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Angles, Triangles and Quadrangles. Vocabulary - please add these to your journals. angle vertex right angle quadrangle quadrilateral parallelogram polygon.

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Presentation on theme: "Angles, Triangles and Quadrangles. Vocabulary - please add these to your journals. angle vertex right angle quadrangle quadrilateral parallelogram polygon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Angles, Triangles and Quadrangles

2 Vocabulary - please add these to your journals. angle vertex right angle quadrangle quadrilateral parallelogram polygon

3 6767 4747 1,416 5,890 14,002 10,234 9033,128346,041 Mental Math - Place Value What is the value of the digit in red?

4 Please take 4 straws of each size. Make a design or geometric shape. To fit one straw inside the other, slightly fold the end in half.

5 1) Please make a square. 2) Join your square with the three people who are closest to you to form a cube.

6 Constructing Angles Please take 2 straws and fit them into each other to form one long straw. They meet at a point called a VERTEX. The two straws form an ANGLE.

7 Right Angles Right Angles are square corners. Use your straw to show me a right angle. Show me an angle smaller than a right angle. Show me an angle larger than a right angle. We have a special symbol to put inside a right angle. It makes the center of the angle look like a cube or a box.

8 What do the lines of an angle look like? How about 2 __ays? Put them together to form an angle. The two endpoints form the vertex.

9 Look at the angle below. Please label the vertex B Please put a point A on one of the rays. Please put a point C on the other ray. One name for this angle is angle ABC (written ABC) The middle letter in the name of the angle always names the vertex. (Just like your middle initial names your middle name.) Tell me another name for angle ABC?

10 No, because the name of the vertex must be in the middle. Can I call this angle BAC? Why or why not? B A C

11 Let's make some fun geometric shapes using bendable straws. Click on the straw to go!

12 RSA Exit Slip - Please choose two of the quadrangles you made during the lesson, and explain how they are alike and how they are different.




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