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Together, we are One Emory Super User Webinar Three “Reinforcing Learning” Presented by: Project Compass Organizational Change Management Team 08/5/2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Together, we are One Emory Super User Webinar Three “Reinforcing Learning” Presented by: Project Compass Organizational Change Management Team 08/5/2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Together, we are One Emory Super User Webinar Three “Reinforcing Learning” Presented by: Project Compass Organizational Change Management Team 08/5/2009

2 Together, we are One Emory Helping Users Prepare for Training  Webinar Objectives  Prepare Super Users to Meet Their August Objective to “Reinforce Learning”  Provide Super Users with Special Tools and Support for Reinforcement 2

3 Together, we are One Emory Agenda  Welcome – Teresa Hauck  Special Guest – Charlotte Johnson, Sr. Vice Provost for Administration  Review of Progress to Date  Suggested August Activities  Tools and New Information  What’s Next  Questions? Presenters: Teresa Hauck and Zee Mehar 3

4 Together, we are One Emory Guest Speaker 4 Charlotte Johnson Senior Vice Provost for Administration Columnar PadElectric CalculatorElectric Typewriter Floppy Disk

5 Together, we are One Emory Agenda  Welcome – Teresa Hauck  Special Guest – Charlotte Johnson, Sr. Vice Provost for Administration  Review of Progress to Date  Suggested August Activities  Tools and New Information  What’s Next  Questions? Presenters: Teresa Hauck and Zee Mehar 5

6 Together, we are One Emory Super User Objectives Become the local expert on PeopleSoft Financial processes Provide coaching and support to end users as they transition Ensure a smooth transition to the new system 6 We’ll achieve this objective in four step-wise phases.

7 Together, we are One Emory Enabling Change - The Super User’s Role 7 Enabling Change Prepare Yourself for Change Help Users Plan Their Training Reinforce Learning Provide Transition Support June July August September

8 Together, we are One Emory Enabling Change - The Super User’s Role 8 Enabling Change Prepare Yourself for Change Help Users Plan Their Training Reinforce Learning Provide Transition Support June July August September

9 Together, we are One Emory July – Help Users Plan Their Training 9 July Help Users Plan Their Training July

10 Together, we are One Emory July – Help Users Plan Their Training  Do you have any questions, concerns or additional needs related to your “July – Help Users Plan Their Training” activities? 10

11 Together, we are One Emory Agenda  Welcome – Teresa Hauck  Special Guest – Charlotte Johnson, Sr. Vice Provost for Administration  Review of Progress to Date  Suggested August Activities  Tools and New Information  What’s Next  Questions? Presenters: Teresa Hauck and Zee Mehar 11

12 Together, we are One Emory Enabling Change - The Super User’s Role 12 Enabling Change Prepare Yourself for Change Help Users Plan Their Training Reinforce Learning Provide Transition Support June July August September

13 Together, we are One Emory Suggested Activities - August 13

14 Together, we are One Emory Suggested Activities - August 14

15 Together, we are One Emory Project Compass Bulletin – Survival Tips 15

16 Together, we are One Emory Project Compass Website 16

17 Together, we are One Emory Super User – Success Stories 17 DRAFT

18 Together, we are One Emory “Talk to the Expert” Webinars and Open Houses 18 * The Grants Open Houses will present all related course material, and are positioned as an alternative to the distance learning course

19 Together, we are One Emory Suggested Activities - August 19

20 Together, we are One Emory Understanding ChartFields & SmartKeys 20

21 Together, we are One Emory FAQ’s for Each Module 21

22 Together, we are One Emory Distance Learning Registration Steps 22 DRAFT

23 Together, we are One Emory Suggested Activities - August 23

24 Together, we are One Emory PeopleSoft Toolbox  The toolbox is a collection of information and resources providing help and support to PeopleSoft Financials users. The toolkit will be available upon go-live.  Provides a one-stop shop for all support information  Allows employees to find answers to commonly asked questions  Provides several types of help materials, including job aids, desktop reference guides and training materials Module Help & Job Aids Reporting Crosswalk Reporting Procedures Go-Live Reminders Key Contacts Key Dates Technical Support Help Desk Contact Info Training (Ongoing Support) 24

25 Together, we are One Emory How Are We Doing? 25

26 Together, we are One Emory Suggested Activities - August 26

27 Together, we are One Emory Vignette’s of your Peers 27

28 Together, we are One Emory Suggested Activities - August 28

29 Together, we are One Emory Great Questions to ask after Time Travel & Expenses 29  Some Super Users may additionally want to conduct a local workshop for smaller groups of employees within their area.  “Ad Hoc”  “Local”  How do you go about planning one?

30 Together, we are One Emory Suggested Activities - August 30

31 Together, we are One Emory Agenda  Welcome – Teresa Hauck  Special Guest – Charlotte Johnson, Sr. Vice Provost for Administration  Review of Progress to Date  Suggested August Activities  Tools and New Information  What’s Next  Questions? Presenters: Teresa Hauck and Zee Mehar 31

32 Together, we are One Emory Enabling Change - The Super User’s Role 32 Enabling Change Prepare Yourself for Change Help Users Plan Their Training Reinforce Learning Provide Transition Support June July August September

33 Together, we are One Emory 33 Summary - Super User Timeline JuneJulyAugustSeptember Prepare YourselfHelp Users Plan Their Training Reinforce LearningProvide Transition Support Understand the impact of PeopleSoft Financials on your business processes Taking advantage of Training Class “sneak previews” Reinforce support channels Help users integrate PeopleSoft into their daily work processes Familiarize yourself with planned Project Compass Training offerings Supporting users initiating their own learning Resolve business issues and concerns Communicate issues to the Project Team for resolution Support staff as they complete training prerequisites and begin to devise their personal learning paths Planning for a Super User Webinar / Work Shop Help users integrate PeopleSoft into their daily work processes Continue business issue identification and resolution Next Webinar! Friday, August 27 th 9:30-10:30am Next Webinar! Friday, August 27 th 9:30-10:30am

34 Together, we are One Emory Reminder – How to Stay Connected!  E-mail the Project Compass Change Management Team!   Project Compass Website   Super User Web Page Super User Web Page  Key Communications  Project Compass Management Bulletins (weekly)  Super User Webinars (monthly) 34

35 Together, we are One Emory Agenda  Welcome – Teresa Hauck  Special Guest – Charlotte Johnson, Sr. Vice Provost for Administration  Review of Progress to Date  Suggested August Activities  Tools and New Information  What’s Next  Questions? Presenters: Teresa Hauck and Zee Mehar 35

36 Together, we are One Emory 36 Questions?

37 Together, we are One Emory Agenda  Welcome – Teresa Hauck  Special Guest – Charlotte Johnson, Sr. Vice Provost for Administration  Review of Progress to Date  Suggested August Activities  Tools and New Information  What’s Next  Questions? Presenters: Teresa Hauck and Zee Mehar 37

38 Together, we are One Emory Thank you! 38

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