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Don’t follow - start!  Colorado Business Economic Outlook – 42,000 jobs in 2013.  1.8% gain – down from 2012.  Hiring strongest in construction. 

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2 Don’t follow - start!

3  Colorado Business Economic Outlook – 42,000 jobs in 2013.  1.8% gain – down from 2012.  Hiring strongest in construction.  Followed by natural resources, health care and staffing agencies.

4 Denver Metro…Compared to…  25-34 year old migration  Return of oil development  Now a headquarters region  Magnitude of jobs  Prospects increasing  Surpassed Atlanta  More diverse than before  IL & CA driving activity  300+ employees today  4 th quarter uptick

5 You earn reputation by doing hard things well.

6  Innovation Center – Biotech moved from middle of 2 nd tier to bottom of top tier  Clean Tech Hub – #2 in installed wind & solar  Educated  Healthy – skinniest state in the nation  And…

7 1985 = 35% closure rate 2011 = 52% closure rate Regional Collaboration

8 You can’t eat a cluster of grapes at once, but it’s easy if you eat them one by one.

9  Healthcare  Telecom  Clean Tech  Oil & Gas  Aerospace  Banking & Finance  Insurance  Aviation  IT/Software

10 You’re never judged by where you are – you’re judged by where you’re going.

11  Space Port  Air Train  Aerotropolis  Non-stop flight to Tokyo  Icelandair

12 It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get up.

13  Fiscal Cliff  Modest Incentives - $5M vs. $210M  Funding of Higher Education – 48 th  TABOR  Initiative Process – unpredictable tax and public policy


15  Vision  Trust  Participation  Learning  Diversity  Creativity  Integrity  Community

16  Live each day with courage  Take pride in your work  Always finish what you start  Do what has to be done  Be tough, but fair  When you make a promise, keep it

17  Ride for the brand  Talk less and say more  Remember that some things aren’t for sale  Know where to draw the line

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