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Program of Work 2016-2019 of the Ionizing Radiation Department José M. Los Arcos CCRI Executive Secretary IR Department Director CCRI(III) BIPM, 4-6 March.

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Presentation on theme: "Program of Work 2016-2019 of the Ionizing Radiation Department José M. Los Arcos CCRI Executive Secretary IR Department Director CCRI(III) BIPM, 4-6 March."— Presentation transcript:

1 Program of Work 2016-2019 of the Ionizing Radiation Department José M. Los Arcos CCRI Executive Secretary IR Department Director CCRI(III) BIPM, 4-6 March 2015 CCRI/15-18

2 Index o Terms of reference PoW 2016-2019 Mission and Role of the BIPM BIPM objectives o IR priority activities Dosimetry Radionuclide measurements International coordination o Alternative activities

3 Bureau International des Poids et Mesures Terms of Reference “Programme of work and budget of the BIPM for the four years 2016-2019” CIPM, 2015 Pending of publication by the CIPM

4 Bureau International des Poids et Mesures PoW 2016-2019: Mission and Role of the BIPM  The mission of the BIPM is: to ensure and promote the global comparability of measurements, including providing a coherent international system of units for: - Scientific discovery and innovation, - Industrial manufacturing and international trade, - Sustaining the quality of life and the global environment.  The unique role of the BIPM is based on its international and impartial character enabling it: To coordinate the realization and improvement of the world ‑ wide measurement system to ensure it delivers accurate and comparable measurement results. To undertake selected scientific and technical activities that are more efficiently carried out in its own laboratories on behalf of Member States. To promote the importance of metrology to science, industry and society, in particular through collaboration with other intergovernmental organizations and international bodies and in international forums.

5 Bureau International des Poids et Mesures PoW 2016-2019: The objectives of the BIPM  BIPM objectives: To establish and maintain appropriate reference standards for use as the basis of a limited number of key international comparisons at the highest level. To coordinate international comparisons of national measurement standards through the Consultative Committees of the CIPM; taking the role of coordinating laboratory for selected comparisons of the highest priority and undertaking the scientific work necessary to enable this to be done. To provide selected calibrations for Member States. To coordinate activities between the NMIs of Member States, such as through the CIPM MRA, and to provide technical services to support them. To liaise as required with relevant intergovernmental organizations and other international bodies both directly and through joint committees. To organize scientific meetings to identify future developments in the world-wide measurement system required to meet existing and future measurement needs in industry, science and society. To inform, through publications and meetings, the science community, the wider scientific public and decision makers on matters related to metrology and its benefits.

6 Bureau International des Poids et Mesures PoW 2016-2019: IR priority activities  Aim of Ionizing radiation activities to provide Member States with metrological support to provide confidence in the services that the NMIs offer to their users, based on a well-defined and stable set of international reference facilities to compare and establish the equivalence or traceability of the national standards for dosimetry and radionuclide activity in health applications (radiotherapy, nuclear medicine, radiodiagnostic), nuclear industry, environmental survey and related activities.

7 Bureau International des Poids et Mesures PoW 2016-2019: Dosimetry activities Project CodeProject NameDeliverables IR-A1.1 X-ray standards dosimetry Target: the BIPM.RI(I)-K2,-K3,-K7 on-going comparisons of air kerma or absorbed dose to water for low-, medium-energy and mammography, using the high- stability BIPM facilities. Scope: establishing and maintaining the long-term equivalence or traceability of NMIs for nearly 20 x-ray radiation qualities adopted by the CCRI and widely used in radiotherapy and radiodiagnostics. Participant NMIs: 25 1) Maintaining the BIPM primary standards for: - air kerma in low- (5 qualities) and medium-energy (4 qualities) x-rays, - absorbed-dose to water in medium-energy x-rays developed in 2013- 2015 (4 qualities), - air kerma for mammography (4 qualities). 2) Providing 16 comparisons (BIPM.RI(I)-K2, -K3, -K7) for NMIs that need to update their results in the KCDB, 3) Calibration and characterization of 16 NMIs standards for x-rays, on request. 4) Replacement of HV generator for low-energy x-rays, in 2016 IR-A1.2  -ray standards dosimetry Target: the BIPM.RI(I)-K1,-K4,-K5 and -K6 on-going comparisons of air kerma and/or absorbed dose to water for 60 Co and 137 Cs, using the high-stability BIPM facilities. Scope: establishing and maintaining the long-term equivalence or traceability of NMIs for 60 Co and 137 Cs beams, widely used at radiotherapy and/or radioprotection levels, and serving as reference for the calorimetric measurements in high-energy photon beams (medical accelerators). Participant NMIs: 25 1)Maintaining the BIPM primary standards for: - air kerma in 60 Co and 137 Cs beams for radiotherapy and radioprotection (BIPM.RI(I)-K1, K5), - absorbed dose to water in 60 Co beams (radiotherapy, BIPM.RI(I)-K4), - providing reference to the graphite calorimeter standard for absorbed dose to water in high-energy beams (BIPM.RI(I)-K6). 2)Providing 20 comparisons (-K1, -K4, -K5) for NMIs that need to update their results in the KCDB. 3)Characterization and calibration of 40 national standards (on request). 4)Replacement of 60 Co source in 2017. IR-A1 Dosimetry Program for international equivalence of measurements in the Health field: radiotherapy, radiodiagnostics and radioprotection

