers and increased foot traffic Shop Employees Functional facility Knowledgeable operating a green business Subcontractors Specifications are on target with the Bay Area Green Business requirements Ensure within budget and timeline Team Members/Consultants Project on time and budget Successful certification of the project and opening Deliverables on time Both Sponsor and Owner satisfied with end results Bay Area Green Businesses Word of mouth marketing from one green business to another Increase green business awareness Customers Flowers at a good price and quality

14 NINJA PROs 14 Communication Plan SponsorOwner Project Manager Team Members Sub- Contractors Frequency Communication Method Delivery Format Project Charter RR, IOO-Once Phone, email, meeting MS Word Doc Project Scope SSOO-Once Phone, email, meeting MS Word Doc WBS SI, SO, I, R Once Phone, email, meeting MS PP Chart Project Schedule SI, SI, R IOngoing Phone, email, meeting MS Project Cost Baseline SI, SI, R - Milestone Based Phone, email, meeting MS Excel Risk Mgt. Plan RRI, RO-Ongoing Phone, email, meeting MS Word Status Report RRI, ROIWeeklyEmail, meetingMS Excel QA Report RROOS Milestone Based Email, meetingMS Word O=Owner I=Input R=Reviewer S=Sign-off

15 NINJA PROs 15 SponsorOwner Project Manager Team Members Sub- Contractors Frequency Communication Method Delivery Format Procurement Plan RROI- Milestone Based Email, Meeting MS Word Doc Responsibility Matrix --ORROngoingEmail, MeetingMS Excel Communicatio n Plan --OI-Once Phone, Email, Meeting MS Word Lessons Learned IIORIOngoing Phone, Email, Meeting MS Word Project Plan Review SSO, RI-Once Phone, Email, Meeting MS Word Final Sign-off SSOI-OnceMeetingMS Word Communication Plan continue O=Owner I=Input R=Reviewer S=Sign-off

16 NINJA PROs 16 Responsibility Assignment Matrix

17 NINJA PROs 17 Greening of Maggie’s Flowers Team Charter Project Charter WBS Vendor Selection Criteria Project Schedule Cost Analysis Responsibility Assignment Matrix Program Enrollment “Do It Yourself”/ Handy-Person Monitoring & Controlling Vendors Schedule Green Business Audits Sign-off by Auditors per Checklist Areas Risk Analysis Communications Plan Sponsor Approval Stakeholder Analysis Work Breakdown Structure Project Life-cycle Quality Management PlanningExecutionApproval & Closure Closure Initiation

18 NINJA PROs 18 Schedule & Cost Baseline

19 NINJA PROs 19 Investment by Phase (S curve)

20 NINJA PROs 20 Risk Management Plan Facility Fails Certification MHH Requirements are not met PM not up-to-date on checklist req(s) PM overlooks req(s) Auditor ‘s inspection Auditor, Owner notices oversight(s) Identify issue and fix it PM performs QA checks the req(s) PM confirms req(s) in plan & up-to-date at the end of each phase Alternative checklist req(s) to substitute Consultants advise during construction Include in T&Cs for addtl. consultancy Funding CutLHM Sponsor backs out Work interrupts business too much Owner changes business priorities Neighborhood Complains Sales decrease Owner gives notification Check-in with Sponsor on project status regularly Notify neighbors, ensure that work matches Owner’s hours Check-in/update priorities based on Owner ‘s needs Loan, program rebates or grants Work non-peak business hours Include in contract 30-day notification required Stakeholders Not in Agreement LHM Disagreement over budget/scope /time Disagreement over changes during project planning/ control/ implementation Stakeholders performs outside of scope Owner not available to advise on decisions when issues arises Owner not available upon contact Owner provides advanced notice about absence and communicate during absence Delegate PM as a back-up Develop a communication plan Owner provides schedule Have Owner delegate alternate decision maker Designate on-site back-up for Owner Inquire Owner’s schedule Probability Impact Priority Probable Root Cause Triggers Mitigating Strategy Contingency Risk

