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Seattle, WA June 2012. Disciplinary Procedures Task Force on proposed changes to the procedures for the handling of an ethics complaint.

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Presentation on theme: "Seattle, WA June 2012. Disciplinary Procedures Task Force on proposed changes to the procedures for the handling of an ethics complaint."— Presentation transcript:

1 Seattle, WA June 2012

2 Disciplinary Procedures Task Force on proposed changes to the procedures for the handling of an ethics complaint

3 Ethics Committee and Task Force Members Commitee: William R. Dee, Chair, Chapter 29 Theresa M. Brennan, Vice-Chair, Chapter 9 Task Force: Dana Abney, Chapter 4 T A Anderson, Chapter 77 Colleen Brown, Chapter 65 Ronn Carlentine, Chapter 47 Johnny Dyess, Chapter 24 Bob Farley, Chapter 9 Eric Finn, Chapter 29 David Maturen, Chapter 7 Sharen Carnell Willis, Chapter 40

4 Complaint Procedures for Violations of: Code of Ethics Rules of Professional Conduct Standards of Practice for Right of Way Professionals

5 Disciplinary Rule 4 Recommendations Reduce levels of discipline from 5 to 3 and modify the definitions – Reprimand – Suspension – Expulsion HQ should maintain records of discipline Address discipline for non-members who may hold designations

6 Disciplinary Rule 5 Recommendations Complaints to be filed on a standard form Complaints may be anonymous Complaints no longer filed with Chapter, but filed with Ethics Committee Complaint must be filed within prescribed time period after alleged violation Clarify procedure if member was convicted of a crime

7 Disciplinary Rule 6 Recommendations Investigative Committee should come from a roster of pre-approved individuals Investigative Committee should include one SR/WA, one C103/104 facilitator and an at large member No limitation that Investigative Committee members be from the accused member’s chapter or region

8 Disciplinary Rule 7 Recommendations Re-write to remove references to Chapter and replace with Ethics Investigative Committee

9 Disciplinary Rules 8-12 Recommendations Appeal procedures need to be streamlined and not contingent on the level of discipline Respondent should have right to appeal if sanction is recommended, but types of appeals limited Decision of appeal panel is final Appeal panel should include Ethics Chair or Vice Chair, and Chair or Vice Chair of two other international committees

10 Disciplinary Rule 14 Recommendations If Respondent resigns during investigation, will be deemed an admission of violation and results in automatic expulsion and publication in R/W Magazine Respondent will be advised of consequences of resigning during investigation Delete 14(d)

11 Disciplinary Rule 15 Recommendations Delete as inconsistent with revisions to Rule 14

12 Disciplinary Rule 17 Recommendations Expelled members may not be reinstated Re-write entire section

13 Disciplinary Rule 18 Recommendations Delete as no longer relevant

14 Disciplinary Rule 19 Recommendations Delete. These rules are not applicable to new applicants who are not yet members. This information should not be in the Disciplinary Procedures and instead should be in contained in membership rules.

15 Disciplinary Rule 20 Recommendations Delete. This section is not relevant if complaints are not filed at the Chapter.

16 Disciplinary Rule 21 Recommendations Add caption called “Notices” Re-write section to make it easier to understand

17 Additional Recommendations HQ should maintain records of ethics complaints, investigations and sanctions Change composition of Ethics Committee – Add six additional members – Create roster of members preapproved for investigative committee Continue task force – Review Standards of Practice and Rules of Professional Conduct – Review and revise C103/104

18 Additional Recommendations All new members should be required to take C103/104 within one year of joining All existing members should be required to take C103/104 once every five years or face sanctions Add question to new member application regarding past discipline by IRWA or other professional organization

19 Thank you!

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