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International Collaboration in FP7 Health Research.

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1 International Collaboration in FP7 Health Research

2 Reminder: ALL RESEARCH TOPICS WERE OPEN FOR 3rd COUNTRY PARTICIPANTS Outcome of FP6 At least 3 organizations from EU and/or associated states In addition, “third country” participants were welcome Partners from the INCO target countries, could receive funding


4 3rd countries’ participation in FP6 Health Research In total: 245 participants from 51 third countries Number of 3 rd country participants in Health projects Number of participants (Top Ten)

5 Timeframe for FP7 projects Official duration of FP7 2007-2013 Projects resulting from FP7 calls operating Results from FP7 projects in use Last projects start First projects start First calls Last projects end 2012 2006 200720142008200920102015201120132016 20172018201920202021

6 Rationale for pan-European approach –Strong EU-based biomedical research strengthen the competitiveness of large industries (pharma) and SMEs (healthcare biotech & medical technology) Transnational co-operation is essential to face the worldwide competition Contribute to the development of norms & standards to set up appropriate legislative framework for new medical technologies (e.g. regenerative medicine) Health Research

7 International Collaboration Issues at stake A)Development assistance policy objectives, e.g. Millennium Development Goals targets: poor countries, e.g. ACP B)Strengthening EU competitiveness competing with industrialised countries (e.g. attracting excellence) collaboration for mutual gains targets: more developed countries (e.g. BRIC) C)Science diplomacy collaborating with industrialised countries “ice breaking” when collaborating with new partner countries putting “meat on the bones” of S+T agreements a sign of maturity of the FPs (openness) targets: OECD, all 3 rd countries

8 International Collaboration Target countries/regions MS/Ac – EU-Member States/Associated Countries + ICPC – International Cooperation Partner Countries EECA – Eastern Europe and Central Asia ACP – African, Carribean and Pacific Countries MCP – Mediterranean Partner Countries BRIC – Brazil, Russia, India and China WB – Western Balkan or other: Latin America, Asia, …

9 International Collaboration What is new in FP7? The management of thematic INCO projects moves from the INCO directorate to the thematic directorates  INCO-Health to Health Research - better synergies with traditional collaborative projects in the theme - greater visibility for INCO projects as part of a larger portfolio

10 1. All activities open for International Cooperation  International Cooperation Partner Countries (ICPCs) can participate in projects and receive EC funding  Minimum number of participants: 3 from MS/AS  2. Specific International Cooperation Actions - SICA  Address specific issues of partner countries or with a global character, on the basis of mutual interest and benefit  Minimum number of participants: 2+2 (2 from MS/AS + 2 from ICPCs) 2 different avenues: International Collaboration in FP7

11 International Collaboration in FP7 Health Examples Influenza research with Asian partners Childhood and adolescent mental disorders (EECA and Western Balkans) Development of new diagnostic and therapeutic tools to confront infectious agents of the Trypanosomatidae family (ICPC) Bioprospecting for drug leads – to find new drugs against infectious diseases (ICPC) Improving Pre-natal and maternal care (ACP, MPC) 15 SICA topics in the first Work Programme (deadlines in 2007)

12 International Collaboration in FP7 Health Examples cont.: Traditional Chinese medicine (China) Innovative research in HIV/AIDS, malaria, TB (India) Epidemiological investigations into long-term trends of population health… (MPC, Russia and EECA) Health care intervention research (Western Balkans) Next generation of researchers for HIV/AIDS, malaria, TB and neglected infectious diseases (ICPC) 15 SICA topics in the first Work Programme (deadlines in 2007)

13 Information Dr. Indridi Benediktsson Directorate Health, Horizontal Aspects and Coordination Information requests

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