8 Bureau International des Poids et Mesures PoW 2016-2019: Dosimetry activities IR-A1.3 High-energy dosimetry (accelerator dosimetry) Target: the BIPM.RI(I)-K6 on-going comparisons of absorbed dose to water for high-energy photon beams, using the transportable BIPM graphite calorimeter on-site at the NMIs. Scope: establishing and maintaining the long-term equivalence and traceability of absorbed dose for photons and eventual extension to electrons (see IR- A1-5 in alternative projects) in high-energy beams now used in the vast majority of radiotherapy applications. Participant NMIs: 16 1)Maintaining the transportable photon calorimeter standard to provide robust traceability for absorbed dose through on- site comparisons and characterizations of national standards, 2)Providing 4-6 BIPM.RI(I)-K6 comparisons on-site at the NMIs, 3)Continued study of long-term optimal scenario for a sustainable maintenance of BIPM.RI(I)-K6 comparisons, using the BIPM graphite calorimeter standard. IR-A1.4 Brachytherapy Target: the BIPM.RI(I)-K8 on-going comparisons of reference air kerma using two transportable transfer instruments on-site at the NMIs. Scope: establishing and maintaining the long-term equivalence of reference air kerma for HDR 192 Ir sources, and eventual extension to LDR 125 I sources, worldwide used in brachytherapy applications. Participant NMIs: 15 1)Maintaining the BIPM transfer standards (thimble and well- type chambers) for brachytherapy. 2)Providing 4 BIPM.RI(I)-K8 on-site comparisons for NMIs of reference air kerma for HDR 192 Ir sources, as adopted by the CCRI. 3)Study on the convenience and feasibility of future development of a primary standard. Proposal at CCRI-2017.

9 Bureau International des Poids et Mesures PoW 2016-2019: Radionuclide activities Project CodeProject NameDeliverables IR-A2.1 International Reference System (SIR) for  emitters Target: the BIPM.RI(II)-K1 on-going comparisons of activity of solutions of  -ray emitting radionuclides, using high-stability well-type ionization chambers and 226 Ra sources. Scope: establishing and maintaining the equivalence for more than 60 different radionuclides widely used in nuclear medicine or appearing in the nuclear cycle and environmental monitoring. Participant NMIs: 25 1)Maintenance and development of SIR facility for  emitters future core comparisons 2) 40 BIPM.RI (II) – K1 bilateral ‘on demand’ comparisons as part of, covering (at least): C-11 F-18 Na-22 Na-24 Sc-46 Sc-47 Cr-51 Mn-54 Mn-56 Co-56 Co-57 Co-58 Co-60 Fe-59 Cu-64 Zn-65 Ga-67 Se-75 Kr-85 Sr-85 Y-88 Nb-95 Mo-99 Tc-99m Ru-103 Ru-106 Cd-109 Ag-110m Ag-111 In-111 Sn-113 I-123 Sb-124 Sb-125 I-125 I-131 Ba-133 Xe-133 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ce-139 Ba-140 Ce-141 Ce-144 Eu-152 Gd-153 Sm-153 Eu-154 Eu-155 Ho-166m Yb-169 Lu-177 Ta-182 Re-186 Ir-192 Au-195 Tl-201 Hg-203 Pb-203 B i-207 Rn-222 Th-228 Np-237 Am-241 Am-243. 3) Reduction of the total number of comparisons through further development of the Measurements Method Matrix (MMM) IR-A2.2 International Reference System (SIR) for pure β emitters Target: the BIPM.RI(II)-K1 on-going comparisons of activity of solutions of pure β emitters, using liquid- scintillation counting methods. Scope: establishment of equivalence for approximately 15 different radionuclides widely used in nuclear medicine, nuclear cycle and environmental monitoring. Participant NMIs: 20 1)Operation, maintenance and development of SIR facility for β emitters, implemented in 2013-2015, for future core comparisons 2) 20 BIPM.RI (II) – K1 bilateral comparisons covering (on demand): 3 H, 14 C, 32 P, 55 Fe, 63 Ni, 89 Sr, 90 Sr/Y, 99 Tc, 147 Pm, 204 Tl and other radionuclides demanded by NMIs. 3) Reduction of current heavy-logistics K2 comparisons to a minimum 4) Reduction of the total number of comparisons through further development of the Measurements Method Matrix (MMM) IR-A2 Radionuclides Program for international equivalence of measurements in the health, environmental and industrial fields: nuclear medicine, radiodiagnostics, PET nuclides, radiotherapy, monitoring contamination of food or environment and safe nuclear activities.

