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AP Gov Review Game Semester 1: Founders’ Intent, Election 2012, 112 th Congress.

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1 AP Gov Review Game Semester 1: Founders’ Intent, Election 2012, 112 th Congress

2 The Rules One team at a time answers each question. Get it wrong, goes in order to next team to try to steal. No matter who gets the point, still goes to whoever was next in line originally. 1 point per question, except final bonus question.

3 1. What term means the institutions through which policies are made? Government

4 2. What are the institutions that connect citizens to the government? Linkage institutions

5 3. Name 1 example of a linkage institution. Political parties Interest groups Elections Media

6 4. Name 1 of John Locke’s key philosophical concepts. Natural rights Limited government Property rights Consent of the governed

7 5. Who had most of the power under the Articles of Confederation? State legislatures

8 6. What did most founders see as the greatest threat to government? Factions

9 7. What was the Connecticut Compromise? Bicameral legislature – 1 population (House), 1 equal (Senate)

10 8. What is federalism? Shared/divided power between national and state governments

11 9. What is the supremacy clause? Constitution and national laws are supreme law of the land (Article VI)

12 10. What to states have to give to acts and records of other states? Full faith and credit

13 11. What is cooperative federalism? Shared tasks between national and state governments (marble cake)

14 12. What is dual federalism? Divided tasks between national and state governments (layer cake)

15 13. What are categorical grants? Money from national to state governments with specific purposes

16 14. What are block grants? Money from national to state governments with discretion to states on how to use

17 15. What is the possible result of demographic changes for politics? Reapportionment – changing representation in House, Electoral College, and state legislatures

18 16. Name 1 common characteristic of conservatives. Small government Lower taxes Less spending More military support More social/moral control

19 17. Name 1 common characteristic of liberals. Big government Higher taxes on higher incomes More government programs Less military Less social/more control

20 18. What is a nomination? Party’s official appointment of candidate for office

21 19. Why do major parties take moderate stands on issues? Most of the voters are moderate

22 20. What is ticket splitting? Voting for multiple parties on the same ticket

23 21. What is the purpose of the National Convention? Officially nominate president/vice-president candidates, write party platform

24 22. What is a campaign strategy? Plan for using money, media, and momentum to win nominations/elections

25 23. What is frontloading? States holding primaries/caucuses earlier in the year to get more media attention

26 24. What is soft money? Given to parties, not candidates (not as regulated)

27 25. What is legitimacy of elections? People accept results peacefully because they know it was run fairly

28 26. What is civic duty? Belief in supporting democratic government by voting/participating

29 27. What was the Motor Voter Act? Required states to register people to vote when they apply for driver’s licences

30 28. How many electoral votes are there per state? Number of Representatives + Senators

31 29. How are voters different in primaries than general elections? Primaries are more activist and more liberal/conservative

32 30. Name 1 strategy used by interest groups? Lobbying Electioneering Going public Litigation

33 31. What kind of coverage does the media generally give elections? Horse-race – who’s ahead/behind, big crowds, public appearances, sound bites, etc. Not focused on issues

34 32. Name 1 advantage for incumbents in Congress running for re-election. Raise more campaign funds Better known to voters Case work Committees that serve constituents Franking (free mail)

35 33. What is a good committee for a House member who wants influence on how the House operates? House Rules Committee

36 34. What is the trustee view of representation? Use best judgment and broad interests, not just what constituents want Constituents elected you to be an expert, not just do whatever they want

37 35. What is the delegate view of representation? Focus on what constituents want, not necessarily broader interests or personal views Elected to serve voters and mirror their wants

38 36. What is pork barrel legislation? Special projects inserted in bills to bring money/influence to home state/constituents

39 37. Where do revenue (spending) bills have to start? House of Representatives

40 38. What is the filibuster? Senate rule of unlimited debate – used to stall voting on legislation

41 39. Name 1 possible result of a bicameral legislature. Gridlock – not getting things done Compromise – have to give/take to pass bill Checks and balances – House and Senate

42 40. BONUS QUESTION! Worth 10 points Each team choose 1 representative to come to the front of the room and answer Whoever says correct answer 1 st wins

43 Name 1 Senator or Representative from Iowa in the 113 th Congress. Charles Grassley Tom Harkin Tom Latham Steve King Bruce Braley Dave Loebsack

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