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Review PP #2 SOL objectives – Standard 4 The student will demonstrate knowledge of civilizations of Persia, India, and China in terms of chronology, geography,

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Presentation on theme: "Review PP #2 SOL objectives – Standard 4 The student will demonstrate knowledge of civilizations of Persia, India, and China in terms of chronology, geography,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Review PP #2 SOL objectives – Standard 4 The student will demonstrate knowledge of civilizations of Persia, India, and China in terms of chronology, geography, social structures, government, economy, religion, and contributions to later civilizations

2 Standard 2: Standard 2: The student will demonstrate knowledge of civilizations of Persia, India, and China in terms of chronology, geography, social structures, government, economy, religion, and contributions to later civilizations a. Describing Persia, including Zoroastrianism and the development of an imperial bureaucracy Persian Empire – Located in Mesopotamia Largest empire in the world at the time – Tolerance of conquered peoples – Development of imperial bureaucracy – Road system – Zoroastrianism Religion of Persia Belief in two opposing forces in the universe Toleration of other religions

3 Review Questions! 1. How did the Persians treat the people they conquered? 2. What is a bureaucracy? 3. What did the Persians do to improve communication and trade in their empire?

4 Standard 2: The student will demonstrate knowledge of civilizations of Persia, India, and China in terms of chronology, geography, social structures, government, economy, religion, and contributions to later civilizations b. Describing India, with emphasis on the Aryan migrations and the caste system Geography – Physical barriers Himalayas Hindu Kush – Provided migration routes into the Indian subcontinent through Khyber Pass Indian Ocean – Rivers Indus Ganges Indus Valley Civilization – Harrapa – Mohenjo-Daro Aryans – Came through Khyber Pass around 1500 B.C.E. Assertion of dominance – Caste system Influenced social interactions and choices of occupations

5 Review Questions! 1. What are the mountains west of the Indian sub-continent? 2. What are the mountains to the northeast of the Indian sub- continent? 3. What are the two main rivers of India? 4. Through what mountain range did invaders reach India? 5. Who invaded and conquered the original Indus Valley civilization?

6 Standard 2: Standard 2: The student will demonstrate knowledge of civilizations of Persia, India, and China in terms of chronology, geography, social structures, government, economy, religion, and contributions to later civilizations b. Describing India, with emphasis on the Aryan migrations and the caste system Mauryan Empire – Approximately 324 BCE – Unified India Asoka – Contributions Sent Buddhist missions throughout Asia (including China) Free hospitals Veterinary clinics Good roads Gupta Empire – Approximately 320 CE – Golden Age of classical Indian culture – Contributions Math Medicine (bone setting) Astronomy (round earth) Textiles Literature

7 India Maurya EmpireGupta Empire

8 Review Questions! 1. During what empire was India’s Golden Age? 2. Name 2 non-religious contributions of India.

9 Standard 2: The student will demonstrate knowledge of civilizations of Persia, India, and China in terms of chronology, geography, social structures, government, economy, religion, and contributions to later civilizations c. Describing the origins, beliefs, traditions, customs, and spread of HinduismHinduism Belief in many forms of one God – Polytheistic Doctrine – Reincarnation Rebirth based on karma – Karma Knowledge that all thoughts and actions result in future consequences Writings – Vedas and Upanishads Sacred writings Spread along major trade routes d. Describing the origins, beliefs, traditions, customs, and spread of BuddhismBuddhism Founder – Siddhartha Gautama (500 B.C.E) Doctrine – Four noble truths – Eightfold path to enlightenment Spread – Asoka’s missionaries and their writings spread Buddhism from India to China and other parts of Asia

10 Review Questions! 1. What are the sacred writings of Hinduism? 2. Who sent missionaries to spread Buddhism throughout Asia? 3. What are the two basic beliefs of Buddhism?

11 Standard 2: Standard 2: The student will demonstrate knowledge of civilizations of Persia, India, and China in terms of chronology, geography, social structures, government, economy, religion, and contributions to later civilizations e. Describing China, with emphasis on the development of an empire and the construction of the Great Wall Development of Empire – Great Wall of China Migratory invaders from the north Built by Shi Huangdi – Rule of dynasties Succession of ruling families Ruled under Mandate of Heaven – Silk Roads Facilitated trade and contact between China and other cultures as far away as Rome Contributions of classical China – Civil service – Paper – Porcelain – silk Contributions of Confucianism – Belief that humans are good, not bad – Respect for elders – Code of politeness, still used in Chinese society today – Emphasis on education – Ancestor worship


13 Review Questions! 1. Why was the Great Wall built? 2. Chinese rulers served under the authority of what? 3. What connected China to cultures as far away as Rome?

14 Standard 2: The student will demonstrate knowledge of civilizations of Persia, India, and China in terms of chronology, geography, social structures, government, economy, religion, and contributions to later civilizations f. Describing the impact of Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism Contributions of ConfucianismConfucianism – Belief that humans are good, not bad – Respect for elders – Code of politeness, still used in Chinese society today – Emphasis on education – Ancestor worship Taoism/ Daoism – Humility – Simple life and inner peace – Harmony with nature – Yin/Yang represented opposites for Confucianism and Taoism Buddhism – Chinese forms of Buddhism spread throughout Asia

15 Review Questions! 1. What belief of Confucianism still influences China today? 2. What represents opposites in Confucianism and Daosim? 3. What religion believes man should live in harmony with nature?

16 Review Games! Flashcards Matching Practice SOL Questions # 20-31# 20-31

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