10 Bureau International des Poids et Mesures PoW 2016-2019: Radionuclide activities IR-A2.3 Extension of SIR to α emitters Target: implementation of methods for extending to  emitters the BIPM.RI(II)-K1 on-going comparisons of activity of solutions of radionuclides. Scope: establishment of equivalence for about 10 radionuclides of interest in the nuclear cycle, nuclear medicine, radiotherapy and environmental survey. Participant NMIs: 10 1)Development and Implementation of liquid scintillation methods or  -particle counting using defined solid angle detectors. 2) 10 BIPM.RI (II) – K1 bilateral comparisons, covering (on demand): 241 Am, 223 Ra, 211 At, 238 Pu, 210 Po and other radionuclides demanded by NMIs. 3)This will allow to complete (with IR-A2.1 and IR-A2.2) the frame for the most common α-, β- and  -emitters 4)Reduction of the total number of comparisons through further development of the Measurement Methods Matrix IR-A2.4 International reference facility for comparison of short-lived  -emitting radionuclides Target: the BIPM.RI(II)-K4 on-site (at NMIs) on-going comparisons of short-lived radionuclides, using the transportable transfer instrument (SIRTI). Scope: establishment of equivalence for about 10 short-lived  -emitting radionuclides of interest in nuclear medicine, PET, molecular imaging. Participant NMIs: 15 1)Maintenance and development of the SIR Transfer Instrument for on- site comparisons and extension to new radionuclides. 2) 8 BIPM.RI (II) – K4 bilateral comparisons covering (on demand): 99m Tc, 18 F, 64 Cu, 11 C, 68 Ga, 211 At, 56 Mn and other radionuclides demanded by NMIs. 3) Reduction of the total number of comparisons through further development of the Measurements Method Matrix (MMM) IR-A2.5 Reference instruments for primary measurements Target: provision of new SIR entries for improvement of KCRVs not well established, applying and developing technical skills of staff for efficient comparisons coordination. Scope: the KCRVs improvements for about 15 radionuclides as support to traceability/equivalence of radionuclide comparisons. Participant NMIs: 15 1)Maintenance and further development of 4  -  (anti)coincidence counting and TDCR LSC systems. 2)Organization of 1 CCRI comparison, for 109 Cd, and participation in 2 CCRI comparisons according to the Rolling Plan and the MMM table. 3) Establish missing KCRVs for 47 Sc, 68 Ge, 111 Ag, 140 Ba, 155 Eu, 195 Au and improve KCRVs for 24 Na, 56 Co, 123 I, 124 Sb, 125 Sb, 153 Sm, 154 Eu, 166m Ho, 177 Lu, as priorities.

