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Consumer Feedback Gathered Through a Telephone Survey N=1,013 April 2013 An Evaluation of Consumer Awareness & Attitudes Regarding Marcellus Shale Drilling.

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Presentation on theme: "Consumer Feedback Gathered Through a Telephone Survey N=1,013 April 2013 An Evaluation of Consumer Awareness & Attitudes Regarding Marcellus Shale Drilling."— Presentation transcript:

1 Consumer Feedback Gathered Through a Telephone Survey N=1,013 April 2013 An Evaluation of Consumer Awareness & Attitudes Regarding Marcellus Shale Drilling April 2013 Consumer Tracking Survey Summary Report

2 Executive Summary ● A total of 1,013 telephone interviews were completed between March 11 and April 1, 2013 for a margin of error of +/- 3%. ● The overall conclusion from this research is a majority of consumers continue to support natural gas development. ● Additional insights include: ● Improvements since August 2012: ● Think natural gas drilling is: ● Beneficial to US economy (+2 points). ● Beneficial to PA economy (+3 point). ● Familiarity with natural gas development in Marcellus Shale (+2 points). ● Awareness of Marcellus Shale Coalition (+6 points). ● Opposition messages are stagnant and “strain on community services” has lost ground (percentage disagreeing with message has increased from 38% to 45%). ● Support messages are unchanged and many are rated more favorably than are opposition messages. ● While two-thirds saw no issues with constructing pipelines and transporting natural gas, one-third listed environmental, safety and other issues. ● Consumers are split on whether the industry has become more open and honest over the past year (agreeing, 30%; disagreeing, 33%; neither agreeing nor disagreeing, 35%). Slide 2 Marcellus Shale Coalition Consumer Tracking Survey April 2013 ● Unchanged or down slightly since August 2012: ● Support for the use of fossil fuels (-7 points). ● Support for natural gas drilling (-4 points). ● Think natural gas drilling is safe for the environment (-4 points).

3 Slide 3 A random sample was generated based on interview quotas for each county with wells in the Marcellus Shale area (n=763) and an additional sample in the Philadelphia area (n=250). Survey fielded from March 11, 2013 to April 1, 2013. Where appropriate, this report includes comparisons to previous surveys: 2008 (N=346), July 2010 (N=503), January 2011 (N=514), October 2011 (N=1,006) and August 2012 (N=1,020). *Statewide consumer survey. Methods Marcellus Shale Coalition Consumer Tracking Survey April 2013

4 Slide 4 Respondent Profile Marcellus Shale Coalition Consumer Tracking Survey April 2013

5 Slide 5 Respondent Profile Marcellus Shale Coalition Consumer Tracking Survey April 2013

6 Slide 6 Attitudes Toward Drilling Marcellus Shale Coalition Consumer Tracking Survey April 2013

7 Slide 7 Support/Oppose Use of Fossil Fuels Q1: Generally speaking, do you support or oppose the use of fossil fuels? Oppose Support TrendApril 2013 Key Demographics The number of consumers who support fossil fuels is down slightly since August 2012, but has resulted in more uncertainty than opposition. 25% 30% 19% 21% 18% 20% 14% 11% 16% 21% 15% 21% 16% Marcellus Shale Coalition Consumer Tracking Survey April 2013 14%

8 Slide 8 Why Support/Oppose Use of Fossil Fuels (unaided) Q1: Why do you support/oppose the use of fossil fuels? The need, availability and jobs are top reasons for support, while environmental concerns and better alternatives are reasons for opposition. Support Oppose Base: 645Base: 101 Marcellus Shale Coalition Consumer Tracking Survey April 2013

9 Slide 9 Support/Oppose Natural Gas Drilling Q2: Generally speaking, do you support or oppose drilling for natural gas? Oppose Support TrendApril 2013 Key Demographics Support for natural gas drilling has slightly since August 2012, but is still up 11 points since January 2011. 37% 19% 26% 14% 16% 9% 0% 12% 17% 11% 16% 12% 15% 14% Marcellus Shale Coalition Consumer Tracking Survey April 2013

10 Slide 10 Why Support/Oppose Natural Gas Drilling (unaided) Q2: Why do you support/oppose natural gas drilling? The need for fuel and job creation is the top reason for supporting natural gas development, while environmental concerns is the top reason for opposition. Support Oppose Base: 645Base: 127 Marcellus Shale Coalition Consumer Tracking Survey April 2013

11 Slide 11 Natural Gas Drilling: Beneficial to US Economy Q3: Do you believe drilling for natural gas is beneficial for the US Economy? No Yes TrendApril 2013 Key Demographics A strong majority continue to believe natural gas is beneficial to the US economy. Nine-in-ten of those who support Marcellus Shale drilling agree. 8% 15% 6% 5% 6% 10% 8% 11% 12% 13% 10% 11% Marcellus Shale Coalition Consumer Tracking Survey April 2013

