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1 Barnes' Basic Rules For Audience Participation.

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1 1 Barnes' Basic Rules For Audience Participation

2 2 Rule 1 n Do not ask any questions, not even an easy one!

3 3 Rule 2 n During the presentation, if I say something that is unclear or confusing, just pretend to understand.

4 4 Rule 3 n If you find a mistake in spelling or grammar, keep it to yourself.

5 5 Rule 4 n Smile, sit quietly, act interested, and no one will get hurt.

6 6 Rule 5 n Remember, with just a little bad luck, you could be standing here next year!

7 7 Cincinnati Public Schools Cincinnati Federation of Teachers & Presented by Kathleen T. Ware, Associate Superintendent, and Harry Barnes, Intervention Principal November 29-30, 2001

8 8 Status of Teacher Evaluation and Compensation System October 2001 n Teacher Evaluation System - second year of implementation n Teacher Compensation System - to go into effect August 2002 unless voted out in May 2002 by CFT or Board by 70% majority

9 9 What Cincinnati Had in Place n Peer Assistance & Evaluation Program n Career-in-Teaching Program n School Incentive Award n School Accountability Plan n Salary Increments based on Evaluations n 6-year commitment for new system

10 10 Inception: December, 1998

11 11 Structure of the Work n Committee of Whole met monthly u CPRE Consultants helped facilitate meetings n Subcommittees worked in between meetings on assignments Committee of Whole Evaluation Committee 5 teachers 5 administrators Compensation Committee 12 teachers 3 administrators Professional Development (LPDC) 5 teachers 5 administrators

12 12 Task of the Committee: n How do we measure teachers against these standards. n How do we provide opportunities for teachers to improve practice against these standards. n How do we provide financial incentives for teachers to “match” the standards. “What is Good Teaching”

13 13 Duration: Two Years, Eight Months

14 14 Domain 1 Planning and Preparing for Student Learning Domain 2 Creating an Environment for Learning Domain 3 Teaching for Learning Domain 4 Professionalism

15 15 Domain 1 3 Standards Domain 3 6 Standards Domain 2 4 Standards Domain 4 4 Standards

16 16 National Board for Professional Teaching Standards PRAXIS INTASC Standards are based on the common characteristics of good teaching in high-achieving classrooms as identified by current research -

17 17 Four-point Rubric for each standard 4 = Distinguished 3 = Proficient 2 = Basic 1 = Unsatisfactory

18 18 Two types of evaluation n Comprehensive Evaluation n Annual Assessment

19 19 Comprehensive Evaluation n Occurs at least once every five years n Results in four scores, one per domain n Results in teacher’s placement on vertical axis of salary schedule n Correlated with student achievement gains

20 20 Evidence to support rubric statements comes from Classroom observations Portfolio

21 21 PORTFOLIO n Comprised of work that provides evidence of good teaching and professional growth n Organized by standards within a domain n Must be presented for Comprehensive Evaluation

22 22 ANNUAL ASSESSMENT n Occurs every year that a comprehensive evaluation is not scheduled n Focuses on professional development in one set of standards each year n Requires that at least one classroom observation be recorded and that a Classroom Observation Summary Report be given to the teacher

23 23 Who evaluates? For new teachers and teachers on intervention: Consulting Teachers For all other teachers on comprehensive evaluation: Teacher Evaluators - 3 of 5 classroom observations - Responsible for scores on Domains 2 & 3 Principals: 2 of 5 classroom observations Responsible for scores on Domains 1 & 4 Responsible for all annual assessments

24 24 Trained Evaluators n Goal: For evaluators to make consistent judgments based on evidence

25 25 Field Study Conducted during the 1999- 2000 school year n Ten of Seventy-six schools participated in the year long study. n Comprehensive evaluation involved six observations and a portfolio n Annual assessment consisted of one observation and evidence of work in one standard in domains one or four.

26 26 Field Study Significant findings n According to CPRE study, the median time estimate for each comprehensive evaluation was 18 hours per teacher (most of the time was spent gathering evidence, assigning rubrics, and writing summaries.) n The time estimate for conducting an annual assessment was 2 to 3 hours per teacher. n The surveys indicated that 100% of the evaluators believed they had a good understand of the standards rubrics, and the overall system. n On the May survey, 93% of the evaluators agreed that they would prefer to continue using the new system.

27 27 Changes After the Field Study n Principals were required to complete only 2 observations. n Teach evaluators made 4 observations. n Individual pre-conferences were replaced with a group orientation session. n Individual post-observation conferences were discontinued.

