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Definitions Lotic Systems Lentic Systems Water Chemistry.

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Presentation on theme: "Definitions Lotic Systems Lentic Systems Water Chemistry."— Presentation transcript:



3 Definitions

4 Lotic Systems

5 Lentic Systems

6 Water Chemistry

7 Fish

8 Stream Quality

9 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500

10 What is the seasonal mixing of water called?

11 Overturn

12 Middle layer of lake also called thermocline.

13 Metalimnion

14 Study of fresh standing-water ecosystems.

15 Limnology

16 Lower lake, deep colder layer

17 Hypolimnion or profundal

18 Which word is used to describe nutrient rich ecosystems?

19 Eutrophic

20 What type of water makes a lotic system?

21 Running H 2 O

22 What do you call a shallow zone where light reaches bottom.

23 Littoral Zone

24 Name one of the two things that decide the characteristics of streams

25 Velocity & Current

26 What type of organism is nekton?

27 Free Swimming

28 What zone is made up of the sediment on the bottom of lakes and ponds?

29 Benthic

30 What type of water makes a lentic system?

31 Standing H 2 O

32 Which part of a lake makes up the epilimnion?

33 Upper part

34 What two mammals form lakes?

35 Humans Beavers

36 Name two ways lentic systems are formed.

37 Glaciers Blocked streams

38 How were most lentic systems formed?

39 Receeding Glaciers

40 Name two ways water gains D.O.

41 Photosynthesis Water falls

42 CO 2 in H 2 O is usually the same composition as that which is in the…

43 Air/ Atmosphere

44 What kind of stone causes pH to increase?

45 Limestone

46 What is the range for pH?

47 1-14

48 What does B.O.D. stand for?

49 Biochemical Oxygen Demand

50 What disease does a fish have if it has bubbles on its skin?

51 Gas Bubble Disease

52 What covers a fishes gill?

53 Operculum

54 What class are fish in?

55 Osteichthyes

56 What sensory organ runs down the side of a fish?

57 Lateral Line


59 Name three fish you would find in a small stream ecosystem.

60 Small Mouth Bass, Bluegill, Green Sunfish, Longear Sunfish, Darters, Stonerollers, Striped shiner, Silverjaw Minnow, ect…..

61 What are bends in streams called?

62 Meanders

63 What category would concrete added to bottom fall in?

64 Channel Alteration

65 What category do things hanging over streams fall into?

66 Area Cover

67 What category asks what is on the bottom of a stream?

68 Substrate

69 What category asks if the channel is filled with water and how fast the water moves?

70 Channel Flow

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