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NACE STANDARDS Dept. of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering University of Indonesia.

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Presentation on theme: "NACE STANDARDS Dept. of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering University of Indonesia."— Presentation transcript:

1 NACE STANDARDS Dept. of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering University of Indonesia

2 NACE International Facts Founded by a group (11 engineer) of pipeliners in 1943, then expanded into other industries As of 2008, there are approximately 20,312 NACE members world wide2008 Non-Profit Organization Volunteer/Member Driven The “Forum” for Corrosion The World’s Largest Corrosion Association

3 What is NACE A technical and educational association dedicated exclusively to the prevention and control of corrosion of all materials.

4 NACE Mission To protect people, assets, and the environment from the effects of corrosion GOALS  Support the strategies in the Cost of Corrosion Study  To be recognized as the premier coatings society  Develop a growing and vibrant membership by exceeding expectations  Dramatically raise the world’s awareness and understanding of the effects of corrosion

5 NACE International Fact 17,000+ Members in 100 Countries 300+ Corporate Members 400+ Publications 350 Technical Committees 200+ Standards and reports 250+ Education courses offered Nearly 12,000 people hold a NACE certification

6 NACE is organized into four Areas in North America and four Regions outside the continent North AmericaInternational Northern Area  Eastern Area Eastern Area  Central Area Central Area  Western Area Western Area  East Asia/Pacific Rim Region East Asia/Pacific Rim Region  West Asia/Africa Region West Asia/Africa Region  Europe Region Europe Region  Latin America Region Latin America Region

7 Technical Committee Organization NACE-Led US TAGs to ISO Technical Committee Membership Task Group (TG)Technology Exchange Group (TEG) Task Group (TG)Technology Exchange Group (TEG) Task Group (TG) Specific Technology Group (STG) TCC Administrative Committees Technology Management Group (TMG) Technical Coordination Committee (TCC) Research Committee Technical and Research Activities Committee (TRAC) NACE International Board of Directors

8 Technical Committee Organization Overall coordination of Technical Activities Consolidated committee operations into 5 Technology Management Groups over Specific Technology Groups  2 Industry Specific (N1 & N2)  2 Cross-Industry (C1 & C2)  1 Science (S)

9 NACE Technical Committee Process Preparation of Standards  Task Group Reaches Consensus May be in meeting, via e-mail correspondence, or formal ballot  Draft Sent to Headquarters Formatted and edited by staff Reviewed by member editorial committee Staff handles ballot process, advises Task Group

10 Ballot Procedures Canvass distributed  Asks members of sponsoring STGs if they wishto vote on a standard  30-day response time Ballot distributed  6-week ballot period; 50% response from distribution list required

11 Reaffirmation, Revision, Withdrawal All standards reviewed every five years and reaffirmed, revised, or withdrawn Must be completed every five years Begin review 1 to 2 years before 5- year date

12 Types of NACE Standards Recommended Practices (NACE-RP) Test Methods (NACE-TM) Materials Requirements (NACE-MR) NACE/SSPC Standards – collaboration with SSPC (Society of Protective Coating) NACE Emergency Guideline

13 Recommended practices include recommended methods of selection, design, installation, maintenance, or operation of material or system where corrosion is a factor. In addition, some recommended practices focus on details of construction of a corrosion control system; methods of treating the surface of materials to reduce corrosion; requirements for using devices to reduce corrosion; and procedures for increasing the effectiveness, safety, and economic benefits of an installation or system.

14 Test methods are tests related to corrosion prevention and control. This type of standard can give the method of conducting tests to ascertain the characteristics of a material, design, or operation. Material requirements state the necessary characteristics of a material where corrosion is a factor in the selection, application, and maintenance of the material.

15 Alphanumeric indicate the class of standard, the number indicate first year publication and year publication of current version Ex RP 0472-200 (Recommended Practice No.4, first issue in 1972, current version 2000) Cover page will explain the standard re affirmed and follow full approval history document

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