12 Slide 12 Natural Gas Drilling: Beneficial to PA Economy Q4: Do you believe drilling for natural gas is beneficial for the local PA economy? TrendApril 2013 Key Demographics A majority continue to believe that natural gas drilling is beneficial to the local Pennsylvania economy. No Yes 12% 22% 6% 9% 15% 11% 14% 13% 12% 13% 11% 13% Marcellus Shale Coalition Consumer Tracking Survey April 2013

13 Slide 13 Natural Gas Drilling: Safe for the Environment Q5: Do you believe drilling for natural gas is safe for the environment? TrendApril 2013 Key Demographics Two-in-five think natural gas drilling is safe for the environment— down slightly since August 2012. No Yes 37% 41% 32% 34% 33% 42% 32% 41% 34% 53% 48% 38% 36% Marcellus Shale Coalition Consumer Tracking Survey April 2013

14 Slide 14 Q5: Why do you believe drilling for natural gas is safe/unsafe for the environment? Drilling techniques and practices influence reasons for supporting drilling, while environmental concerns are the main reasons for opposition. Why Natural Gas Drilling: Safe/Unsafe for Environment (unaided) Why Safe Why Unsafe Base: 418Base: 210 Marcellus Shale Coalition Consumer Tracking Survey April 2013

15 Slide 15 Familiarity with Natural Gas Development Marcellus Shale Coalition Consumer Tracking Survey April 2013

16 Slide 16 Familiar with Natural Gas Development in M.S. Q 6: Are you familiar with the topic of natural gas development in shale formations such as the “Marcellus Shale?” TrendApril 2013 Key Demographics Familiarity with Marcellus Shale development has steadily increased since July 2010. Philadelphia residents are much less aware of the topic. No Yes 6% 4% 3% 5% 0% 5% 4% 6% 11% 6% 5% 3% Marcellus Shale Coalition Consumer Tracking Survey April 2013

17 Slide 17 Q 7: What issues do you see in the construction of natural gas pipelines and systems of transporting natural gas? One-third (37%) see issues regarding the construction of pipelines and transporting natural gas. Issues Regarding Natural Gas Development in M.S. (unaided) Issues Selected Comments Base: 1,013 ● As long as they can do it in an eco-friendly way with no problems. ● Big business taking over and it not benefiting the masses. ● Going through people’s private land. ● I don't have a problem as long as they don't start tearing up the forest. ● It depends on the impact on the environment. ● Our roads aren't built to carry these trucks. ● Ruining the land, and private property rights. ● Safety concerns about pipe lines exploding. Marcellus Shale Coalition Consumer Tracking Survey April 2013

18 Slide 18 Message Potency Marcellus Shale Coalition Consumer Tracking Survey April 2013

19 Slide 19 Opposition Message Resonance Q 8: To what extent would you agree or disagree with the following statements? No single opposition message stands out from the others. The assertion “strain on community services” is losing ground. Strongly DisagreeStrongly Agree 46%31% 23% 44%28% 26% 35%43% 20% 38%37% 24% 32%46% 20% 28%33% 37% 23%31% 45% Disagree Neutral Agree April 2013 (N=1,013) Marcellus Shale Coalition Consumer Tracking Survey April 2013 45%33% 22% 42%34% 24% 33%48% 19% 35%42% 23% 32%47% 21% 24%35% 40% 33%29% 38% August 2012 (N=1,020)

20 Slide 20 Support Message Resonance Q 9: To what extent would you agree or disagree with the following statements? Most support messages are gaining ground. Not relying on foreign oil and the fact that natural gas is cleaner burning are messages that continue to resonate the most with consumers. Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree 73%18%9%9% 70%24%5%5% 59%30%9%9% 58%30%12% 44%35%21% 34%50%15% 36%42%22% Disagree Neutral Agree 34%44%22% 30% 43% 26% Marcellus Shale Coalition Consumer Tracking Survey April 2013 74%18%7% 68%26%6% 60%29%10% 45%37%18% 37%49%14% 38%43%19% 35%45%20% 29%58%12% 30% 42% 27% April 2013 (N=1,013) August 2012 (N=1,020)

21 Slide 21 Awareness of Marcellus Shale & Other Organizations Marcellus Shale Coalition Consumer Tracking Survey April 2013

22 Slide 22 Q13: Have you seen, read, or heard about the Marcellus Shale Coalition? The awareness of the Marcellus Shale Coalition is up 6 points since August 2012, and has more than doubled since January 2011. Awareness of Marcellus Shale Coalition TrendApril 2013 Key Demographics No Yes Marcellus Shale Coalition Consumer Tracking Survey April 2013

23 Slide 23 Q10: Do you believe in the past year, the natural gas industry has become more open and honest? Respondents’ are divided about whether the industry has become more open and honest in the past year. Awareness of Marcellus Shale Coalition Marcellus Shale Coalition Consumer Tracking Survey April 2013 TrendApril 2013 Key Demographics No Yes Believe Strongly Believe Somewhat Do Not Believe Strongly Do Not Believe Somewhat 33% 44% 27% 34% 30% 35% 32% 36% 32% 35% Neither

24 Slide 24 Marcellus Shale Coalition Consumer Tracking Survey April 2013

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