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Presentation on theme: "PROMOTION AND TENURE FOR CLINICAL SCIENTISTS – BOTH PATHWAYS Peter Emanuel, M.D. Laura Lamps, M.D."— Presentation transcript:


2 P&T for Clinical Scientists  Read the 2011 Guidelines on P&T  Check out the Companion Guide to the P&T Document (  Study the criteria table for Clinical Scientists – promotion criteria are identical for  Clinical Scientist-Tenure Pathway and  Clinical Scientist-Non-tenure Pathway  The difference is the presence or absence of a tenure clock (i.e., 7 year “probationary period”)

3 Clinical Scientists -  “Are expected to participate in the full range of academic activities of the College, typically with emphasis placed on research and clinical care, and scholarship based on either or both of these mission areas.”  “Full range of activities” means  Teaching/Mentoring  Research/Scholarly Work  Clinical Service  Leadership/Administrative Service

4 Assistant to Associate Professor Clinical Scientist

5 Time Allotment

6 Research/Scholarly Work  Funding – “demonstrated ability to generate financial support from extramural peer-reviewed funding agencies, whether federal or private”  PI on a major extramural research grant; or alternatively  Substantial and clearly documented contributions as Co-I on multiple extramurally funded research grants  Career development awards will be considered along with other factors for promotion to Associate Professor  Institutional General Research Support grants for pilot studies will NOT be counted

7 Research/Scholarly Work  Publications = scholarly evidence of research productivity  Peer-reviewed scientific articles Quality more important than absolute number The P&T Guidelines speak of 1 – 3 first author or senior author peer reviewed publications per year in rank  Books/book chapters  Participation in national/international meetings Important opportunities to present your work Important opportunities to meet and get to know the experts in your field

8 Research/Scholarly Work  Publications in your P&T packet:  Copies of your 5 most meritorious publications are required  Must be published or ‘in press’  Middle-author papers count, but must be 1 st or senior author on a significant number of publications  Publication alone does not insure promotion But then, neither does funding if you aren’t being productive

9 Teaching/Mentoring  “Active & effective participation in medical and/or graduate student education with favorable objective evaluations by students, peers, and supervisors.”  Document types of teaching and contact hours with your learners  Documented evaluation of teaching performance: Your mean scores compared to the department scores, NOT copies of evaluations

10 Teaching/Mentoring  “Evidence of being an effective role model and mentor for students, residents, fellows, graduate students, and colleagues, with good evaluations from those formally mentored.”  List of those you mentor Estimate of contact hours with mentees Evidence of your contributions to their learning and success

11 Clinical Service  Document volume of clinical service  Document quality of clinical service  Document any clinical innovations you have made  Document any contributions you make to clinical quality improvement  Document participation and/or leadership in local, regional, or national medical and/or scientific professional organizations

12 Leadership/Administrative Service “Active participation in one or more committees of the Dept, College or University”  Assessed by review of type and complexity of committee and/or administrative work  Document participation and valuable contributions  “May have leadership role in Dept or Hospital” (document)  “May serve on editorial boards or as peer reviewer for journals in one’s discipline.” (document)  “May serve on study sections or equivalent bodies that peer review grant applications.” (document)  “May serve as an advocate for science & health policy.” (document)

13 Professional Recognition  Should have established a reputation in the national or international medical or scientific community  Participation in appropriate professional organizations and presentations before national and/or international meetings  Note invited presentations

14 Professional Recognition Letters of Recommendation  Three letters are required  Authors  Should be recognized national authorities  Should be in your field of interest  Should NOT have employed you or trained you (e.g., not someone who has ever been your “boss” or your teacher/mentor)  Should clearly have reviewed your portfolio and have detailed comments

15 Obtaining Letters  Provide your Department Chair with a list of names and contact information  Department Chair formally solicits these letters, and sends to potential letter authors:  Letter of request for recommendation  Your CV  COM P&T guidelines  Solicit more letters than you need to ensure you get three great letters back in time  Additional letters may be a good idea if they add significant information or an importantly different perspective on your contributions.

16 Associate to Full Professor Clinical Scientist

17 Professorship  Reserved for those members of the faculty who have demonstrated outstanding ability  Not based on length of service alone  Should also have:  Considerable time and experience in rank  Additional publications  Other evidence of scholarly activity and professional recognition

18 Associate Professor to Professor  Same “full range of activities”  “Demonstrated excellence in independent research and successful continued participation in teaching.”  Study the criteria table carefully

19 For Either Promotion Rank Request  If your department has a Promotion and Tenure committee, the results of their vote should be included in your binder.  When possible, have your packet reviewed by someone in your department who has been on the P&T Committee.

20 How can you help to assure your own success?  Know the rules!  Study the companion guide (  Talk to P&T committee chair in department or faculty affairs representative before finalizing your initial appointment or if you have unresolved concerns.  Get a mentor.  Attend P&T workshops.  Prepare a concise, neat, well-organized packet that makes it easy for the reviewer to find support that you have met criteria.

21 COM Deadline  Two paper packets are still required and are due to the Office of Faculty Affairs, Central Building (old hospital) 4D40, by 4:30pm on Monday, October 1, 2012.  Deadline for submission of your electronic packet and 2 paper copies of your packet is Monday October 1, 2012.  The electronic system is available at:

22 Questions?


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