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“Heavy Ion Accelerator Technology” HIAT is an international conference dealing with heavy ion accelerators and their components, including the design phase.

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Presentation on theme: "“Heavy Ion Accelerator Technology” HIAT is an international conference dealing with heavy ion accelerators and their components, including the design phase."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Heavy Ion Accelerator Technology” HIAT is an international conference dealing with heavy ion accelerators and their components, including the design phase (e.g. beam dynamics, electrodynamics, mechanics, thermodynamics), the realization phase (e.g. construction, technology challenges, tolerances), and the operational activities (e.g. daily problem solving, improvement challenges, control). HIAT09 is the 11 th of a series of conferences, starting in Daresbury (1973), followed by Strasbourg (1977), Oak Ridge (1981), Buenos Aires (1985), Strasbourg-Heidelberg (1989), Padova (1992), Canberra (1995), Argonne (1998), Dehli (2002), Brookhaven (2005). The Conference is mainly devoted to the accelerator teams of any Institution, Laboratory or University, running Heavy Ion Facilities for studies in the fields of: Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics, Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, High Intensity Applications, Medical Applications, Radiation Science and Dosimetry, Development and Production of Radionuclides, Nuclear Waste Management, Dynamics of Nuclear Fusion and Fission, Material Science, Environmental metrology. Conference Topics −Electrostatic Accelerators −Room Temperature and Superconducting Linac Boosters and Cavities −Room Temperature and Superconducting Cyclotrons −Synchrotrons and Storage Rings −Ion Sources −Radioactive Ion Beam Facilities −Material analysis dedicated facilities. −Ancillary Systems (e.g. RF, Control, Beam Diagnostics, Cryogenics) Correspondence Address: HIAT 2009 INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro Viale dell’Universita’ 2, 35020 Legnaro (Padova) ITALY phone: +39 049 8068 310 - Fax:+39 049 8068 829 e-mail: Scientific Committee J. Ashenfelter, Yale University, Yale, USA W. Assman, LMU, Munich, Germany G. Bisoffi, INFN-LNL, Legnaro, Italy O. Kester, GSI, Darmstadt, Germany R. Laxdal, TRIUMF, Vancouver, Canada F. Osswald, IPHC, Strasbourg, France R. Pardo, ANL, Argonne, USA R. Repnow, MPI-K, Heidelberg, Germany D. Rifuggiato, INFN-LNS, Catania, Italy F. Robin, GANIL, Caen, France A. Roy, IUAC, New Dehli, India K. Sasa, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan D. Steski, BNL, Brookhaven, USA S. Takeuchi, JAEA, Tokai, Japan B. Waast, IN2P3, Paris, France D. Weisser, ANU, Canberra, Australia G. Xialing, CIAE, Peking, China Organizing Committee Giovanni Bisoffi, INFN-LNL, Italy (Chairman) Augusto Lombardi, INFN-LNL, Italy Piero Antonio Posocco, INFN-LNL, Italy Vincenzo Palmieri, INFN-LNL, Italy Anna D’Este, INFN-LNL, Italy TOPICS −Electrostatic Accelerators −Room Temperature and Superconducting Linac Boosters and Cavities −Room Temperature and Superconducting Cyclotrons −Synchrotrons and Storage Rings −Ion Sources −Radioactive Ion Beam Facilities −Material analysis dedicated facilities. −Ancillary Systems (e.g. RF, Control, Beam Diagnostics, Cryogenics) HIAT 09 Heavy Ion Accelerator Technology HIAT 09 Heavy Ion Accelerator Technology June 8-12, 2009 - Venice Conference Center “don Orione Artigianelli”

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