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Nearest Neighbor Paul Hsiung March 16, 2004. Quick Review of NN Set of points P Query point q Distance metric d Find p in P such that d(p,q) < d(p’,q)

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Presentation on theme: "Nearest Neighbor Paul Hsiung March 16, 2004. Quick Review of NN Set of points P Query point q Distance metric d Find p in P such that d(p,q) < d(p’,q)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nearest Neighbor Paul Hsiung March 16, 2004

2 Quick Review of NN Set of points P Query point q Distance metric d Find p in P such that d(p,q) < d(p’,q) for all p’ in P q p

3 NN Used In… Image databases [Pentland et al] Color indexing [swain et al] Recognizing 3D objects [Murase et al] Shapes [Mori et al] Drug testing DNA sequence matching [Buhler]

4 Tree-based Approaches Quadtrees – Split middle in all dimensions – Split until no points or one point left Kd-trees – Split in one dimension – Pick the middle wisely Ball-trees – Pick two pivots and split SR-trees – We have rectangles and spheres, so why not combine them

5 Indyk’s Gripe Beyond 10 or 20 dimensions, tree-based structures will look at many points No better than brute force linear search… So he came up with a hash table approach: Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH) Rest of talk will be on his paper


7 Interlude: Near Neighbor Set of points P Query point q Distance metric d Find p in P such that d(p,q) < (1+ε)d(P,q) where d(P,q) is the distance of q to its closest point in P q p (1+ε)d(P,q) d(P,q)

8 Hash Pick a subset I of random coordinates Hash function, h(p), will return a bucket ID h(p) = projection of p on I

9 Intuition If two points are close, they hash to same bucket with some probability p1 If they are far, they hash to same bucket with a smaller probability p2 < p1

10 Indyk’s Hash Convert coordinates of p to {0,1} d Use Hamming distance: d(p,q)= # positions on which p and q differ Example: – p=(0,1,0,1,1,1,0,0,1,0) – I={2,5,7} – Then, h(p)=(1,1,0) Demo: –

11 Why Locality-sensitive? Pr[h(p)=h(q)]=(1-d(p,q)/D) k – D is the number of dimensions in the binary representation – k is the size of I We can vary the probability by changing k k=1k=2 distance Pr

12 Now to Use It (Training) Generate l hash functions: h 1..h l Store each point p in the bucket h i (p) of the i-th hash array, i=1...l

13 Now to Use It (Query) Retrieve all the points that belong to the buckets: h 1 (q)..h l (q) Return the retrieved point that is closest to q This “solves” the Near Neighbor problem

14 Indyk’s Results Compared with another tree-based algorithm Color histogram dataset from Corel Draw – 20,000 images, 64 dimensions – Used 1k, 2k, 5k, 10k, 19k points for training – 1k points are used for query – Computed missed ratio – fraction of queries with no hits

15 Indyk’s Results

16 Results II

17 Ugly Side Works best with Hamming distance – Can be extended from L 1 and L 2 norms Requires parameter tweaking (size of I and number of hash buckets) Does not work well on uniform data

18 Bibliography A. Gionis, P. Indyk, R. Motwani. Similarity Search in High Dimensions via Hashing. In VLDB 25 th, 1999 J. Buhler. Efficient Large-Scale Sequence Comparison by Locality-Sensitive Hashing. In Bioinformatics 17(5) 419-428, 2001 H. Murase, S. K. Nayar. Visual Learning and Recognition of 3D Objects from Appearance. In IJCV, Vol. 14, No. 1 5-24, 1995 A. Pentland, R.W. Picard, S. Scalroff. Photobook: Tools for Content Based Manipulation of Image Databases. In SPIE Vol. 2185 34-47, 1994 M.J. Swain, D.H. Ballard. Color Indexing. In IJCV, Vol. 7, No. 1 11-32, 1991 G. Mori, S. Belongie, J. Malik. Shape Contexts Enable Efficient Retrieval of Similar Shapes. CVPR 1 723-730, 2001 Slides: “Algorithms for Nearest Neighbor Search” by Piotr Indyk Slides: “Approximate Nearest Neighbor in High Dimensions via Hashing” by Aris Gionis, Piotr Indyk, and Rajeev Motwani

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