11 Bureau International des Poids et Mesures PoW 2016-2019: Radionuclide activities IR-A2.6 Establishment of operational capability for low- level activity measurements of  and  emitters Target: to complete the capability of low-level activity measurements for  and  emitters. Scope: support to CCRI comparisons on environmental and reference materials programs for international cooperation. Participant NMIs: 12 1)Acquisition, Monte Carlo simulation and setup of a 4  -  NaI(Tl) well-type detector for  emitters. 2)Operational use of the existing Quantulus 1220 LSC spectrometer for  emitters. 3)Participation/organization of 1 CCRI comparison on low-level measurements of contaminated materials IR-A2.7 Development of physical backup to SIR 226 Ra sources Target: prevention of long-term obsolescence of 226 Ra sources (IR-A2.1), by implementing as replacement an electronic absolute current source. Scope: enhanced robustness of SIR in the long- term, as additional safeguard to the equivalence of more than 60  emitters widely used in nuclear medicine or appearing in the nuclear cycle and environmental monitoring. Participant (related) NMIs: 25 1)Feasibility and eventual construction and operation of an electronic current source of high stability and reproducibility. 2)Parallel operation of the electrical source and comparison of performance with the 226 Ra sources. 3)In case of positive answer to point 1) gradual replacement and elimination of 226 Ra sources used in the SIR.

12 Bureau International des Poids et Mesures PoW 2016-2019: Coordination activities CIR-A1.1 Support to CCRI Provision of CCRI Executive Secretary, general support to CC and WGs plus specifically support for: 1.Biennial CCRI and sections I, II and III meetings 2.Regular meetings of 5 working groups 3.Review of CC and RMO comparison reports before publication 4.Development of strategic plans 5.Publication of BIPM Monographies 6.Review of CC and RMO comparison reports before publication 7.Related liaisons with RMOs CIR-A1.4 Support to JCGM/WG1 - Regular meetings and Rapporteur CIR-A1.5 International scientific collaboration - International Commission on Radiation Units (ICRU) (Commissioner and sponsor of Report Committees), - International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) (SSLD Scientific Committee), - International Committee for Radionuclide Metrology (ICRM) (Scientific Committee and technical refereeing) COORDINATION ACTIVITIES

13 Bureau International des Poids et Mesures PoW 2016-2019: ALTERNATIVE activities Project NameDeliverables IR-A1.3.1 (alternative item) High-energy electron dosimetry (accelerator dosimetry) See IR-A1.3 in prioritised projects for details 1)Development of a calorimeter standard for high- energy electrons, with the aim of providing equivalence and traceability for absorbed dose in electron beams through comparisons and characterizations of national standards. Requires 1 additional staff and frequent accessibility to an accelerator. IR-A1.4.1 (alternative item) Brachytherapy See IR-A1.4 in prioritised projects for details 1)Extension to LDR 125I sources, to be decided by the CCRI(I) in 2015: 4 comparisons. Alternative (Not-funded) activities IR-A2.8 (alternative project) Development of the Becquerel ionization chamber Target: prevention of eventual future obsolescence (long-term) of the SIR ionization chambers (IR-A2.1), by using an optimized backup chamber. Scope: enhanced robustness of SIR in the long-term, as additional safeguard to the current equivalence of more than 60  emitters used in nuclear medicine or appearing in the nuclear cycle and environmental monitoring. Participant (related) NMIs: 25 1)Analysis of conclusions of the BqWG(II) “Realization of the Becquerel” project (design robust, highly stable and reproducible chamber), and decision making about its suitability for the BIPM SIR. 2)If relevant to the BIPM, construction of the first BIPM prototype, operation in parallel to the conventional SIR chambers and comparison of performance. 3)If not relevant, prevision of backup of the existing chambers using commercial equipment.

14 Bureau International des Poids et Mesures PoW 2016-2019: ALTERNATIVE activities IR-A4.1 (alternative project) BIPM internal service of thermometry calibrations - Internal calibration service of SPRTs and laboratory thermometers. Project CodeProject NameDeliverables IR-A2.9 (alternative project) Development of a sandwich-type coincidence counter for  -  emitters Target: new reference instrument to complete the primary measurement methods (IR-A2.5) available at the BIPM and the technical skills of staff for provision of new SIR entries and efficient comparisons coordination. Scope: comparisons of radionuclides used in nuclear medicine or appearing in the nuclear cycle and environmental monitoring. Participant (related) NMIs: 25 1)Design, construction and experimental setup. 2)Operational tests with  -  emitters. 3)Support to CCRI ( 109 Cd) and BIPM comparisons.


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