21 NINJA PROs 21 Risk Management Plan continue Owner N/A for Decisions LHM Personal emergency Communication plan not clearly defined at start of project PM does not check availability of Owner Not there to make decisions Issues arises Cannot contact Owner Owner gives as much advanced notice as possible Have PM as a back-up contact and make communication plan Include this as a task in Communication Plan Owner delegates alternate decision maker Designate on-site back-up Owner Ask at daily meeting Subcos Does Not Deliver MHH Unclear specifications for product/service Material out of stock, back-ordered Increase in cost between planning and execution Missed negotiation during discussions Material N/A upon delivery $ increase Review contract and fix Plan out procurement and delivery dates Get bids with enough lead time Make a contingency into contract Search for an alternate Vendors Equipment Malfunctions or Material Delays MMM Not enough lead time/availability of material Equipment is not in working order Material /equipment does not match Materials not onsite Equipment breaks down Material does not fit existing order Include lead time/check for material status Check-in regularly with contractors on status Know which substitute materials are available Have alternate vendors on back-up Negotiate in contract counter - any fee reductions applied due to time delays Get materials from alternate vendor Probability Impact Priority Probable Root Cause Triggers Mitigating Strategy Contingency Risk

22 NINJA PROs 22 Quality Management Plan Project Benefits Cost Savings Increased Edge over the Competition Improved Employee Morale & Workplace Health Recognition before the County Board of Supervisors Responsibility Matrix Project Manager Project Reviewer Green Business Program Auditors Quality Standards During Planning Phase, each Project Task is reviewed before finalizing Project Presentation is delivered in a clear and concise manner Oversight is performed during Project Execution Phase

23 NINJA PROs 23 Closure & “Green” Opening Closure Project deliverables approved Passed audits Project approved Lessons Learned Good: Bad: Improve: Recommendations Ninja Pros Project Management Walk-in Energy Efficient Refrigerators Opening a Green Certified Maggie’s Flowers

24 NINJA PROs 24 Addendum 1. Option: Ninja Pros Project Management2. Option: Walk-In Energy Efficient Fridges3. Green Friendly Purchasing Policy4. Bay Area Green Business Program Detailed Checklist

25 NINJA PROs 25 Team Charter Team: Ninja Pros Team Duration: 5 weeks (24 Apr to 22 May 2010) Member NameRole PhoneE-mail Maggie LeungSponsor Tom FisherProject Manager Jacqueline ClarkeStakeholder A Jin LimStakeholder Adhiti NaikStakeholder Karen LynnStakeholder Mission/goals (include project assignment goals, group process goals, and quality level goals): Convert existing flower shop to Bay Area Green Program standards and green certified. Values (include strengths/weaknesses/areas members want to develop): Hold each person equally accountable. Be honest up front. Open communication and group consensus. Team work. Administrative guidelines Make all 5 classes. Communicate documents via email or the Wiki Meet after class to check-in 15 minutes after class to prep for the week; Skype on Tues. @ 8-9pm. Be on time. Everyone presents at one point. Common team workbook. PROJECT TEAM CHARTER TEMPLATE

26 NINJA PROs 26 Team Charter continue Ground Rules (include meeting schedule, attendance expectations, agenda, communication methods): If sick, notify the rest of the group. Communicate if have to shift workload. Decision guidelines: Group consensus: use voting Agree, Live with it, Disagree. Have a 2/3 consensus. Devil’s advocate = Project Manager. Ask “Why” to get to root cause. Meeting guidelines Check in to determine if additional time is needed Have project manager act as time keeper during meeting. Project Manager tracks/updates project timeline. Modify documents: figure the Wiki tools and use to track revisions. Email as needed.

27 NINJA PROs 27 Bay Area Green Business Program Detailed Checklist

28 NINJA PROs 28 Bay Area Green Business Program Detailed Checklist Continued

29 NINJA PROs 29 Go Green!

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