28 28 Highlights of TES at a Glance A Principal’s Perspective

29 29 Standard 1.2 n Write clear instructional objectives Aligned with Promotion Standards Objective, activity, and evaluation Within and across disciplines

30 30 Lesson Presentation Design Standards n Standards for the lesson are established. Anticipatory n Students are told what is to be learned. n Purpose for the learning is established. n Transfer of new learning to old is made. Pre-test Informal questioning to determine level of student understanding. Teach n Input provided by the teacher. n Teacher models and uses examples. Guided Practice n Practice is related to the learning. Post-test Closure n Students provide closure statement. Independent practice

31 31 Standards Of Teaching Teach to an objective Teach to the correct level of difficulty Monitor and adjust

32 32 Standard 2.3 Safe orderly, maximizes instructional time Established routines Transition from large to small group activities

33 33 Standard 3.1 Demonstrates content knowledge, corrects misconceptions Mastery of the subject area Going in to detail

34 34 Standard 3.4 Standards based instruction, conceptual understanding, monitor, and adjust Is the lesson challenging Use of demonstrations and examples Mastery of content Check for understanding

35 35 Bloom’s Taxonomy n Knowledge n Comprehension n Application n Analysis n Synthesis n Evaluation

36 36 Standard 3.5 Timely constructive feedback, using a variety of methods Verbal feedback Monitor written responses Wipe off boards Self and peer assessment Individual conferences

37 37 Standard 3.6 Reflect on lesson, plan for instruction Make adjustments to instructions and activities Is evidence of reflection sheet an accurate reflection of your work

38 38 Standard 4.3 Professional relationships, instructional teams, and involvement Instructional Team Member ILT, LSDMC, PTO Sponsor after school clubs Tutoring Levy campaign Grant Writing Committee One Plan

39 39 Pre-observation Self Assessment Harry Barnes, Principal Kirby Road School

40 40 Identify the learning objective (Promotion Standards). How did you determine the correct level of difficulty? Is this lesson part of a unit? What materials will you need? How will you clearly communicate the learning objective, directions, procedures, etc.? What will be the evidence of student achievement?

41 41 Barnes’ Theory


43 43 TES Strengths A Principal’s Perspective n Promotes growths as an instructional leader n A structured approach to evaluating teachers. n Creates a common language. n Evaluations are supported by evidence. n Compare findings with another trained evaluators. n Training for administrator and evaluators. n Training for teachers.

44 44 Placement on vertical axis of salary schedule based on results of comprehensive evaluation.

45 45 Cincinnati Teacher Evaluation and Compensation System Career Levels Apprentice Novice Career Advanced Accomplishe d

46 46 Apprentice Teacher n Beginning teachers n Must exit level in two years n Must earn 2’s in each domain to exit level n Will be nonrenewed at end of year 1 if scores in Domain 3 and one other domain are 1’s

47 47 Novice Teacher n Teacher “learning” the profession n Must exit level in 5 years, although the expectation is in 3rd year n Must get 3’s in all domains n First two years are focused on professional development

48 48 Career Teacher n Good, solid performer n Can remain at this level for the rest of career n Will get across-the-board increases only after Career 3 has been reached n Expectation that teachers will get training to move up to higher levels

49 49 Advanced Teacher n Teacher must have a 4 in “teaching” domain and a 4 in one other domain n Expectation that this is level of most veteran teachers n Eligible for lead teacher credentials n During phase-in period, may have a 3 in Domain 3 if 4 has been achieved in the other domains

50 50 Accomplished Teacher n Teacher is at highest levels of practice n Must have 4’s in all domains n Eligible for lead teacher credentials n Compensation is higher than currently available

51 51 Money – effective January 1, 2001 230,885 332,747 434,136 535,549 637,778 739,454 841,130 942,724 1045,463 1147,862 1250,640 1754,032 2256,244 2757,917 Apprentice30,900 Novice32,960 34,248 35,535 36,823 Career (40%)39,913 43518 47,123 50,728 Advanced (25%)54,075 55,363 56,650 57,938 Accomplished (15%)61,800 63,088 64,375

52 52 Horizontal Movement on Salary Schedule n Master’s degree in content area includes a Master’s in elementary education for elementary teachers n National Board certification as long as teacher holds National Board credentials n Doctorate in education or content area n Dual certifications in any two of the following: English, mathematics, social studies, foreign language, physical science, biological science, special education, or elementary education

53 53 Horizontal Movement on Salary Schedule One-time Payment Skill Blocks For example: - Technology - Comprehensive Reform Model training - Team skills - Leadership skills - Specific curriculum training

54 54 Pay Gain Based on results of one evaluation Pay Loss Based on results of two evaluations

55 55 Consequences of a Poor Evaluation n If loss of pay would result - another comprehensive evaluation the following year to verify the result. Then loss of pay occurs. n If 2’s on any domain - teacher placed on intervention and assigned mentor n If 1’s on any domain - teacher could be nonrenewed

56 56 Why Do This? n Focuses on teaching and learning n Is standards-based n Replaces an indefensible system n Is more professional n Changes accountability discussion

57 57 Issues We Faced – Implementation in Year 1 n Teacher Evaluator Caseloads n Teacher Anxiety n Training of Evaluators n System Errors

58 58 Results

59 59 Mean Residuals for Students

60 60 Changes in Evaluation System September 2001 1. Provided teachers fifth year and above with four years of professional development before having a comprehensive evaluation 2. Exempted teachers at step 16 or above from going on new compensation system 3. Provided appeals process for Domains 2 & 3 4. Requires a certification process for evaluation 5. Provides a comprehensive professional development system.

61 61 “A ship in the harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are made for.” William Shedd

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